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Interfaces and You! In the Hunt!. Interfaces  There are many interfaces that provide information directly to CBMS, these are provided by a 3 rd party.

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Presentation on theme: "Interfaces and You! In the Hunt!. Interfaces  There are many interfaces that provide information directly to CBMS, these are provided by a 3 rd party."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interfaces and You! In the Hunt!

2 Interfaces  There are many interfaces that provide information directly to CBMS, these are provided by a 3 rd party source  Each interface provides specific information and may directly populate information into CBMS  Information that does not directly populate into CBMS requires hands on action by a worker

3 Initial Application Interfaces  SVES-SDX/BENDEX  IEVS  DOLE  eDRS  NDNH  PARIS  SAVE  DMV  ACSES

4 Who do we talk to?

5 Initial Application Interfaces  SVES-SDX/BENDEX  IEVS  DOLE  eDRS  NDNH  PARIS  SAVE  DMV  ACSES

6  The State Verification Exchange System (SVES) allows you to request information from Social Security Administration (SSA)  Also known as SOLQ-I is the State Online Query- Internet  Has multiple reports that share information with us What does SVES tell us? 6

7 The Reports State Online Query Internet (SOLQ-I) SSN Confirmation Death Information SCHIP Citizenship Confirmation Identity Confirmation State Data Exchange (SDX) SSA Benefit Payments Title II Title XVI Disability information Beneficiary Data Exchange (Bendex) Medicare Premiums Medicare enrollment Disability information State Verification Exchange System (SVES)

8 8 Type in SSN Select the categories you would like information on Click Load

9 9 Select Search SVES Data Enter Search criteria Click Search Search Results will populate here

10 How does SVES communicate with us?  SVES will post to CBMS  To Individual Demographics Page: SSN confirmation, death information, Citizenship & Identity confirmation  To Unearned Income Page: Social Security benefit payments  Title II  Title XVI  To Expense Details Page: Medicare premium expenses  To SSI Details Page: Status of SSI applications

11 How do we respond to SVES?  All information received from the SVES, SDX, BENDEX, SCHIP is considered to be complete and accurate data.  No additional verification required  FA: All information is considered Verified Upon Receipt  CW/AF: All information subject to Non-Mandatory Decrease without Timely Noticing

12 How do we leave our trail?  If verification is received through SVES, no additional documentation is required  SCHIP will trigger system-generated case comments  All other SVES information can be captured in your case comment template 12

13 Information Received from SVES What information cannot be verified through SVES? A.Social Security Benefits B.Death Information C.Information about a customer’s alias D.Citizenship/Identity Confirmation

14 Initial Application Interfaces  SVES-SDX/BENDEX  IEVS  DOLE  eDRS  NDNH  PARIS  SAVE  DMV  ACSES

15 What does IEVS tell us?  SSA  Social Security Benefits, SSI, Pensions, Self- Employment Earnings, Federal employee earnings  IRS  Currently does not interface with CBMS  DOLE  Wage information  Unemployment Insurance Benefits (UIB)

16 How does IEVS communicate? Posted Monthly The month prior to the IEVS Run Month April information will post when run in May Discrepancy Shows the difference between the CBMS summed amount and the UIB, Wages (including federal employee), SDX, and Bendex summed amount Verified Upon Receipt IEVS Run Date will be the Date reported and Date Verified

17 Responding to IEVS Which is the best practice to follow when addressing IEVS hits? A.Work all IEVS hits only at RRR B.Work all IEVS hits only at initial application C.Avoid working IEVS hits, someone else will take care of them D.Work all IEVS hits as they come in.

18 How long do we have to respond? Wage, SDX, and BENDEX hits  For AF, CW, and FA you have 45 days from the date of the IEVS run date to address UIB Hits  For FA, you must take action by batch cut-off of the following month  For AF and CW you have 45 days from IEVS run date to address Best practice is to work all IEVS hits as the come in!

19 IEVS - Best Practices When reviewing IEVS discrepancies from Wages: Determine if the household was actually receiving benefits during the time period of the discrepancy Check to see if the job has already been entered into CBMS Determine if the income reported and the information IEVS is reporting are different Ensure the information is not subject to Simplified Reporting rules

20 IEVS – UIB Discrepancy This is the IEVS Run Date…A Case Comment with this information will be automatically system- generated

21 IEVS-Wage Discrepancy Disposition values:: -No Action Required- Information Reported by client -No Action Required- Eligibility/Benefits not Affected -No Action Required- Action previously taken -No Action Required- Case closed -No Action Required- Invalid Match -Benefits Reduced -Benefits Discontinued/Closure -Benefits Increased The action taken MUST match the disposition reason!

22 How do we leave our trail?  CBMS auto generates a case comment when you dispose of an IEVS hit  IEVS should always be addressed in Case Comments by the worker

23 Timeframes for addressing IEVS Hits A UIB IEVS hit posts on a AF case on April 1 st, the worker views the IEVS interface on April 13 th by when must action be taken? a.By May 30 th b.By Batch Cut-Off in April c.By May 15 th d.By Batch Cut-Off in May 23

24 Timeframes for addressing IEVS Hits A UIB IEVS hits posts on a CW/FA case on April 1 st, the worker views the interface on April 16 th by when must action be taken? a.For CW and FA the IEVS hit must be worked before May 15th b.For CW, the IEVS hit must be worked by May 15 th and for FA it must be worked before Batch Cut- Off in May. c.For CW and FA the IEVS hit must be worked as soon as possible d.For CW and FA, I’ll worry about the IEVS hit at RRR

25 Initial Application Interfaces  SVES-SDX/BENDEX  IEVS  DOLE  eDRS  NDNH  PARIS  SAVE  DMV  ACSES

26 What does DOLE tell us?  History of wages  Unemployment  Application status/appeal  Severance pay/period of ineligibility  Child support deductions  overpayments  Work history  Reasonable Compatibility (MA only)

27 How does DOLE/CDLE communicate?  DOLE is a separate database that reports wages on a quarterly basis and unemployment status  Researched at new application and RRR  CDLE is a part of the Reasonable Compatibility interface  Identifies discrepancies in self-attested income for MA only  Interfaces when IEVS detects 10% (+/-) difference in self attested income

28 What is Reasonable Compatibility?  Reasonable Compatibility will only be checked for clients passing in a MAGI aid code.  Reasonable Compatibility is only checked for clients on MAGI programs  CDLE does not affect FA, CW or AF

29 Payment Issuance = Every 2 Weeks

30 How do we respond?

31 How do we leave our trail?  Reasonable Compatibility letter is generated and sent to customer  Client gets 90 days to respond  VCLs (if needed) must allow 10 +5 days  Address the Reasonable Compatibility and Employment History pages  Leave detailed case comments identifying action taken and outcome

32 True or False For Financial Programs and FA, DOLE can be used to verify a customer’s earned wages. False

33 Initial Application Interfaces  SVES-SDX/BENDEX  IEVS  DOLE  eDRS  NDNH  PARIS  SAVE  DMV  ACSES

34 What does eDRS tell us?  Electronic Disqualified Recipient System/Intentional Program Violation National Data (eDRS/IPV)  Current status of disqualified individuals in the entire country  Matched with clients receiving benefits in Colorado a 34

35 How does eDRS communicate?  eDRS reports information in real time.  It should be reviewed at every initial application and when adding new household members.



38 Fill in the blank! eDRS must be checked at _______ ___________ and when ________ a new household member. Initial Application adding

39 Initial Application Interfaces  SVES-SDX/BENDEX  IEVS  DOLE  eDRS  NDNH  PARIS  SAVE  DMV  ACSES

40 What does NDNH tell us?  National Directory of New Hires (NDNH) reports a customer’s potential employer information that has been reported through the New Directory of New Hires 40

41 How does NDNH communicate?  NDNH information is posted weekly for all customers currently receiving Food Assistance benefits  Workers can request this information at any time

42 How do we respond?  NDNH allows the option to create an Employer Verification letter.  A case cannot be held up for this verification  Unless there are factors that indicate that the customer is working for the employer

43 How do we leave our trail?  Case comment!  Was a VCL generated, if so for what and when is the information due back by?  What’s your reason for not requesting verifications?

44 Initial Application Interfaces  SVES-SDX/BENDEX  IEVS  DOLE  eDRS  NDNH  PARIS  SAVE  DMV  ACSES

45 What does PARIS tell us?  Public Assistance Reporting Information System (PARIS) maintains program integrity and identifies improper payments of benefits  Dual Participation/Prior Aid  Veteran’s Affairs (VA) benefits  Active or Retired  Other federal income or benefits 45

46 How does PARIS communicate?  A report is generated quarterly and is information is accessed outside of CBMS through COGNOS  CBMS will not be automatically updated but user will need to research and take appropriate action.  Update the Search PARIS Data page  Not all states report through PARIS

47 How long do we have to respond?  Should be reviewed at every intake and RRR  Utilize the National Directory of Contacts document located on the CBMS Portal under the Food Assistance tab  Email policy inbox if further assistance is needed

48 How do we respond?  Research the response received and update the CBMS record.  Verification is required before any action can be taken.  When possible, establish collateral contacts or hard copy evidence.  If unable to be verified, send a Verification Checklist and allow for adverse action.  Matches must be researched to determine if there is a valid claim.

49 How do we leave our trail?

50 True or False All 50 states and U.S. territories report information into PARIS. FALSE

51 Initial Application Interfaces  SVES-SDX/BENDEX  IEVS  DOLE  eDRS  NDNH  PARIS  SAVE  DMV  ACSES

52 What does SAVE tell us?  Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE) reports information about qualified non-citizens  Entry dates and Admission Class  Sponsor information 52

53 How does SAVE communicate  Accessed outside of CBMS  SAVE requires identifying information in order to verify a record  Name, DOB  Alien Number (A#)  Document Number  Admission Number 53

54 54 How does SAVE communicate

55 55 How does SAVE communicate?

56 What do you see? 56

57 What do you see? 57

58 How do we leave our trail  Data Entry!  Document what you uncovered in SAVE  Pull at every intake and RRR  Pull when there is a change in non-citizen status 58

59 59 SAVE Resources

60 Initial Application Interfaces  SVES-SDX/BENDEX  IEVS  DOLE  eDRS  NDNH  PARIS  SAVE  DMV  ACSES

61 What does DMV tell us?  Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) reports only for Colorado the following:  Driver’s License  DMV ID Cards  Lawful Presence, in some circumstances  DMV Waiver 61

62 How does DMV communicate?  Customers must be requesting assistance on either an active or pending case.  Customer’s name, DOB and SSN must match in order to access the interface.  Documents must be valid and issued from Colorado DMV. 62

63 How does DMV Communicate 63

64 How do we leave our trail?  Case comments will automatically generate when interface comes in  May be reinforced with case comment template 64

65 True or False DMV will report Lawful Presence information if the customer completes the Lawful Presence Affidavit at the DMV office. True

66  SVES-SDX/BENDEX  IEVS  DOLE  eDRS  NDNH  PARIS  SAVE  DMV  ACSES Initial Application Interfaces

67 What does ACSES tells us?  Automated Child Support Enforcement System (ACSES) reports county appointed child support information  Child Support payments  Child Support expenses  Child Support non-compliances 67

68 How does ACSES communicate with us?  ACSES posts income and expense information on the 3rd of the month, following the month it was received  Example: Customer received Child Support in March, ACSES won’t post this information until April 3 rd.  ACSES posts non-compliance information on a nightly batch  CW cases only

69 How do we communicate with ACSES?

70 How do we respond?  CBMS counts ACSES income and expense information the month after it interfaces  FA: 21-Day Count  MA: Child Support is exempt  CW: Timely/Adverse Noticing or RRR  Non-Compliances are subject to Timely Noticing  AF: Timely/Adverse noticing

71 How do we leave our trail?  Information received from ACSES automatically populates into CBMS.  Child support payments post directly into the Unearned Income Detail page.  The payment will be entered for the individual that is receiving the payment determined by the SSN.  Non-compliance information is entered on Individual Non-Compliance page.

72 Let’s practice! If a child support payment is received in May and posts to CBMS in June, in what month will the income count towards the household? a.July b.May c.June d.On the 3 rd of the month

73 Thank you! For further training materials visit: For questions email:

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