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By: Geoffrey Chaucer Olivia Tucker The Prioress What descriptions does Chaucer give about your character? Are they direct or indirect?  She has a simple.

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2 By: Geoffrey Chaucer Olivia Tucker

3 The Prioress What descriptions does Chaucer give about your character? Are they direct or indirect?  She has a simple and coy smile.  She is known as Madam Eglantyne.  She was sentiment and tender hearted.  She was pleasant and friendly in her own ways,  She certainly was very entertaining  They are all direct

4 Explain how Chaucer’s descriptions help you visualize. Which of the five senses does the writer appeal to?  He appeals to only sight and sound.  When he tells the people about how tender and kind hearted she is.  He informs the reader about her looks and how holy she is.  He also tells us about her smile and her intoning sound she makes with her nose as she sings.

5 The Prioress Give your descriptions of reality TV star Distinguish the direct and indirect  Cora is a godly person  Cora is a funny yet serious person  She is a well rounded person also  It is direct and indirect

6 The Prioress How are my characters alike?  They both are friendly  They both are sweet and kind hearted  They both have their funny moments

7 The Prioress How are they different  The Nun has a passion for hurt creatures and are willing to feed the strays.  Cora is the type of person to offer help to any one that is willing to help themselves first  They both have different personalities in several ways.

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