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Challenger Center Cooling Tower Enev/Ench 435 September 23, 2008 Performed By: Dianah Dugan Alex Saputa.

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Presentation on theme: "Challenger Center Cooling Tower Enev/Ench 435 September 23, 2008 Performed By: Dianah Dugan Alex Saputa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Challenger Center Cooling Tower Enev/Ench 435 September 23, 2008 Performed By: Dianah Dugan Alex Saputa

2 Contents Block Diagram Schematic Equipment Data Collection Results Conclusion

3 Block Diagram of Cooling Tower Air Inlet Air Outlet CT unit P= 1 atm W= 0 Chilled WS Chilled WR  H <0 CW  H >0 Air

4 Cooling Tower Schematic from Side View Outside Intake Inside Intake Exhaust AExhaust B Outside Inlet B Outside Inlet A Inner Inlet BInner Inlet A

5 Schematic of Exhaust Fan 0.22 ft 0.72 ft 1.22 ft *Distances measured from center of fan

6 Equipment Anemometer Yard Stick Ladder Sling Psychrometer Psychrometric Chart

7 Radial Dependence of Temperature for Week 1

8 Radial Dependence of Temperature for Week 2

9 Average Air Velocity for Week 1

10 Average Air Velocity for Week 2

11 Calculating the Cross- Sectional Area r1r2r3r4 R1 R2 R3 R4 r1= 0.22 ft r2= 0.72 ft r3= 1.22 ft r4= 1.30 ft A1= π*(R2² - R1²) A2= π*(R3² - R2²) A3= π*(R4² - R3²)

12 Formulas To Solve: Volumetric Flow Rate = cross-sectional area* measured velocity Mass Flow Rate = volumetric flow rate * density Heat = mass flow rate * change in enthalpy Density is found by taking the inverse of Humid Volume, found on Psychrometric chart

13 Comparative Volumetric Flow for Each Exhaust Fan

14 Mass Flow Rate Per Fan

15 Calculating Enthalpy from Psychrometric Chart

16 Enthalpy for Inlet and Exhaust Fans

17 Heat Generated

18 Change to bar graph*** Date AB 8/20/200 8Starts1915 Running hours30392887 8/21/200 8Starts1917 Running hours30602890 8/22/200 8Starts1919 Running hours30812891 8/25/200 8Starts1923 Running hours31252920

19 Conclusions Velocity is the least in the center of the exhaust


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