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ASSISTANT It is much more, than a simple translator …

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Presentation on theme: "ASSISTANT It is much more, than a simple translator …"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSISTANT It is much more, than a simple translator …

2 Do you need a translator? For all learners of foreign languages, On business trips, On travels, Translation of texts, At work, At study, And many other things…

3 Excellent translator: Accurate Quick Easy-to-use Is it the computer?? Or internet?? The thick book?? or The Super- brain???

4 No !!! It is ASSISTANT!

5 ASSISTANT is: 11 types of electronic dictionaries - translators, Compact and ergonomic design, Long battery life, Additional functions: calculator, unit converter, world clock, MP3 player, etc.

6 ASSISTANT is: From 2 to 40 languages ​​ in a single device, From 20 000 to 3 million words in the dictionary, Specialized and thematic dictionaries, Auding function, Audio - recorder and a user dictionary for language learners. There is a solution for everyone!

7 Types of dictionaries/ translators : Bilingual (English-Russian / Russian- English). Solutions for learners of English: - AD-2300 - AT-2094 NEW - AT– 2094 - AT-2096 Handy Book - AT–3000

8 Types of dictionaries/ translators : Multi-lingual (from 3 to 40 languages). For travelers and polyglots: - AD-3110 (3 языка) - AT–2093 (4 языка) - AT–2095 (5 языков) - AD-5500 (5 языков) - AT-1409 NEW (12 языков) - AT-4008 (40 языков)

9 Model for professionals AT-2094 –NEW About 1000 000 words, Specialized dictionaries (economic, law, medical, etc.), The function of transcription and auding, Dictionary of irregular verbs and English - American differences, Linguistic games and tests, MP3 player, voice recorder, calculator, converter, world time, Average price (about 1000 UAH).

10 Model for travelers and polyglots AT-4008 40 languages, About 800 000 words, Auding function and transcription, Phrasebook, World clock, calculator, notepad, units converter, international chart of clothes and shoes size, calendar, The cost is about 1200 UAH.

11 ASSISTANT - Take a language with you! THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION !

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