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Georgia WIC District Nutrition Services Directors (NSD) Meeting Presented by: Program Administration Date: March 22, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Georgia WIC District Nutrition Services Directors (NSD) Meeting Presented by: Program Administration Date: March 22, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgia WIC District Nutrition Services Directors (NSD) Meeting Presented by: Program Administration Date: March 22, 2016

2 Participant Cost Adjustment No District is currently meeting their assigned caseload. Therefore, each District is at risk of a Participant Cost Adjustment Georgia WIC Procedures Manual states: – Participant Cost Adjustment will be assessed to Local Agencies that are not averaging their assigned caseload for the current federal fiscal year. The adjustment will be based upon the first four (4) months closeout, the issue month and the Thirty-Day report (October through March). The monetary adjustment will be based upon six (6) months average participation times the original funding rate.


4 Participant Cost Adjustment To minimize the impact of a sudden reduction of NSA funds to the Districts, SWO is inclined to delay any necessary reduction until 10/1/2016

5 Breastfeeding Peer Counseling Grant 2016 Grant - $1,675,588 Supplemented with $406,128 WIC NSA funding Currently historically allocated. SWO considering developing new allocation methodology based on program participation data

6 Program 329 – Using Loving Support to Manage Peer Counseling Use of funds must adhere to Using Loving Support to Manage Peer Counseling program Districts allocations must be expended as follows: – No less than 70% of the allocation to support Peer Counselor salaries – No more than 30% of the allocation for allowable employee related expenses

7 Program 329 – Using Loving Support to Manage Peer Counseling Eligibility of expenses are governed by 2 CFR Subpart E – Cost Principles Eligible costs include: – Wages, salaries and fringes – Travel – Training – Computers and related expenses, telecommunications (computers require SWO prior approval) – Employee related equipment, supplies

8 Program 329 – Using Loving Support to Manage Peer Counseling Eligible costs include (continued): – Printing of program related documents – Employment expenses including background checks, fingerprinting – Breast pumps for demonstration purposes only

9 Program 329 – Using Loving Support to Manage Peer Counseling Funding of positions – Districts may split fund positions at any appropriate rate – SWO is considering requiring PARS entry of all hours for split funded positions and 100% funded 329 funded positions – PARS will have to be updated to do so When deciding to fully fund or split fund positions, consider: – Pay rate – Applicability of all fringes. Your district administration will want to charge each program its pro-rata share of fringes – Overtime implications

10 Program 329 – Using Loving Support to Manage Peer Counseling Funding of positions (continued) – Peer counselor coordinators can be charged to 329. However, coordinators charged to 329 should also be engaged in breastfeeding support activities – Using your limited 329 allocation to cover peer counselor coordinator costs, undermines your peer counseling efforts. It’s better to charge peer coordinators to program 301 WIC Personal Services

11 Program 329 – Using Loving Support to Manage Peer Counseling Computer and related expenses – Computers and laptops are eligible and will be necessary to use the PC Data Base – All of your staff must be assigned an e-mail address and internet access Travel – Peer counselors must attend assigned training. Districts should ensure peer counselors have access to lodging and other associated travel needs as necessary

12 Program 329 – Using Loving Support to Manage Peer Counseling Indirect costs – Are eligible costs – Per the 301 annex you can charge to program 643 WIC Admin Direct Non-Personal Services – Again due to the limited nature of the 329 allocation, the program is better served by charging indirect to 643 – District administration must retain supporting documentation for indirect costs

13 Program 009 – Breastfeeding Eligibility of expenses are governed by 2 CFR Subpart E – Cost Principles and 7 CFR 246.14 WIC Program Costs 009 funding can be used for non-personal services breastfeeding costs

14 Program 009 – Breastfeeding New state policy of executing statewide breast pump and ancillary supplies contract has made additional 009 funding available to Districts. Some districts risk lapsing unspent funds Therefore, districts may realign their 009 budget to their regular WIC programs (301, 643 not 329). If a district has liquidated all of it’s 329 non-personal services funds, charge additional cost to 009 or 643, in whichever program has available budget

15 Program 009 – Breastfeeding SWO uses 009 to track breastfeeding effort Maintain a 009 budget if possible and charge breastfeeding non-personal services expenditures in excess of your 329 allocation to this budget

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