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 Reputācija  Anonimitāte  Vēlme mainīt tēlu  Ārējā ietekme.

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2  Reputācija  Anonimitāte  Vēlme mainīt tēlu  Ārējā ietekme


4  Beļģija Real Life In real life Belgian teenagers are very hard on each other, they always say what they think about each other. The problem of bullying is more or less the same as everywhere. We treat each other hard, but fair. Online In the virtual zone bullying is really a problem. Belgian pupils like to bully each on a way they can’t see the reaction of their victim, so they can really go far. On the internet they always act older or prettier or better,… You name it, they do it. It a caused to the searching of who they really are. Stijn

5  Somija In Finland youngsters like to make a lot of friends online. Older people are still questioning if it’s safe, so the friendships via internet haven’t become popular among adults. Youngsters meet in sites like IRC-galleria (, which is a social network for most of all young people in Finland. In general, the difference between human relationship in internet or in real life comes clear in communication. People open up easier and they feel free to express their feelings easier online. Also bullying is much more easier in the internet when you don’t have to face the other person. Meri

6  Rumānija Romania is facing a huge development in online human interactions. Many Romanians have a blog or website and a lot of social networking profiles. They tend to stay long periods of time of online but at the same time they combine their lives from offline with their online lives. For example, after they meet someone new, they’re looking for their new friend on Facebook and they connect even there. People are more easy-going online then offline, because of the relative protection provided by the computer. Everything you do online has a reflection in your offline life and vice-versa. Cristina

7  Lietuva The difference between real human interaction and interaction online in Lithuania is very similar or even the same as in other countries. That’s because today’s people especially teenagers behave very similar everywhere in the world. People tend to act completly oposite online than they act in everyday normal comunication. Evelina

8  Īslande Online Icelanders like to show off, use a lot of swear words and anything it takes to feel good about them selves, similar to the website However offline Icelanders prefer nice words and are very friendly, no intentional dissing. It could be described as if the worst in a person comes out on the internet. Einar

9  Francija In France, people interact very differently when they are offline than when they are online. They have less trouble saying things behind a screen, maybe because it’s easier to choose the right words or the person on the other side doesn’t see your expressions. Half of the people using computers everyday probably still say important things offline but the other half says them online. Teens are more likely to ask a guy/girl out on the computer or phone then in front of the person. Nyla

10  Latvija Latvijā situācija diži neatšķiras no pārējām Eiropas valstīm. Interneta vide ir ļāvusi visām pasaules kultūrām saplūst kopā izveidojot vienu lielu subkultūru, kas ietekmē ikvienu interneta lietotāju. Interneta vides dotā relatīvā anonimitāte liek cilvēkiem domāt, ka viņi ir nesasniedzami un neaizskarami, tas dod iespēju viņiem palaist brīvībā savu "alter ego", ko ikdienā saskaroties ar cilvēkiem īstajā dzīvē pat neuzdrošinātos izrādīt. Taču dažās valstīs, kā piemēram Beļģijā īstajā dzīvē cilvēki sākuši uzvesties vairāk kā internetā, kas noved pie nebeidzamām diskusijām par interneta piemērotību konkrētām vecuma grupām un interneta ietekmi uz to psihi. Austris


12 jeb interneta fenomens (meme)

13 “Meme” (angļu val.) [mi:m] ir kulturālas informācijas daļa, kas reprezentē vienkāršu ideju, kas var būt pārveidota no viena indivīda uz citu un pakļauta mutācijām, pārveidojumiem un adapcijām. Visbiežākā izcelsme – YouTube vai

14  Termins tika definēts 2006. gadā  Kiberhuligānisma forma  Izsaka Džona Gabriēla teorija

15  Termins ieviests 1998. gadā, lielākā popularitāte sākās 2002. gadā

16  Pirmsākumi meklējumi 20. gs. 70. gados.  Internetā popularitāti guva ap 2004. gadu

17  Foto komikss  Aizsākās ap 2007. gadu

18  Aizsākās kā parasts joks 2007. gadā, kas maldinoši noveda pie Rick Astley dziesmas “Never Gonna Give You Up”

19  Demotivational posters, tautā pazīstami, kā melnie rāmji  Aizsākās 1998. gadā

20  Aizsākās 2009. gada 13. septembrī

21  Aizsākās kādā mazpazīstamā forumā 2006. gadā

22 Jautājumi? Komentāri?

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