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S INGAPOREAN CULTURE English HBL 2016 Beuben 4P1 13.

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1 S INGAPOREAN CULTURE English HBL 2016 Beuben 4P1 13

2 #1 FOOD From the many hawker centres we have to the high- end restaurants, the Singaporean tastebud has definitely acquired the ability to source out good food wherever it is. Unafraid to travel the island in search of the best food, Singaporeans strong craving for food is simply unsatiable. Indeed, eating is a part of every Singaporean’s lifestyle, not only as a means to filling our stomachs, but also as our hobby to explore our little red dot.

3 #2 K IASU SPIRIT No matter which sector of Singapore you visit, our unique Kiasu spirit is omnipresent. Often defined as a common Singaporean psychology, we are always “afraid to lose” in this competitive country. Caught up in our hectic lives, many Singaporeans seem to have devloped an unique Singaporean spirt – Kiasuism.

4 #3 M ERITOCRACY Singapore strongly believes in the principle of meritocracy whereby we are judged based on our merits and merits alone. Forget familiy background, forget whatever talents that you have, it does not matter if you do no put in the due effort for the rewards to come rolling in. As a rather young country with little natural resources, our only asset is the people. Hence, this system can effectively make full use of our manpower and talent to make up for our lack of resources, paving the way for future prosperity.

5 #4 A F INE CITY Singapore is known to be a “fine” city, not because of our impeccable cleanliness or quality of life, but instead, because of our government’s ease in dishing out fines for offences as small as littering on the streets. Regulations considered peculiar by our neighbours, such as the banning of bubble gum and spitting, are implemented in our little island. However, without a doubt, these regulations are the reasons as to why we enjoy such a high standard of living today.

6 #5 M ULITICULTURALISM Singapore is a cosmopolitan society where people live harmoniously and interaction among different races are commonly seen. Immigrants of the past have given rise to a unique mix of Chinese, Indians, Malays and Eurasians in Singapore. From Chinatown, to Little India and Arab Street, we celebrate the many colourful festivals associated with the various races and religions. Although the festivals are special to certain races, it is nonetheless enjoyed by all.


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