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Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller The Danish Statistical Business Register: Units, variables and extracts.

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Presentation on theme: "Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller The Danish Statistical Business Register: Units, variables and extracts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( The Danish Statistical Business Register: Units, variables and extracts

2 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 2 Basic data model for the Danish SBR Types of Units comprised by Statistical Denmarks SBR Administrative unitsStatistical Units Enterprise Group Kind of Activity Units (KAU) Enterprise Establishment (LKAU) Legal Unit Local Legal Unit (LLKAU) VAT Unit 1 VAT Unit 2 VAT Unit 3 Responsibillity: Statistics Denmark Responsibillity: Danish Commerce and companies Agency Central Tax and Customs Authorities

3 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 3 -636,000 enterprises on 31 December 2011 -Of wich only 297,000 are real active -696,000 local units on 31 December 2011 -Many very small (insignificant) units (approx 25 %) -Few very important units (approx 5 % of the units have 80 % of turnover) -The majority (approx. 80 %) are sole proprietors and have only a small part of turnover -Vice versa for the public limited companies -Only few enterprises (less than 5%) have more than one LKAU -Growing number of units in services, decline in manufacturing Number of units in the Danish SBR

4 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 4 -High level of updating: -Creations (entries) in 2011: 64,000 enterprises -Cessations (“deaths”) in 2011: 53,000 enterprises (of which 5,000 were also created in 2011) -Updating of addresses (in 2005): -Approx. 45,000 enterprises -Approx. 44,000 local units -Updating of principal activity (in 2005): -Approx. 29,000 enterprises (of which 3.400 from Nace 98.00) -Approx. 29,000 local units (of which 3.400 from Nace 98.00) -165 extracts for in-house statistical surveys annually Number of updating in the Danish SBR

5 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 5 Variables 1: Identifikation ENTLKAULeULLKAUEGVAT Identification no.xxXxxx NamexxXxxx Address -Physical locationxxxxxOther def. -Postal(x) Other def. -Postbox(x) Other def. Phone, fax, e-mail(x) Sub-typexx

6 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 6 Variables 2: Demography ENTLKAULeULLKAUEGVAT Creation/birthxxxxxx Cessation/deathxxxxxx Not active(x)

7 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 7 Variables 3: Stratification ENTLKAULeULLKAUEGVAT Location address (code)xxxxOther def. Main activityXxxxX Secondary activity (1-3)(x) Legal formxxOther def. Sector codex Employment: - FTExxx - Employed pers. (total)xxxx - Employed pers. (hired)xxxX Turnoverxx x Statistically significant*x

8 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 8 Variables 4: Relations ENTLKAULeULLKAUEGVAT Enterprise – stat. LKAUXX LU – adm. LKAUXX Enterprise - LUXX Adm. LKAU – stat. LKAUXX EG – enterpriseXX LU - VATXX

9 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 9 Examples of tables in the Danish SBR Enterprise Id_nr Updating date Updating source Updating Id LKAU Id_nr Updating date Updating source Updating Id Activity Nace 2 Unit_nr Unit_type Updating date Updating source Updating Id Correcting date Correcting source Correcting Id Activity code No Activity code Unit_nr = Id_nr Unit_type = Enterprise or LKAU Activity code No = 0, 1, 2, 3 Activity code = Danish Nace 2

10 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 10 The units types One physical location One or more physical locations Locations in different countries One Activity - LKAU - LUHP - KAU - UHP One or more activities - Local unit- Enterprise - Enterprise Group - Institutional unit - Multinational Enterprise Group (MEG) Plus: Legal unit – administrative; not statistical LUHP: the local unit of homogeneous production (of interest for National Account) UHP: the unit of homogeneous production (of interest for National Account)

11 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 11 An enterprise with several KAUs and LUs Ent. 1 LKAU 1 Act. 52.11.10 LKAU 2 Act. 52.11.10 LKAU 3 Act. 52.11.30 LKAU 4 Act. 52.11.30 LKAU 5 Act. 60.24.10 KAU 1 Act. 52.11.10 Faglig enhed 1 Br. 52.11.10 KAU 2 Act. 52.11.30 KAU 3 Act. 60.24.10 LU 23 Act. 52.11.?? LU 1 Act. 52.11.10 LU 4 Act. 52.11.30 LU 5 Act. 60.24.10

12 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 12 The business register supplies extracts for the statistical divisions at Statistics Denmark. They may, e.g. cover: -Total extracts from the entire business register -Partial extracts with selected activities, selected geographical areas, selected legal forms or size groups measured in terms of turnover or number of employees Extracts are used for statistics, questionnaire-based surveys and service tasks (i.e. tasks which the users pay for) Data extracts from the business register

13 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 13 Via email to a functional mailbox: The users should specify the purpose / intended usage of the data extract: –Selection of sample survey? –Mailing of questionnaires? –Extrapolation of figures from sample to population? important to know if it relates to units at legal, enterprise or local unit level –The date/period for the extract should be specified The extracts should be requested well in advance –Data are usually supplied within 3 days (90%) –Special extracts may take longer time New on line tool for extracting data from the frozen SBR-versions has resently been released How to order data extracts Extracts are made by the business register – refinement in own division The business register helps the statistical divisions to ensure correct use

14 Kiev 2 nd – 5 th October 2012 Mrs Vibeke Skov Møller ( 14 We receive feedback from customers of data extracts regarding: Returned mail, changes of address Changes of activity (or errors) Discontinuation of LKAUs New LKAUs It is important that the statistical divisions forward errors and corrections to the SBR and do not themselves maintain any ”shadow registers”. The higher the number of corrections received, the better the quality of data in the Business Register User feedback regarding extracts

15 Receive data to SBR from: -ABR -Tax -E-Income -Turnover -TEGs Quality assure SBR data: -LKAU empl. -Manual -Automatic -Stats. Div. -Profiling Extract data from SBR: -Frozen -Ad-hoc -Internal Frozen versions of SBR: -Monthly -Quarterly -Annual Statistical data in XIS: -Retail trade -Industry -Intrastat -R & D & I Process statistical data -Ext. trade -STS -SBS. -Services Method Data Collection Stats. Dept. Business Register Extract and optimize samples Develop electronic questionnaires Return path to XIS Maintain and develop IBS Measure quality Activity classification Cooperate with data providers Maintain and dev. the SBR applic. Coordination re statistical units Core process Support processes Coordinate with stats. divisions Internal statistics Optimization of SBR performance Business Register and Data Collection – one service line Send out question- naires: -Prepare survey population -Print and send Register received data: -Registration -Scanning -Verification Send reminders: -Reminder(s) -Manage police pro- secution Basic data Statistical data Coordinate re generic IT systems Support enterpr.Burden reduction Statistics 15

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