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Unit 2 Culture and Communication. Definition of culture  Page. 17 Para. 1 & Page. 18 Para 1  1) matrix of social elements represents the form for living.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Culture and Communication. Definition of culture  Page. 17 Para. 1 & Page. 18 Para 1  1) matrix of social elements represents the form for living."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Culture and Communication

2 Definition of culture  Page. 17 Para. 1 & Page. 18 Para 1  1) matrix of social elements represents the form for living  2) deposit of : 1. spiritual concepts  2. material belongings

3 初中政治题  下列事物或现象不属于文化范畴的是 [ ]  A 、陕北民歌 B 、我国制造的 “ 神舟号飞船 ” C 、山东蓬莱附近海域出现的海市蜃楼 D 、 “ 三北防护林 ”

4 Function of culture  Page 17 Para. 2  1) tell children to _______________________  2) people from the same culture usually behave ______________________  3) In summary, it provide us with _________. behave in an acceptable way correctly or predictably structure

5 example  某企业文化架构


7 ingredients of culture  Page. 18 Para. 2-3  Three ingredients:  artifacts  concepts  behaviors

8 Characteristics of culture  Culture is learned  Culture is transmissible  Culture is dynamic  Culture is selective  Culture facets are interrelated  Culture is ethnocentric

9 Culture is learned  Culture is learned, not innate!  How about communication?  1. When do you learn it?  2. How do you learn it?  teachers, parents, others, yourself  active learning, unconscious learning, force to accept  enculturation: adapt yourself to the culture that you live in = internalized ( 内化 )

10 Culture is transmissible  What are the means that we use to transmit culture?  spoken words  written texts  nonverbal actions  objects  The use of symbols is at the core of culture  Why is culture transmission difficult in ancient times?



13 Culture is dynamic-1  Culture change occurs via two processes, namely ________________.  examples from our school culture:  地铁、新图书馆落成  转型发展大讨论:建设研究型大学  学校招生规模逐年扩大  手机外卖点餐  全校园 Wi-Fi 覆盖  组建新的学生社团,丰富课余生活 invention and diffusion

14 Culture is dynamic-2  What other factors could lead to culture change?  war, revolution, natural disaster, etc  Which parts of culture are more dynamic and which parts are quite stable?  food, religious belief, city planning  idea of freedom, music, gender awareness  literature, thanksgiving day, science

15 Culture is selective  Culture is selective means each culture defines the boundaries of which it is different from other culture.  e.g. work as an end (Japan)  work as an means (Mexico)  Discussion: Chinese and American culture

16 Chinese and American culture  1. emphasis on individual / group, family  2. privacy  3. open / face-saving  4. spend money  5. friends / associates

17 Culture facets are interrelated  If you have free access to the Wi-Fi service in our school, how will it affect other facets of our school culture?  When sit-in final exams are cancelled, what kind of culture change would occur in our school?

18 Culture is ethnocentric  definition of ethnocentrism :  1. my culture is much better than yours (subconsciously)  2. our way is the right way  What would ethnocentrism lead to?  subjective evaluation  of another culture  negative judgment

19 Discussion  Typical symbols of the CPU culture?

20 Culture and Communication  Text B in Unit 1 and Unit 2  1. other ways of communication  2. relationship between culture and communication  3. definition of intercultural communication  4. characteristic of IC  5. problems of IC  6. developing cross-cultural awareness

21 way of communication  Apart from speaking, we also communicate by:  silence  clothes  house decoration  car  address people  job  mate  ( 两张照片四条微博,找到王珞丹家地址 )

22 Culture and Communication  How does culture influence our communication?  When we speak, the meaning is in _________, not in ___________.  How does communication influence our culture?  By studying a new language, we are able to _____________ and _______ our own culture. the person the word change lenses rethink

23 Culture and Communication  Without a culture we cannot see  But with a culture we are blind  ethnocentrism: my lenses are the standard

24 Communicating Interculturally  Definition: Page 25 Para. 3

25 Characteristics  Intercultural Communication is especially characterized by _________________________ ________________________ source and responder come from different cultures

26 Problems  Why is it difficult? (P7 Para. 3 & P25 Para. 3)  everyone has ethnocentric tendencies  Minor communication problems are often exaggerated by perceptual diversity  so we shall be aware of the following 5 things:  Page 26: 1-51-5

27 Conclusion  Page 7 Para. 3  So we must understand:  1. their perceptual frame of reference  2. how they perceive the world

28 Note  Page: 24 倒数第二段  So the purpose of intercultural studies is to understand other people and their culture  They are not wrong, just different.

29 developing cross-cultural awareness  requirement:  1. objective, non-judgmental comparison between cultures  2. appreciation for cultural pluralism  3. learning foreign language requires the conscious learning of the culture  4. [discussion] no one culture is inherently better or worse than any other

30 example

31  1. Their African English is difficult to understand, they have a strong accent.  2. Their body language is strange, when saying yes they shake their heads.  3 & 4. I heard that African employees are lazy, late, poor at managing their own wealth, and they sometimes pretend they understand  5. They have an uncomfortable body scent, they came from an Ebola/AIDS country

32 Case Study  案例一:  From the description of Mr. Sittipunt, what do you know about American culture? ( 从文化的几 个方面展开,能总结出一些什么特点来? )  案例二:  In the first instance, how should the Chinese professor answer the question, so as not to cause misunderstanding?  In the second instance, what is the proper reply from the Chinese side?

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