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© 2005, BOC ADONIS ® -BPM-Toolkit Simulation Component.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2005, BOC ADONIS ® -BPM-Toolkit Simulation Component."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2005, BOC ADONIS ® -BPM-Toolkit Simulation Component

2 - 2 - © 2005, BOC 2 Pre-requisites Overview 1Basics 3 Path Analysis 4 Capacity Analysis 5 Workload Analysis

3 - 3 - © 2005, BOC Path analysis Capacity analysis Workload analysis (steady state) Workload analysis (steady state) Workload analysis (fixed time period) Workload analysis (fixed time period) Agents Delete simulation results Delete simulation results Offline animation Free simulation cache Free simulation cache Components

4 - 4 - © 2005, BOC The simulation of a system means working with a model, that shows reality in consideration to the characteristics that have to be taken into account. interpret interpret abstract abstract Parameters: Definition

5 - 5 - © 2005, BOC   Imitation   Study   Analysis of the behaviour of complex, dynamic systems. Process times Process costs Objective of Simulation Studies

6 - 6 - © 2005, BOC Objectives Model creation Validity check Simulation execution Proceeding ? ?

7 - 7 - © 2005, BOC Objectives Model creation Validity check Simulation execution Criteria definition Acquisition Design Analysis Evaluation ? Proceeding according to BPMS Methodology ? ?

8 - 8 - © 2005, BOC Defining precisely the tasks enables: Definition of a general framework and of restrictions of factors of decision making   to evaluate whether the simulation results correspond to the objective guidelines   to identify factors of decision making Phase of the Objective Definition

9 - 9 - © 2005, BOC Anticipation of potential restructuring measures and consideration of the effects from different points of view  Path analysis  Capacity analysis  Workload analysis  Steady state  Fixed time period Result of the simulation Simulation Algorithms

10 - 10 - © 2005, BOC Path analysis: ("Play through the processes") Simulation without consideration of the working environment (structure organisation)   Expected values of times and costs   Critical paths   Determination of the dimension of the personnel needs in person days Capacity analysis: Simulation with assignment of the activities to the performers   Exact determination of the personnel requirements   Consideration of the personnel costs Workload analysis: Simulation including calculation of waiting times (queue model)   Activity and process costs   Capacity planning by means of process and person calendar Simulation Algorithms

11 - 11 - © 2005, BOC Path analysis: + Less costs for the Acquisition phase + Easy interpretation of results - Acquisition costs for waiting times cannot be calculated Capacity analysis: + Evaluation of the organizational structure is possible + Includes personnel costs - Acquisition costs for waiting times cannot be calculated Workload analysis: + Dynamic capacity planning determination - Acquisition costs for the arrival times of processes Algorithms: For and Against the Execution

12 - 12 - © 2005, BOC 2 Pre-requisitesOverview 1Basics 3 Path Analysis 4 Capacity Analysis 5 Workload Analysis

13 - 13 - © 2005, BOC General Pre-requisites Business process models have to fit the following general pre- requisites in order to be able to simulate them:   Each model has to contain exactly one start object   Each model has to contain at least one end object   An unbroken and logical connection has to be created between start object(s) and end object(s) via other modelling objects (e.g. activities, decisions) and/or connectors   The transition conditions or transition probabilities after a decision have to be defined correctly   The parallelities must be modelled correctly

14 - 14 - © 2005, BOC For the simulation algorithms "Capacity analysis" and "Workload analysis", there are in addition, the following requirements:   In each activity, a performer assignment has to be defined   An application model (consisting of at least one business process model and exactly one working environment model) has to be defined.   By modeling resources, a resource assignment has to be defined Note:By storing times, costs and quantities in the models, no pre-requisite is necessary for executing the evaluations. However, if no value has been assigned, the evaluation results could be incomplete. Special Pre-requisites

15 - 15 - © 2005, BOC Note:In the ADONIS notebook, a help input is available for the settings described: it can be opened by clicking on the smart icon. Subprocess 1) Variable assignment 1) Activity times 1) Performer assignment 2) Condition of transition 1) Resource assignment 2) Business process 1) Path- and capacity analysis 2) Capacity analysis Setting Overview

16 - 16 - © 2005, BOC 1) Path and capacity analysis 2) Capacity analysis Activity costs 1) Wage per hour 2) Availability 2) Quantity 2) Time period 2) Business process Working environment Other Relevant to Simulation Attributes

17 - 17 - © 2005, BOC Clicking on the "New" button enables to create a new process model and then reference it. 1. Select the process to be referenced 2. Assign an attribute value Sub Process Clicking on the "Add" button in the ADONIS ® notebook (subprocess object - attribute "referenced subprocess") enables to create a reference to a business process model, i.e. a subprocess call. 1.

18 - 18 - © 2005, BOC Note:Storing times in the models is not a pre-requisite for executing the evaluations. However, if no value has been assigned, the evaluation results could be incomplete. The values entered in the fields "Years", "Days", "Hours", "Minutes" and "Seconds" are automatically transposed in the ADONIS time format (jj:ttt:hh:mm:ss) and represented in the field "Value". The values entered in the fields "Years", "Days", "Hours", "Minutes" and "Seconds" are automatically transposed in the ADONIS time format (jj:ttt:hh:mm:ss) and represented in the field "Value". 2. Assign the attribute value (and close window) 1. Enter an attribute value Activity Times 1.1. 2.2.

19 - 19 - © 2005, BOC 1. Select "discrete" distribution Repeat, until all the symbols and their probabilities are entered 2a. Enter symbol names 2b. Enter a probability 2c. Enter an attribute value 3. Assign the definition (the syntactically correct assignment expression is displayed in the field "Value") 3. Assign the definition (the syntactically correct assignment expression is displayed in the field "Value") 4. Assign the attribute value Random Generator (discrete)

20 - 20 - © 2005, BOC 1. Select "exponential" distribution 2. Enter an expected value 3. Assign the definition (the syntactically correct assignment expression is displayed in the field "Value") 4. Assign the attribute value Random Generator (exponential) 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. 4.4.

21 - 21 - © 2005, BOC 1. Select "uniform" distribution 2. Enter a lower bound 4. Assign the definition (the syntactically correct assignment expression is displayed in the field "Value") 3. Enter an upper bound 5. Assign the attribute value Random Generator (uniform) 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. 4.4. 5.5.

22 - 22 - © 2005, BOC 1. Select "normal" distribution 2. Enter an expected value 4. Assign the definition (the syntactically correct assignment expression is displayed in the field "Value") 3. Enter a standard deviation 5. Assign the attribute value Random Generator (normal) 1.1. 2.2. 3.3. 4.4. 5.5.

23 - 23 - © 2005, BOC Define transition condition 1a. Select a variable 1c. Select value (symbol) 1b. Select operator 2. Assign the definition (the syntactically correct assignment expression is displayed in the field "Value") 2. Assign the definition (the syntactically correct assignment expression is displayed in the field "Value") 3. Assign the attribute value The buttons "AND", "OR", "NOT" enable to logically link several elementary expressions. Transition Condition

24 - 24 - © 2005, BOC In addition to the definition of a distribution in the random generator object, the variable type must be defined accordingly. Excerpt from the ADONIS notebook of a variable object Excerpt from the ADONIS notebook of a variable object   In case of a discrete distribution, the variable type "Enumeration" has to be assigned.   In case of an exponential, uniform or normal distribution, the variable type "float" has to be assigned. Variable Type

25 - 25 - © 2005, BOC The definition of the variable scope enables to determine in which places this variable can be read out in transition conditions. Excerpt from the ADONIS notebook of a variable object Excerpt from the ADONIS notebook of a variable object   The locally valid variables can be read out only in the model in which they are modelled.   The globally valid variables can be read out in subordinated models, as well as in Global valid variables, and can be called in proceeding and subsequent models Note:Linking the random generator to the nodes (e.g. activities, process start) in the process model has to occur in the flow sequence before reading out the corresponding variable in the transition condition of a subsequence connector. Variable Scope

26 - 26 - © 2005, BOC Performer Assignment The buttons "AND", "OR", "NOT" enable to logically link several elementary expressions. The buttons "AND", "OR", "NOT" enable to logically link several elementary expressions. 1. Select working environment model (the model has to be opened; the objects necessary for the performer assignment have to be contained in the model) 2. Select a class or object 3. Select a relation 4. Assign the definition (the syntactically correct performer expression is displayed in the field "Performer") 5. Assign the attribute value 5.5. 4.4. 3.3. 2.2. 1.1.

27 - 27 - © 2005, BOC By using hierarchical working environment models, the position of the performer has to be specified after the performer assignment.   Option „Objects that refer to the main model" The performer to be assigned is searched only in the main model (the main model is the working environment model defined in the application model )   Option „Objects that refer to the current model" The performer to be assigned is searched only in the current model. (The current model is the working environment model selected by defining the performer assignment)   Option „Objects that refer to the whole model tree" The performer to be assigned is searched over the whole working environment model hierarchy. Performer Assignment (hierarchical working environment models)

28 - 28 - © 2005, BOC The performer assignment is possible in subprocess objects as well, (on the condition that they have been defined accordingly). It enables to define "standard performer assignment expressions", which are evaluated when no performer assignment has been made to the activities of the subprocess. In the main model, the performer "Responsible person" has been assigned in the subprocess. During the simulation, the performer "Responsible person" is assigned to "Activity-3" in the submodel, since no performer assignment has been made in "Activity-3". In submodel (2d level), no performer has been defined as well. Therefore, the standard value from the subprocess object is used in the submodel during the simulation. Since there was no assignment for this value as well, the standard value from the main model – i.e. responsible person – is assigned to "Activity-4". Performer assignment (simplified) Example: Performer Assignment for Sub Processes

29 - 29 - © 2005, BOC The buttons "AND", "OR", "NOT" enable to logically link several elementary expressions. 1. Select a working environment model (the model has to be opened; the objects needed for the performer assignment have to be contained in the model) 2. Select a class or object 3. Select a relation 4. Assign the definition (the syntactically correct performer expression is displayed in the field "Value") 5. Assign the attribute value Resource Assignment 1.1. 2.2. 4.4. 3.3. 5.5.

30 - 30 - © 2005, BOC 2 Pre-requisitesOverview 1Basics 3 Path Analysis 4 Capacity Analysis 5 Workload Analysis

31 - 31 - © 2005, BOC "Play through" a process:   Expected times (WT, ET, RT, TT, CT) and costs for a single path   Expected times and costs for the process   Determination of "critical paths"   Determination of personnel needs, in person days Input Output   Business process model (inclusive subprocesses) Overview

32 - 32 - © 2005, BOC 1. Select a (main) process model 2. Define the numbers 3. Determine the options 4. Activate the passive components 5. Start the path analysis Execution   Smart Icon or   Menu „Algorithm“   Menu item „Path analysis“   Button „OK“   Smart Icon or   Menu „Algorithm“   Menu item „Path analysis“   Button „OK“ 1.1. 2.2. 4.4. 3.3. 5.5.

33 - 33 - © 2005, BOC   "Number of simulations" Indicates how many processes have to be „run through". The number of simulations is a measure of precision, i.e. the higher the number is, the more precise the simulation results are.   "Working days per year" Serves to determine the enterprise time, together with the value entered in the field "Hours per working day".   "Hours per working day" Serves to determine the enterprise time, together with the value contained in the field "Working days per year". Numbers

34 - 34 - © 2005, BOC e.g.: 1 Runs = 1 e.g.: 2 Runs = 2 e.g.: 1000 Runs = 1000 90% 10% 90% 10% 90% 10% 100% 0% 100% 0% 89% 11% Random generatorSimulation resultQuality criterion Number of Simulation Runs

35 - 35 - © 2005, BOC   "Input parameters" Select which input parameter combination has to be used as input for the simulation.   "Info" Explanations to the currently selected input parameter combination.   "Agents" Open the agent overview of the selected model. Options

36 - 36 - © 2005, BOC Passive Components Program calls: –This option is not available in the path analysis. Deterministic simulation: –Every simulation run generates random numbers, to calculate probabilities. When the deterministic simulation is activated, the „random” numbers have the same value with every simulation run as long as the model remains unchanged.. –The „Start value“ parameter is the basis of the random number calculation. If you change it, you will obtain new – however deterministic – result. Protocol: –This option is not available in the path analysis.

37 - 37 - © 2005, BOC The Algorithm Σ0Σ0Σ0Σ0 Σ0Σ0Σ0Σ0 Σ 1 = Σ 0 + Σ 1.1 Σ 2 = Σ 0 + 0 Path 2 Path 1

38 - 38 - © 2005, BOC 1. Sort the path results 2. Show the path result 3. Show the (whole) results 4. Show agent results 5. Save path results 6. Save simulation results in the models Result Selection 1.1. 2.2. 4.4. 3.3. 5.5. 6.6.

39 - 39 - © 2005, BOC Expected values of times and costs for each path Display of the selected path in the model graphic Flow description for the selected path (list of all the nodes contained in the path) Single Path Results

40 - 40 - © 2005, BOC Expected values of times and costs for the whole process Expected values of times and costs for the whole process (Whole) Results of the Path Analysis

41 - 41 - © 2005, BOC The path analysis enables to determine a scope for the personnel needs, i.e. it is possible to calculate the personnel needs for the whole process.   If the process is executed by different employees or by employees with different roles, this cannot be taken into account during the path analysis.   The determination of the personnel needs on the basis of the path analysis occurs on the one hand, depending on the expected value for the execution time and on the other hand, depending on the frequency of the simulated process. Example: Execution time: 16 min 23 sec (= 983 sec) Frequency:10.000 times per year Whole working time per person per year:170 Days for 8 h = 1.360 h = 4.896.000 sec Gives as personnel needs: 983  10.000  4.896.000 = 2,0077  2 persons Example: Execution time: 16 min 23 sec (= 983 sec) Frequency:10.000 times per year Whole working time per person per year:170 Days for 8 h = 1.360 h = 4.896.000 sec Gives as personnel needs: 983  10.000  4.896.000 = 2,0077  2 persons Attention: Determination of the Personnel Needs

42 - 42 - © 2005, BOC 2 Pre-requisitesOverview 1Basics 3 Path Analysis 4 Capacity Analysis 5 Workload Analysis

43 - 43 - © 2005, BOC   Costs of activities and processes   Exact determination of personnel needs   Reference to personnel costs Input Output   Application model "Assignment of performers to activities" Overview

44 - 44 - © 2005, BOC Application model Working environment models Business process models one or several BP models exactly one WE model Note:Application models consist only of main models (BP and WE models). The referenced models are automatically determined during the simulation. Application Models (1)

45 - 45 - © 2005, BOC Working environment models Business process models Application models Application models Application Models (2)

46 - 46 - © 2005, BOC 2. Maßzahlen definieren 1. Select the main BP model(s) 2. Select the main WE model 4. Define the application model 3. Enter the name of the application model Modelling component: or Simulation component: Defining Application Models   Menu „Algorithm“   Menu itemt „ Capacity analysis“   Button „Add“   Menu „Algorithm“   Menu itemt „ Capacity analysis“   Button „Add“   Menu „Algorithm“   Menu item „Capacity analysis“   Button „Add“   Menu „Algorithm“   Menu item „Capacity analysis“   Button „Add“ 1.1. 2.2. 4.4. 3.3.

47 - 47 - © 2005, BOC 1. Select an application model 2. Define the numbers 3. Determine the options 4. Activate the passive components 5. Start capacity analysis Execution 1.1. 2.2. 4.4. 3.3. 5.5.   Smart Icon or   Menu „Algorithm“   Menu item „Capacity Analysis“   Smart Icon or   Menu „Algorithm“   Menu item „Capacity Analysis“

48 - 48 - © 2005, BOC   Number of simulations Indicates how many processes have to be „run through". The number of simulations is a measure of precision, i.e. the higher the number, the more precise the simulation results are.   Working days per year Serves to determine the enterprise time, together with the value entered in the field "Hours per working day".   Hours per working day Serves to determine the enterprise time, together with the value containted in the field "Working days per year". Numbers

49 - 49 - © 2005, BOC 90% 10% 90% 10% 90% 10% 100% 0% 100% 0% 89% 11% e.g.: 1 Runs = 1 e.g.: 2 Runs = 2 e.g.: 1000 Runs = 1000 Random generatorSimulation resultQuality criterion Number of Simulation Runs

50 - 50 - © 2005, BOC   Input parameter Select which input parameter combination has to be used as input for the simulation.   Info Explanations for the currently selected input parameter combination.   Agents Open the agent overview of the selected model. Options

51 - 51 - © 2005, BOC   Program calls If this o ption is active, program calls are executed during the simulation, according to the definition of the input parameters.   Path analysis If this option is active, the results of the capacity analysis (cycle time) are determined. Capacity Analysis - Passive Components   Computation If this option is active, the results of the capacity analysis (times and costs) are determined.   Deterministic simulation : Every simulation run generates random numbers, to calculate probabilities. When the deterministic simulation is activated, the „random” numbers have the same value with every simulation run as long as the model remains unchanged. The „Start value“ parameter is the basis of the random number calculation. If you change it, you will obtain new – however deterministic – result.   Protocol If this option is active, a protocol (brief form for later offline animation) is generated in the file indicated.

52 - 52 - © 2005, BOC During simulation, the performer assignment expression is evaluated in the activities and a performer from the working environment model, is assigned to each activity.  0 Path 1 Path 2  0  1 =+  0  2  =+  1.1  Herbertson  Summer  Winter Algorithm

53 - 53 - © 2005, BOC 5. Save the simulation results in the models 6. Show the agent results1. Reference values for the calculation 2. Select the structure to be used for the resource results 4. Show the results 3. Time period for the calculation Capacity Analysis 4.4. 3.3.

54 - 54 - © 2005, BOC Structure of the simulation results Number Determined times and costs Results (tabular)

55 - 55 - © 2005, BOC Pie chart Bar chart Results (graphical)

56 - 56 - © 2005, BOC In contrast to the determination of a scope for the personnel needs based on the path analysis, the capacity analysis offers automatic personnel needs calculation (per month or per year). The working environment, that is the basis for the capacity analysis, is here taken into account, so that the personnel needs can be determined for each single group (e.g. roles, organisational units). Personnel needs related to roles per year Attention: Determination of the Personnel Needs

57 - 57 - © 2005, BOC 2 Pre-requisites Overview 1Basics 3 Path Analysis 4 Capacity Analysis 5 Workload Analysis

58 - 58 - © 2005, BOC Simulation Capacity analysis Workload analysis Path analysis 200 x BP Open account per day How many resources are required? 20 employees, 10 PCs, 2 fax machines, 15 telephones,... (resources given) Why are the waiting times created? How do cycle times develop? 20 employees, 10 PCs, 2 fax machines, 15 telephones,... (resources given) Why are the waiting times created? How do cycle times develop? Capacity versus Workload Analysis

59 - 59 - © 2005, BOC   Waiting times   Workloads   Activity and process costs Input Output   Application model "Queue model"   Evaluation of the process behaviour under a given resource amount   Costs Result Overview

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