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Science Lab Equipment Identification

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1 Science Lab Equipment Identification
B-1.2 Use appropriate laboratory apparatus, technology, and techniques safely and accurately when conducting a scientific investigation.

2 Apparatuses and materials appropriate for biology investigations:
B-1.2 Use appropriate laboratory apparatuses, technology, and techniques safely and accurately when conducting a scientific investigation. Apparatuses and materials appropriate for biology investigations: Balances, triple beam or electronic pH indicator paper Beakers (50mL, 100 mL, 250mL) Pipettes/droppers Chemicals & other consumable materials depending on laboratory investigations Erlenmeyer flasks Filter paper Forceps Funnels Thermometers (alcohol, digital) Graduated cylinders (10 mL & 100 mL) Hand lenses (magnifiers) Watch glasses Hot plates Measuring tools (rulers, meter stick, meter tapes, stop watch or timer) Microscopes (compound & dissecting) Microscope slides & cover slips Lab aprons, safety goggles, gloves Prepared slides of normal cells, cancerous cells, human cheek cells, onion root cells, bacteria, protists, sickle cell blood, whitefish blastula, red blood cells, cork cells etc. Petri dishes Stirring rods, spatulas, scissors, chemical scoop Test tubes, clamp, holder, and rack Test tube brushes Thermometers (alcohol, digital) Watch glasses

3 Triple Beam Balance A balance (also balance scale, beam balance or laboratory balance) is used to accurately measure the mass of an object. To mass an object, it is placed on the measuring pan, and standard weights are added to the scale pan until the beam is in equilibrium.

4 pH Indicator Paper pH paper (sometimes called litmus paper) is used to test the pH level of a liquid. The paper is specially coated, and when dipped in a liquid it will turn a certain color depending on if the solution is a base (like ammonia) or an acid (like vinegar).

5 Beaker A beaker is a type of laboratory glassware which consists of a cylindrical cup with a notch on the top to allow for the pouring of liquids. They are about as wide as they are tall. This makes beakers very stable and easy to handle. They may be made of plastic, glass, or Pyrex®. Some beakers have graduated markings, or calibrations, to allow an easy rough measure of liquid volume.

6 Eye Dropper and Pipettes
Used to mix or dispense small amounts of liquid, a drop at a time.

7 Erlenmeyer Flask An Erlenmeyer flask (also known as a conical flask) is a type of laboratory glassware which consists of an inverted conical base with a cylindrical neck. The main advantages in an Erlenmeyer flask are that it is less likely to tip over than a Florence flask and the smaller neck slows evaporative loss better than a beaker. The flask is not usually used when heating substances vigorously, this task usually being left to the Florence flask.

8 Florence Flask A Florence flask (also known as a round bottom flask or a boiling flask) is a piece of laboratory glassware. It is a round or flat-bottom flask with a long neck. It is designed for uniform heating and is produced in a number of different glass thicknesses to stand different types of use.

9 Filter Paper Porous unsized paper used especially for filtering.
It can be folded into a funnel shape.

10 Forceps Forceps are a hand-held instrument for grasping and holding objects, similar in concept to tongs, tweezers or pincers. They have a locking mechanism to ensure they do not squeeze too tightly onto the object they are used upon.

11 Funnel A funnel is a conically shaped pipe, employed as a device to channel liquid or fine-grained substances into containers with a small opening. Funnels are usually made of either stainless sheet metal or plastic, but sometimes paper funnels are used in cases where it would be difficult to adequately clean the funnel afterwards (for example, in adding motor oil to a car).

12 Thermometer A thermometer is a device used to measure temperatures or temperature changes.

13 Graduated Cylinder A graduated (Grad for short) cylinder, also referred to as a measuring cylinder, is a type of laboratory glassware that is used for measuring the volumes of liquids in a quantitative manner. The volumes of liquids graduated cylinders can handle range from a few milliliters to many liters. A graduated cylinder can be made of plastic or glass or Pyrex. Often, the largest graduated cylinders are made of plastic, making them lighter and more break resistant.

14 Hand Lens/Magnifying Glass
A magnifying glass is a single convex lens which is used to produce a magnified image of an object. The magnifying glass is the simplest form of optical microscope. A lens is a device for either concentrating or diverging light, usually formed from a piece of shaped glass.

15 Hot Plate A hot plate is a small electric stove often used in a laboratory setting to heat glassware.

16 Microscopes Dissecting Microscope Compound Microscope

17 Microscope Slide & Cover Slip
A microscope slide is a thin sheet of glass used to hold objects for examination under a microscope. This smaller sheet of glass is called a cover slip or cover glass, and typically measures between 18 and 25 mm on a side. The cover glass serves two purposes: (1) it protects the microscope's objective lens from contacting the specimen, and (2) it creates an even thickness (in wet mounts) for viewing.

18 Safety Goggles Goggles or safety glasses are a form of protective eyewear that usually enclose the eye area to prevent particulates or chemicals from striking the eyes.

19 Petri Dish A Petri dish is a shallow glass or plastic cylindrical dish that biologists use to culture microbes. Empty Petri dishes may be used to observe plant germination, or small animal behavior.

20 Test Tube A test tube (Sometimes culture tube) is a kind of laboratory glassware, composed of a fingerlike length of glass tubing, open at the top, sometimes with a rounded lip at the top, and a rounded 'U' shaped bottom. They are designed to allow easy heating of samples, to be held in a flame, and often are made of expansion-resistant glasses, such as Pyrex

21 Test Tube Rack Used to store and hold test tubes in an upright position.

22 Test Tube Holder Used to hold test tubes, especially when heated or containing harmful chemicals.

23 Test Tube Brush Used to clean the insides of test tubes.

24 Tongs Tongs are gripping and lifting tools, of which there are many forms adapted to their specific use.

25 Stopper A stopper is a truncated conical piece of rubber or cork used to close off a glass tube, piece of laboratory glassware, a wine bottle or barrel and other containers with orifices. A rubber stopper is sometimes called a rubber bung, and a cork stopper is called cork.

26 Watch Glasses Watch glasses are concave dishes that have a variety of uses. Watch glasses are nice for holding small samples for observation under a low-power microscope. Watch glasses are used for evaporating liquid off of samples, such as growing seed crystals. They can be used for making lenses of ice or other liquids.

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