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IPPC A general overview Nigel Barraclough Policy Adviser Industrial Pollution Control Branch Air and Environment Quality Division. Taiwanese Environmental.

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Presentation on theme: "IPPC A general overview Nigel Barraclough Policy Adviser Industrial Pollution Control Branch Air and Environment Quality Division. Taiwanese Environmental."— Presentation transcript:

1 IPPC A general overview Nigel Barraclough Policy Adviser Industrial Pollution Control Branch Air and Environment Quality Division. Taiwanese Environmental Protection Administration 5 th December 2007

2 IPPC: A general overview Content Origins. IPPC: purpose, general principals. IPPC: applications and guidance. Amendments and future actions.

3 IPPC origins (1) 1976 Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution recommendation that a body be created with responsibility for ensuring that wastes were disposed so as to minimise effects in all three media.

4 IPPC origins (2) Environment Protection Act 1990 - Integrated Pollution Control (“IPC”) - single regulator - authorisation for each process - Best Available Techniques Not Entailing Excessive Cost (BATNEEC)

5 IPPC origins (3) Directive 96/61/EC concerning integrated pollution prevention and control (“IPPC”), Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999 Pollution Prevention and Control (England and Wales) Regulations 2000 (“PPC Regulations”) Similar legislation in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

6 UK Regulators The Scottish Environment Protection Agency The Northern Ireland Environment and Heritage Service The Environment Agency Local authorities in England and Wales (for small installations)

7 IPPC: purpose ` to achieve a high level of protection for the environment taken as a whole’. So IPPC permits must include emission limit values (ELVs) for pollutants likely to be emitted in significant quantities.

8 IPPC general principles Preventive, Best Available Techniques (“BAT”) measures against pollution No significant pollution Waste avoided, recovered or safely disposed Energy used efficiently Accident prevention Site restoration to baseline condition

9 “Best Available Techniques” incorporates consideration of the economic viability of implementing a technique, taking into account the `costs and advantages’ of implementation, when deciding whether that technique is available.

10 Economic criteria for BAT decisions market structure industry structure resilience of the sector BAT costs as a percentage of total costs speed of implementation.

11 Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) In England and Wales about 3 800 installations in 48 individual industrial sectors have been permitted by implementation deadline October 2007. Phased in from December 2000 to March 2007: - delivers environmental improvements; and - avoids “big bang” last-minute permit rush

12 IPPC applications (1) Overview Good relationship needed between regulator and operator to deliver benefits of IPPC. Pre-application discussions necessary. Guidance documents are needed! Charge is made, including “maintenance” – proportional to complexity of operation. Process should be “self funded” – no aid from central Government.

13 IPPC applications (2) Process Applications submitted to regulator by operator Consultation with “statutory consultees” – including Food Standards Agency and Primary Care Trust Charge made to operator – initial fee and annual “maintenance” charge. Permit issued

14 IPPC applications (3) Content Applications must include: Details of operation and process carried out, Impact assessment compliant with Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Directive, Site report.

15 IPPC applications (4) EIA Directive Article 9(2) of IPPC Directive refers specifically to the EIA Directive. In case of a “new” or “substantial” change requirements of EIA Directive must be fulfilled. Public Participation Directive (PPD) required wider public involvement in EIA and IPPC Directives.

16 IPPC Guidance (1) Generic guidance – Environment Agency Practical Guide & Process Guidance Notes - Defra IPPC sector guidance notes were developed. Technical Guidance notes – Environment Agency All UK regulators involved, together with industry.

17 IPPC Guidance (2) UK Guidance will be both developed from and feed into European BREFs. (BAT Reference). Well qualified and highly motivated inspectors necessary to apply and help develop guidance.

18 Amendments to the Regulations Number of changes have been made, including to implement other Directives - Waste Incineration Directive, Public Participation Directive April 2008 expected that PPC Regulations will be combined with Waste Management Licensing – the “Environmental Permitting Regulations”.

19 The Future of the IPPC Directive Continue…….

20 Future Actions (1) The Commission has been carrying out a review of of the IPPC Directive. UK been taking an active role. Draft revised Directive expected Jan 2008. It is expected that the Waste Incineration and Large Combustion Plant Directives will be incorporated into a revised IPPC Directive.

21 Summary: The purpose is to achieve a high level of protection of the environment including human health.

22 Contact Details and Further information Nigel Barraclough Tel: +44(0)20 7238 1686 http://defraweb/environment/ppc/index.htm

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