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Planning PD. Professional Learning From High Performing Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning PD. Professional Learning From High Performing Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning PD

2 Professional Learning From High Performing Systems




6 WHY HOW WHAT What is our vision for professional learning?

7 Why do we do PD? Improve student outcomes Meet compliance expectations Establish and maintain a culture of ongoing professional language Support district initiatives – Methods, technology, trends Build a shared understanding of high leverage actions to increase student achievement Learn a common language Embedding best practices

8 How do we do PD? As a county we try to find common ground/themes to provide focus Through PLCs, district teams, PLC facilitators – LAYERs Start with why – presentation/teaching – modeling – coaching/guiding – support to sustain As needed – “Just in Time” Teachers teaching teachers

9 Vision for Professional Planning and Delivery What are the barriers? Time, cost/money, learners are in different places, being prepared for “just in time” needs, no one wants to change/change is hard, system has not changed to support the new behaviors, time to collaborate, there are a lot of new things competing for time, adding not much abandoning, readiness to learn new things, gap between “superstars” and others can cause culture issues, evaluation- safety- mandated/compliance, sub availability, contract/#days, lack of instructional leaders/coaches Role of District? Supporting with instructional leaders/coaches, sanctioning a new way of doing business, reducing the overload/ways to work smarter, budget wisely based on priorities- long- term, be savvy about adult learning and rhythm of the school year, administrators have consistent long-term invested relationship with teachers regarding their growth, communicate in-district, with other districts and with AAESA, long-term vision and goals are set and consistently followed Role of AAESA? Support all that and pay for it, lead learning with administrators, attend trainings/meeting and bring information back, assist with compliance tasks, build county-wide momentum/economy of scale/ common themes, unification/coordination, provide opportunities for sharing/networking, capitalize on common calendar for learning across county

10 What is our Theory of Action? District FocusSchool FocusTeacher LearningClassroom TeachingImproved Student Learning

11 Aligning Systems School Improvement Program Evaluation Educator Evaluation Administrator Evaluation Data Systems


13 The Thoughtful Classroom Silver, Strong




17 Reflections “Push in” model works in Glenn Like the offerings all in one place Common calendar would facilitate Don’t want to pull teachers out of the classroom RtI 2.0 sounds right—what does assessment literacy entail? Needs to be defined. Paul Farmer coaching is a “carrot” to get principals to meet Principal meetings important/ working on supporting the work in between times Assessment work is important Teams may need to be redefined Assessment may not be the greatest need, also working with SIOP, focus on Behavior?? Would like a more standardized approach. Behavior as academic intervention Special ed presence/collaboration

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