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T HE S PANISH A RMADA July – September 1588. To understand why the Spanish happened in 1588 To describe the events of the Spanish Armada To understand.

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1 T HE S PANISH A RMADA July – September 1588

2 To understand why the Spanish happened in 1588 To describe the events of the Spanish Armada To understand why the Armada failed

3 T HE M OVE TO W AR ….. The build up to the Armada started when Elizabeth became Queen in 1558 Look at the picture on the left. Why did these events lead to war between England & Spain?

4 W HY DID P HILIP WANT TO INVADE E NGLAND ? 1. Religion 2. Marriage Refusal 3. Execution of Mary Queen of Scots 4. Privateers, such as Drake & Hawkins 5. English soldiers fighting with Dutch Rebels 6. England growing in strength

5 W HAT WAS PHILIP ’ S PLAN ? An Armada of over 130 ships to sail from Spain Sail through English Channel & collect 30,000 Spanish troops from the Netherlands Land troops in Kent and march on London English Catholics would rise up and join forces with Spanish Elizabeth would be replaced with a Catholic ruler

6 P REPARATIONS & SET BACKS In 1586, preparations began for the Armada Ships, men, guns and supplies were gathered from all over Spain & her Empire April 1587, Francis Drake attacked Cadiz, destroying ships, supplies and weapons. Philip had to delay the invasion till 1588 Feb. 1588, the Armada’s commander, Santa Cruz died and the Duke of Medina Sidonia was appointed commander ( an excellent organiser and leader, but suffered from seasickness!!)

7 Drake’s attack on the inner harbour at Cadiz, 1587

8 T HE A RMADA S AILS The Armada sailed from Spain in July 1588 It was sighted by the English on 29 th /30 th July, off the coast of Cornwall Fire beacons were lit to spread the news. Within hours the English fleet was sailing out of Plymouth harbour

9 THE ENGLISH LIGHT THEIR BEACONS TO WARN OF THE ARMADA ’ S ARRIVAL The Spanish formed their ships into a crescent shape


11 E VENTS IN THE E NGLISH C HANNEL 1 st August – The Rosario is captured by Drake 2 nd August – Battle off Portland Bill 3 rd August – Battle off the Isle of Wight 4 th August – Battle off the Isle of Wight 6 th August – The Armada reaches Calais and anchors 7 th August – The English attack with fireships (Hellburners)

12 T HE BATTLE OF GRAVELINES (8 TH AUGUST ) The Spanish crescent shape was now broken and for the first time both sides came together in battle, close enough for musket fire The battle raged ferociously until a sudden rain storm separated the fleets The Spanish were now too weak to sail back down the Channel and fight the English so they fled north. The English fleet was too weak and low on supplies to follow

13 The Armada was forced to sail around Scotland & Ireland

14 T HE L EGACY & THE MYTH Elizabeth had this portrait painted to celebrate the victory over the Armada How has the painter shown this? Why is Elizabeth resting her hand on a globe?

15 T HE L EGACY & THE MYTH How important was the Armada? Certainly a dramatic & exciting event in British history But it was only one campaign in a long war It settled nothing It did not weaken Spain in the long term In Spain, the Armada against England was one of many – mostly more successful In England, a myth of greatness and invincibility grew up around the story of the Armada

16 T HE L EGACY & THE MYTH A contemporary drawing showing “God’s winds” blowing to help destroy the Armada

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