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The Cell. Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote Prokaryote Eukaryote No Nucleus=Genetic Material not in nucleus. Smaller/Simpler than Eukaryotes Single Celled Organisms.

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Presentation on theme: "The Cell. Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote Prokaryote Eukaryote No Nucleus=Genetic Material not in nucleus. Smaller/Simpler than Eukaryotes Single Celled Organisms."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Cell

2 Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote Prokaryote Eukaryote No Nucleus=Genetic Material not in nucleus. Smaller/Simpler than Eukaryotes Single Celled Organisms Grow, Reproduce, Respond to environment Do not have membrane- bound organelles. Example: Bacteria Means “True” Nucleus= Genetic Material in Nucleus Genetic Material =DNA Contains Organelles Membrane-Bound Structures ex. mitochondria, chloroplast Usually larger and more complex than prokaryotes. Ex. Plants, animals, fungi, protists

3 Organelles=Structures that perform important cellular functions. Eukaryotic cell divided into two major parts: Nucleus Cytoplasm=Part of cell outside nucleus Ex: Glass of water. Ice cubes are the organelles, and the water is the cytoplasm. Eukaryotic Cell Structures

4 Plant Cell Copyright Pearson Prentice Hall Nuclear envelope Ribosome (free) Ribosome (attached) Mitochondrion Golgi apparatus Vacuole Nucleolus Nucleus Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Rough endoplasmic reticulum Cell wall Cell membrane Chloroplast

5 Animal Cell Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Ribosome (free) Ribosome (attached) Golgi apparatus Mitochondrion Rough endoplasmic reticulum Cell membrane Nucleus Nuclear envelope Nucleolus Centrioles

6 Nucleus Nucleus = control center of the cell. Contains cell's DNA and instructions for making proteins Nucleolus Nuclear envelope Nuclear pores Chromatin

7 Nuclear Envelope Nuclear envelope surrounds nucleus Has nuclear pores, which allow material to move in and out of the nucleus. Nuclear envelope Nuclear pores

8 Nucleolus= where the assembly of ribosomes begins. Nucleolus

9 Chromatin= granular material in the nucleus consists of DNA bound to protein. When a cell divides, chromatin condenses/comes together to form chromosomes. Chromosomes contains DNA(genetic material) that is passed from generations. Chromatin

10 Proteins are assembled on ribosomes. Ribosomes= small particles of RNA (genetic material) and protein found throughout the cytoplasm. Ribosomes make proteins by following coded instructions on RNA that comes from the nucleus. Protein synthesis takes place on ribosomes. Ribosomes

11 Endoplasmic Reticulum endoplasmic reticulum (ER)= internal membrane system Lipid and proteins in the cell membrane put together on the ER After, the are exported/sent out to other parts of the cell. 2 types of ER: Rough smooth Ribosomes

12 Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Rough ER= involved in protein synthesis Ribosomes found on rough ER. In cells that make proteins, there is a lot of Rough ER Smooth ER does not have ribosomes on its surface. Smooth ER contains enzymes that perform specialized tasks Ex: making of membrane lipids and detoxification of drugs.

13 Golgi Apparatus/Body  Proteins produced in the rough ER move into the Golgi apparatus.  stack of close membranes. changes, sorts, and packages proteins from the ER Sends these into storage or out of the cell proteins are then “shipped” to their final destinations throughout the cell or outside of the cell.

14 Lysosomes Lysosomes= small organelles filled with enzymes. break down lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins into small molecules  used by the rest of the cell. break down (kill) organelles that are not useful anymore.

15 Vacuoles vacuoles= sac-like structures that store materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates. plant cells– a single, large central vacuole filled with liquid. pressure of central vacuole allows plants to support heavy structures such as leaves and flowers. Ex: wilt when not enough water Vacuole

16 Vacuoles  found in some unicellular (1 cell) organisms and in some animals.  Paramecium (one- celled organism) contains a contractile vacuole  pumps excess water out of the cell. Contractile vacuole

17 Mitochondria  eukaryotic cells contain mitochondria.  Mitochondria convert/change the chemical energy stored in food into compounds that are useful for the cell. Mitochondrion

18 Mitochondria  two membranes:  outer membrane  inner membrane.  inner membrane is folded up inside organelle.

19 Chloroplasts  Plants and some other organisms contain chloroplasts.  Chloroplasts capture energy from sunlight and convert it into chemical energy in a process called photosynthesis.  surrounded by two membranes.  contain the green pigment chlorophyll. Chloroplast

20 Cytoskeleton  Cytoskeleton= gives Eukaryotic cells their shape and helps with organization.  network of proteins  Maintain cell shape.  involved in movement.  The cytoskeleton is made up of:  microfilaments  microtubules

21 Microfilaments  Microfilaments:  are threadlike structures made up of the protein actin.  form extensive networks in some cells.  produce a tough, flexible framework that supports the cell.  help some cells move.

22 Microtubules  Microtubules= hollow structures made up of proteins known as tubulins.  Microtubules:  maintain cell shape.  are important in cell division.

23 Centrioles  In animal cells, centrioles are made from tubulin.  Centrioles are located near the nucleus and help to organize cell division.

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