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MasonOnBoard 1 Online Onboarding Training April 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "MasonOnBoard 1 Online Onboarding Training April 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 MasonOnBoard 1 Online Onboarding Training April 2016

2 George Mason University Quote of the day! “The only thing constant is Change” Heraclitus, c. 535 – c. 476 BCE, Greek philosopher 2

3 Non-Benefited Hiring Process Current Process  Hiring Unit recruits  Hiring Unit interviews  Hiring Unit makes selection  Unit sends Welcome letter or contract  Unit checks Banner for G#  Unit checks Banner for previous positions (I-9 considerations)  Unit assembles paperwork and gives to new hire  Unit enters EPAF New Process  Same NEW: Unit creates hiring packet with Name, email, and telephone #  Same 3

4 Efficiencies Gained  Automated Background Check  Online Repository  Paper-less  Standardization of Hiring Documents  Time Savings  Data Integrity  Duplicate New Hire Paperwork Reduced 4

5 Revised & Added Hiring Forms 5  Revised Forms  Wage Welcome Letter Template  Conditions of Employment  Selective Service  New Forms Added  ACA Form  FMLA Rights  Child Support Withholding Form  Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability

6 When to use the Rehire Packet 6  Rehire packet is optional and can be used if:  The current hire has a break in service less than 1 year and  The employee has changes to their information such as address; tax or banking.  Rehire packet only contains:  Personal Information Page;  W4 forms;  Ethnicity & Race;  Veterans Status;  Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability;  Virginia Child Support Withholding Orders;  Conditions of Employment and  Direct Deposit

7 MasonOnBoard Overview  Department User Log-in  How to Create a Packet  Search Features  New Hire Summary Data  Attaching a Document  New Hire Experience  I9 Processing  Q & A 7

8 8 MasonOnBoard – Log in

9 MasonOnBoard - Log in Authentication into system: Note: PIN is 8 to 16 numerical digits ONLY!

10 MasonOnBoard – Log In 10 It is best practice to use “No, this is a public device”. You will be asked about logging in for future visits

11 How to Create a New Hire Packet 11 After you authenticate, the Create Packet screen is presented. Just click the Continue button to proceed.

12 Mandatory Personal Data 12 Enter data where an * is shown. *First Name *Last Name *Telephone # *Email *Confirm Email

13 13 Mandatory Job Data 1.Enter Start Date 2.Location is always GMU 3.Position is always GMU 4.Select a Hire Type: - New Hire – All hiring paperwork including I-9 - Rehire – All hiring paperwork without I-9* 5. Click on ‘Create Hire Packet’. *Only use the Rehire option, if the current hire has a break in service less than 1 year. After successful packet creation, a Login ID will be assigned and a Welcome email will be sent to the new hire.

14 Search Features 14 There are multiple ways to search for a new hire and their packet: - Lookup – using the last 4 of SSN or name; - Workflow Summary - using a Date Range to filter by Workflow Date; Create Date; Start Date

15 MasonOnBoard – Summary Data 15 The Summary page consists of 7 tabs. The Packet Information tab lists items such as Workflow State; login ID; and hire type.

16 MasonOnBoard – Summary Data 16 Workflow state options: 1. Packet Created 2. Filling Out Personal Information 3. Section 1 of I-9 4. Filling Out Employment Forms 5. Documents Completed – Waiting on Section 2 of I-9 6. Hired 7. Packet Cancelled 8. Packet Expired

17 MasonOnBoard – Summary Data 17 Documents tab will show forms that are completed and pending.

18 MasonOnBoard – Summary Data 18 From the Attachments tab, pdf, png, gif, jpg/jpeg, tif/tiff documents can be attached. Please keep in mind that these attachments can potentially be viewed by all MasonOnboard users, so private confidential documents should not be uploaded using this feature.

19 MasonOnBoard – Summary Data 19 From the Notes tab, a note can be added by clicking on the New Note button. Please keep in mind that notes cannot be deleted and are viewable by all MasonOnBoard users.

20 MasonOnBoard – Summary Data 20 The Activities tab lists the date & time emails were system generated and sent to the new hire and/or the packet creator/owner as well as documents the new hire has completed.

21 MasonOnBoard – New Hire Instructions Tab 21 Once the new hire successfully logs into MasonOnBoard they will be presented with instructions on how to complete the process.

22 22 The new hire completes the Personal Information page to start the packet & trigger the background check email. New Hire Packet

23 Packet Creator - Alert Email 23 If the new hire has not completed their new hire paperwork before their start date, the packet creator will receive an email.

24 Completion of the packet Both the new hire and the initiator will receive a confirmation email that the packet has been successfully completed. 24

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