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Introducing Monique Luckett EDU 650 Teaching, Learning and Leading in the 21st Century Instructor: Suhad Sadik.

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Presentation on theme: "Introducing Monique Luckett EDU 650 Teaching, Learning and Leading in the 21st Century Instructor: Suhad Sadik."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introducing Monique Luckett EDU 650 Teaching, Learning and Leading in the 21st Century Instructor: Suhad Sadik

2 Who am I?  I am a single mother of a very active and atheletic 9 year old prince.  I have worked with children in the education field for the past 12 years.  I received my BA in Early Childhood Education February 2014  I love working with youth of all ages!  I am persuing my MA in Education.

3 Monique the Mother This is my 9 year old son. I adore him and he is my football star. I love being a football mom and take pride in being team mom. My son has been the starting peewee quarterback for the last two years. This year he is moving up to the junior team, so now he is the baby on the team and has insured me that he will work hard because hard work pays off. I enjoy cheering my son and his team to victory and supporting him in everything he does. This little boy is truly the love of my life.

4 Background Check I took my first childcare class in high school my senior year. I have been working in the education field every since. Education young people became my mission in life. I have worked with children for the past 12 years. I have worked with young people from the ages of 6 weeks to 21 years old. I have work in day cares, schools and youth development programs. I have also volunteered as an assistant cheerleading coach at the high school that I graduated from. I am now interested in working with youth in the guidance and education field.

5 Childhood Memories I attended MPS (Milwaukee Public Schools). As I grew up in the public school system I learned that no matter where you attend school you can always make something of yourself. I believe this because the odds were stacked against me due to the schools that I attended during my childhood. But look at me now striving to making learning important to the children that attend those same types of schools as I once did.

6 Future Youth Advisor/Teacher I am working as a program assistant at a nonprofit organization that focuses on getting the youth ready for college, as well as, preparing them to be successful adults in the work force in there desired career field. I feel that obtaining my Master’s degree will put me in a great position to better teach and advise the youth and our future leaders.


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