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France Grilles strategic roadmap Vincent Breton Credit: D. Boutigny, H. Cordier, G. Mathieu, A-L Derepas, G. Romier.

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Presentation on theme: "France Grilles strategic roadmap Vincent Breton Credit: D. Boutigny, H. Cordier, G. Mathieu, A-L Derepas, G. Romier."— Presentation transcript:

1 France Grilles strategic roadmap Vincent Breton Credit: D. Boutigny, H. Cordier, G. Mathieu, A-L Derepas, G. Romier

2 Welcome to Lyon  Slides are uploaded on the meeting agenda at: 

3 Information required from IAC  strategic plan, including what investments will be made in the coming years and how they will be funded (Vincent)  technical roadmap (Hélène)  training activities (Vincent)  usage statistics (Hélène and Johan)  engagement with user communities including ESFRI projects (Johan)  personnel and management roles (Vincent, Hélène)  performance in relation to the 4 year success criteria defined in 2008 (Vincent)

4 Table of content  France Grilles global strategy  France Grilles training programme  Personnel and management roles  Performance in relation to the 4-year success criteria

5 France Grille global strategy

6 Vision: what do we want ?  build and operate a national e-infrastructure for all scientific communities and private enterprises in need for high throughput data storage, access and analysis upon the state of the art of high performance and distributed computing technologies at the technological forefront through tight collaboration with the research communities in computer sciences open to all, international collaborations and individual researchers from France, Europe and beyond, especially those from developing countries

7 Overall strategy: how do we realize our vision?  An e-infrastructure built using grid technology  LCG as a backbone  A tight relationship with the research community in HPC and distributed computing

8 27 sept 2010 8 Montpellier Toulouse Strasbourg Île de France (GRIF) Lille Grenoble (CIGri) Bordeaux Clermont-Fd (AuverGrid) Brest Marseille Annecy Resources of theproduction grid 8 <100 Storage (Toctets) 100-1000 1000-10000 10 Number of certificates Emitted in 2009 Nantes 6 431 61 54 70 40 4 614 79 20 <100 > 10 000 1000 - 10000 100-1000 Number of cores 130 Lyon (TIDRA) 26 1 3 2 1 2 4 1 > 10000  22.000 cores  15 PB of storage  22.000 cores  15 PB of storage LCG ≈ backbone CC-IN2P3 ≈ marrow LCG ≈ backbone CC-IN2P3 ≈ marrow 64 engineers and technicians in 23 sites in France to operate the grid (32 FTE) Credit: Anne-Laure Derepas Usage statistics: 75% France – 25% foreign

9 New challenges and opportunities  Cloud computing Addressed in the afternoon  Engagement of user communities Addressed tomorrow morning  Involvment with HPC Discussed later in this talk

10 Budget: main funding sources  French ministry of education and research TGIR France Grilles  Complementary funding French ministry of education and research o TGIR CC-IN2P3 Research institutes o CNRS-CEA: funding to LCG tier-1 and tier-2 centers European projects Regional authorities

11 Multiannual TGIR France Grilles budget Year20102011201220132014 Tax free Budget (in K€) 9506171.200 (requested ) 1.500 (requested ) Equipment5501567501050 Running costs400461450 Details of operating costs20102011 fee80>150 ? Participation to European projects54,5 Training and communication60 Organization of events (incl. EGI TF2011)60 FG executive team operating cost55 Support to FG infrastructure operation81,5 Support to user communities39,5 Support to regional grids30,5

12 Training  One year after EGEE…  A priority for France Grilles One FTE dedicated to training coordination o V. Dutruel in 2010 o V. Dutruel with help from G. Fettahi in 2011 40KEuros budget in 2010 and 2011 Involvment in EPIKH  A vision : training system administrators and reaching out to new users

13 Training infrastructure  Set up of a long-lasting infrastructure based at CC_IN2P3  Special grid certificates for tutorials and university classes (GRID2-FR TRAINING)

14 Managerial aspects  network of training contacts in regional grids Research communities  Formalized relationship with CNRS continuing education program CNRS office for private partnerships  Collaboration with HealthGrid for tutors

15 A growing offer (1/2)  “Classical” tutorials for users and system administrators  Targeted tutorials Users: GateLab, OGC, Desktop Grids, StratusLab New training modules for system administrators: sysadmin basic, sysadmin advanced, quattor

16 A growing offer (2/2)  Yearly training calendar accessible from France Grilles web site Planning for 2011: 2 tutorials for system administrators, 5 to 10 sessions for users Flexibility to add tutorials to the programme  Tutorials are open to France Grilles partners, including university staff and students Private companies

17 A vision beyond France  Emphasis on developing countries Involvment in EPIKH, EUMedGrid and GISELA FP7 projects Collaboration with UNESCO (BrainGain initiative)  Co-organization of grid schools and workshops in S. America, Africa and Asia 2010: South-Africa, Korea, Vietnam 2011: Morocco (EPAM 2011), Lebanon, Vietnam

18 Personnel and management roles

19 France Grilles management board  Chair: Daniel Egret (Observatoire de Paris – Conférence des Présidents d’université)  Deputy-chair: Laurent Crouzet (CEA), deputy representative at EGI council  Members: B. Goffinet (INRA) L. Desbat (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche) I. Magnin (INSERM) M. Spiro (CNRS), representative at EGI council S. Ubeda (INRIA) D. Vandromme (RENATER)

20 France Grilles legal representative: CNRS Institut des Grilles  Coordination of grid related activities within CNRS  Small structure Only 2 staffs: M. Pellen (admin) – G. Romier (relationship with user communities)  Direction Director: V.B. Honorary director: G. Wormser Deputy director in charge of production grids: D. Boutigny Deputy director in charge of research grids: M. Dayde

21 Dorine’s talk France Grilles management structure Management board User Committee Director V. Breton Technical Direction H. Cordier G. Matthieu Security Board chairman International Advisory Committee Security Board D. Fouossong Technical Committee Executive Board: F. Desprez (INRIA) JP Meyer (CEA) J. Montagnat (CNRS) Communication – training H. Kerec - V. Dutruel Applications Steering Committee Applications supervisor A-L Derepas Rotating Director for user communities Rotating Director for user communities Grid5000 coordinator Ile-de-France grid (GRIF) coordinator FG executive team (,CC-IN2P3, Institut des Grilles, LPC Clermont): V. Breton, H. Cordier, V. Dutruel, G. Fettahi, D. Fouossong, G. Matthieu, M. Pellen, G. Romier FG executive team (,CC-IN2P3, Institut des Grilles, LPC Clermont): V. Breton, H. Cordier, V. Dutruel, G. Fettahi, D. Fouossong, G. Matthieu, M. Pellen, G. Romier G. Romier (May 1 st 2011)

22 Role of FG executive team FG Executive team Working groups / close collaborators Site administrators and infrastructure users Vincent Hélène / Gilles Dorine Géral dine MélanieVirginie Gene viève National projects User communities Administrative contacts Site administrators Security contacts Media European projects

23 Performance in relation to the 4-year success criteria

24 The 4-year success criteria  Bi-directional interaction between the production grids and research grids communities (V.B.)  Deployment on production grids of results of research supported by the computer science research community (e.g. INRIA)  Expand beyond the high-throughput style of usage, for example, increase the emphasis on data management aspects  Engage with supercomputer centres to provide added-value to specific user communities  French NGI established and fully integrated in European structures  Demonstrate the economic value of grids taking into account scientific results as well as collaborative aspects  Position IdG with respect to new computing trends (e.g. cloud computing) for its key audiences

25 Bi-directional interaction between the production grids and research grids communities  Effective interactions have been established Joint call for (small) projects in 2009 Cooperation on regional grids (Clermont- Ferrand, Grenoble, Lille, Lyon)  More interactions expected in the field of cloud computing Successful joint workshop in December 2010 Joint submission of projects for upcoming national call for (big) projects

26 Deployment on production grids of results of research supported by the computer science research community (e.g. INRIA)  Research borne middlewares deployed on production grids DIET on the Decrypthon grid o Challenge: renewing of equipment OAR on CIMENT regional grid in Grenoble  Cloud computing opens new avenues for deploying results from national research community in computer science  More from Michel and Frédéric D. talks

27 Expand beyond the high-throughput style of usage, for example, increase the emphasis on data management aspects  Data management is at the bulk of the usage of grid resources and tools in: Astrophysics Healthcare Medical imaging Social sciences  More from Johan’s talk

28 Engage with supercomputer centres to provide added-value to specific user communities  At the beginning of the story Pioneering effort to deploy WISDOM on DEISA Not reached the prototype level  New scientific initiatives under way Earth sciences very proactive Rebirth of WISDOM effort Medical Imaging within VPH initiative context  Institutional contacts established

29 French NGI established and fully integrated in European structures  Regular participation to EGI council  Involvement in important EC projects  Significant contribution to EGI resources

30 Demonstrate the economic value of grids taking into account scientific results as well as collaborative aspects  Important efforts by regional grids to deploy applications from local SMEs Mitigated success  Economic value of grids is now overshadowed by cloud computing

31 Position France Grilles with respect to new computing trends (e.g. cloud computing) for its key audiences  Cloud computing is a key element of France Grilles strategic roadmap Both a challenge and an opportunity Strategy under discussion  Strengths Involvement in key European projects (StratusLab,…) Strong links between research and production grids First applications under migration to academic clouds  Weaknesses Late and limited deployment of academic clouds No structured policy at a national academic level Public money goes to private companies  More from Frédéric Suter talk this afternoon

32 Conclusion  Progresses since last year  Strategic roadmap develops along three axes in 2011: Establishment and operation of a fully functional grid infrastructure (-> Hélène) Establishment and enforcement of a scientific policy to make this infrastructure usable (-> Johan-Gilles) Evolution of topology and technology to harvest benefits of new trends, especially cloud computing (-> Frédéric S.)  Huge amount of work ahead of us

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