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Bellwork  Fomite = inanimate objects that transmit disease  The bathroom door knob is a fomite.  Pyogenic = pus producing.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork  Fomite = inanimate objects that transmit disease  The bathroom door knob is a fomite.  Pyogenic = pus producing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork  Fomite = inanimate objects that transmit disease  The bathroom door knob is a fomite.  Pyogenic = pus producing


3 Terminology  Microorganism (microbe)  Nonpathogen- normal flora, beneficial  Pathogen- germs, organsims that cause disease E. Coli- nonpathogenic in GI tract pathogenic in urinary tract

4 Classes of Microbes 1. Bacteria 2. Protozoa 3. Fungi 4. Rickettsiae 5. Viruses

5 Bacteria  One-celled  Multiply rapidly  Antibiotics Shapes Bacilli Cocci Spirilla Spirochete Vibrio Arrangements Diplo Strepto Staphylo

6 Bacteria  Cocci  Diplococci- gonorrhea, meningitis, pneumonia  Streptococci- strep throat  Staphylococci- boils, wounds, toxic shock

7 Bacteria  Bacillus  Flagella-whiplike tail that facilitates mobility  Spores- protective capsule that forms  Tuberculosis, botulism, pertussis, diptheria, typhoid

8 Bacteria  Spirilla  Syphilis, cholera


10 Protozoa  One celled animal-like organisms  Decayed material/contaminated water  Flagella  Ex.: malaria, trichomonas, African sleeping sickness  Antibiotics, Antiprotozoals

11 Fungi  Plant like organisms  Live on dead matter  Pathogenic Types:  Yeast  Mold  Ex.: Yeast infection, Athlete’s Foot, Ringworm  Antifungals

12 Rickettsiae  Parasitic (cannot live outside of organisms)  Found in fleas, ticks, etc.  Transmitted to human by bites of insects  Ex.: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever  Antibiotics

13 Viruses  Smallest microbes  Cannot reproduce unless inside living organism  Antivirals  Difficult to kill  Ex.: Common Cold, Influenza, HBV, HCV, HIV

14 Diseases of concern for health care workers:  HBV  Vaccine available at no cost to employee  HCV  No vaccine Hepatitis B & C can cause long term liver damage.  HIV/AIDS  No vaccine and no cure

15 Human Body is Ideal for Growth!!  Warm  Dark  Moist  Source of Food  Oxygen  Aerobic (grow with O2)  Anaerobic (grow without O2)

16 Types of Infections  Endogenous- originates inside body  Exogenous- originates outside body  Nosocomial – hospital or healthcare acquired  Opportunisitic – weakened immune system

17 Defense Mechanisms  Mucous Membranes  Cilia  Coughing/Sneezing  HCL acid in stomach  Tears  Fever  Inflammation  Immune Response

18 Chain of Infection

19  Infectious Agent = Pathogen

20 Chain of Infection  Reservoir = where pathogens LIVE  Human body, animals, fomites, environment

21 Chain of Infection  Portal of Exit = escape route  Body Fluids  Respiratory secretions

22 Chain of Infection  Mode of Transmission = the way the pathogen is transmitted  Direct Person-to-person contact OR contact with body secretions  Indirect Air (Dried Droplet Nuclei) Insect (Vector-borne) Fomite (Vehicle-borne) Feces (Fecal-to-oral)

23 Chain of Infection  Portal of Entry = the way it gets in  Breaks in skin or mucous membranes  Respiratory tract  GI tract  Genitourinary tract  Circulatory system

24 Chain of Infection  Susceptible Host = person likely to get infection

25 Chain of Infection

26 Best way to break a link… HANDWASHING!!!!

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