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Understanding Centralian Senior College’s Position on Bullying within our School Bullying.

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Centralian Senior College’s Position on Bullying within our School Bullying."— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Centralian Senior College’s Position on Bullying within our School Bullying

2 What is bullying? Students by themselves have a minute to think about what is bullying? Share your thoughts with the person next to you. The teacher writes ideas on board See next slide for school definitions of bullying Each pair report back to the class sharing their ideas on bullying with the class. Activity Think Pair Share 1 min 2 min

3 Definition of Bullying? Bullying is an ongoing misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that causes physical and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power over one or more persons. Bullying can happen in person or online, and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying of any form or for any reason can have long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders. From: Online Bullying = ICT information and communication technologies. e.g. Devices …… mobile internet

4 Centralian Senior College Policy - Types of Bullying  Verbal and Written – insults, threats, name calling, rumour spreading. Making comments about someone's race, religion, level of ability, appearance or sexuality.  Physical – hitting, pushing, aggressive “play” fighting, taking / damaging property.  Sexual - unwelcome, written, verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature.  Face and Body Signals – looks, stares, hand signs.  Exclusion – deliberately leaving someone out of groups and activities.  Extortion – standing over someone to take their money or possession, make demands, control their behaviour.  Cyber – using mobile phones and internet to harass, cause distress or spread rumours. Includes Filming fights and sharing or publishing this on you tube.  Homophobic Bullying - when nay of the above bullying happens due to a prejudice against or a perception that someone is attracted to people of the same sex.

5 What does bullying do to people? Watch video Lauren’s Ordeal  What happened to Lauren?  How did the bullying affect Lauren?  What steps did she take to address the bullying? Questions Discussion Brainstorm responses on whiteboard Move to next slide to further discuss

6 What Happened to Lauren? She gave her user name and password to a friend, information was spread about her, she was excluded, verbally abused, cyberbullied, threatened. How did the bullying affect her? Stressed, worried, anxious, very upset, isolated, confused, hated going to school. Could lead to depression, thoughts of suicide, self harm in some young people. What steps did she take? Tried to talk with other students, told her parents, told the school, reported to her Internet Provider so she only received messages from those in her address book, blocked numbers, eventually Police were involved, took screen shots and kept abusive messages as evidence. Discussion Video Lauren’s Ordeal

7 What is our school’s position on bullying? From Centralian Senior College Anti-Bullying Policy Centralian Senior College has ZERO TOLERANCE of bullying. What is Bullying? Bullying and harassment are when a person or group of people use unwanted and unwelcome behaviour to hurt, upset, scare or shame another person. Don’t take it! Everyone has the right to be safe at school. Don’t Do It or Join In! Help make our college safe and caring place for everyone.

8 Follow these steps so that Centralian SC can be bully free: What you can do if you are being Bullied at School. STEP 1 If it is safe to do so tell someone or group to stop If the bullying or harassment continues STEP 2 Tell an Adult – Parent, your Mentor, Teacher, Year Level Coordinator, College Counsellor, AIEW, Home Liaison Officer, other staff member, Friend or someone you can trust. STEP 3 Students involved will be spoken to and action taken such as mediation, restorative justice, agreements, counselling or suspension. The school based police and parents might be involved. Follow up with occur. If the bullying or harassment continues STEP 4 Revisit STEP 2. Never give up! Talk with a trusted staff member in the school. People who continue to bully will face more serious consequences.

9 Support Staff at School Centralian Senior College has many staff who work alongside your teachers, mentors and year level coordinators. Activity see attached sheet “Who Am I ?” Download from Home Liaison Officer School Counsellor Clontarf Program Centralian Girl’s Academy Course, Career Transition Advisor AIEW (Aboriginal & Islander Education Worker) Teachers Mentors Year Level Coordinators

10 Bystanders What is a bystander? The role of a bystander is very powerful and can have a big influence on whether bullying in any form stops or continues. Everyone has a choice as to whether they are part of bullying or help it stop. Discussion Activity Explore the term Active Bystander See the attached sheets for information on being an Active Bystander Download from

11 Active Bystander Profile Standing Together

12 Active Bystander Profile

13 From Centralian Senior College Anti-Bullying Policy Tell the person who is bullying to stop Don’t be an audience - Walk Away Tell an adult at school - Mentor, Year Level Coordinator, Teacher, Tutor, other staff Go and see Robyn – College Counsellor or other wellbeing staff Help the person who is being given a hard time Tell an adult at home. Take a Stand against Bullying & Harassment. If You See Bullying at School:

14 What are two things that you can take away from this session? Reflection Photograph your sticky notes on display, then all of the wall. List your two thoughts on a sticky note. Place on classroom display wall. 1. 2. Keep this evidence

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