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Students find their seats as they come in to class. On their desk they will find Emergency Contact Sheets When the bell rings, I will take attendance.

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Presentation on theme: "Students find their seats as they come in to class. On their desk they will find Emergency Contact Sheets When the bell rings, I will take attendance."— Presentation transcript:


2 Students find their seats as they come in to class. On their desk they will find Emergency Contact Sheets When the bell rings, I will take attendance. Introduce myself. “Good morning and welcome to 8 th grade English. My name is Miss Zanti, and I will do my best to learn all of your names this week. If you would write your first names on the label on your desk and stick it to your shirt. At the end of class we will use them to stick to your folders.” Pass up contact sheets. Pass out note-taking sheets

3 8 th Grade English Miss Zanti

4 Class Rules If you were a middle school teacher, what would be some rules that you think would be important to run a smooth classroom? Brainstorm 3 rules on your note paper Stay in your seats, but pair-share with someone near you Share? Who can name MWMS’s code of conduct?

5 BARK B- Be Safe A- Act Responsibly R- Respect Self and Others K- Keep focused How do the rules fit in?

6 School Management Plan -What is the school policy? -What are the consequences? IT IS YOUR DECISION

7 Lateness Lateness will not be tolerated. Closed door=late. Two “freebies” 3= lunch detention. If you were with another teacher…get a PASS! 4-Team referral and phone home 5-Referral and Friday night school

8 Bullying, Harassment or Intimidation These acts are NOT tolerated They will be reported Serious consequences will occur

9 Class Procedures Enter the class each day BEFORE the bell rings. Sit in your assigned seat immediately and begin the drill.*** Stay in your seat until Ms. Zanti dismisses you! If you need to leave the room, you must carry your agenda. (1 st 10 last 10) DO NOT ASK

10 Class Jobs Attendance- After attendance is taken, I input it into our system. If someone who is marked absent is present, they could be caught for skipping. Substitute- Absent Sheet- To be completed when someone is absent. Extremely helpful to fellow classmates and myself. Pass to… (Collector) Journal Distributor-Please come in and distribute journals to your classmates for the morning drill

11 Units Writing/Grammar Science Fiction & Short Stories Frankenstein & Short Stories Epics The Odyssey & Beowulf Tragedy Romeo and Juliet

12 Grading Policy Weighted Grades Each assignment has a point value and a category. (Homework, class work, assessments) Each of the three categories will count for a percentage of your total grade. The percent you get in each category will add up to your total grade for the class. 90-100=A; 80-89=B; 70-79=C; 60-69=D; 59 and below=E ClassworkHomeworkAssessments 50%10%40%

13 Exit Ticket Clear your desk List 3 rules/procedures that you remember from our discussion

14 Homework Raise your hand if you would like extra credit Please have your parent or guardian sign your note sheet and bring it back tomorrow for extra credit.

15 Exit Ticket Please put away your note sheet Take out something to write with Take out a piece of paper Where were you when the earthquake struck this year?

16 -When you are finished, please pass your Exit Ticket to the “Pass to” person. We will have a chance to share it tomorrow. -Please also peel off your nametag and place it on the tab of your writing folder. -Pass your writing folders back.

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