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“Stop, Walk, and Talk” Plan
Bully Prevention This curriculum was adopted by the WO Board of Education. ALL students and staff will be trained in the “Stop, Walk, and Talk” bully prevention plan. Each level (elementary, middle school and high school) are responsible for developing lesson plans based on the Board approved curriculum. Total Presentation Time: Approximately 35 minutes “Stop, Walk, and Talk” Plan
Panther PRIDE is: Prepared Respectful Integrity Dependable Effort
Bully Prevention Do you think since last year’s training, has bullying increased, decreased, or stayed the same? Most bullying is fueled by peer attention. What do you think this means?
This year’s focus of ANTI-BULLYING training is the fuel of aggressive and mean behavior. Attention from those watching! What can ALL students do to stop aggressive and mean behavior?
Taking away peer attention
Students can take away the peer attention that keeps problem behaviors going by: Telling someone teasing you to “stop” Walking away from problem behavior Helping another student by saying “stop” or by walking away from problem behavior with them. Telling an adult Not commenting on Social Media sites
Video Clip 1 Intro with Mr. VanZanten http://www. tubechop
Stop viewing at 2.32 min. Youtube link. Have it open and cut and paste. Due to web issues.
“Stop, Walk and Talk” Plan
When responding to bullying behavior, you need to follow the 3 step plan by telling the person to: “STOP” hand signal. WALK away calmly, if using the STOP signal doesn’t work. TALK to an adult about the problem, if using the STOP signal and walking away doesn’t work and the behavior continues. 1. STOP 2. WALK 3. TALK Slides 10, 11, and 12 (5 minutes)
How Can You Help WOHS be a “bully-free” school?
Don’ t be a “bystander” (zebra), someone who just watches and fuels the negative behavior. Be an “upstander” (panther), someone who is willing to step up and assist another person who is being bullied. Assist the student in calmly walking away from the bullying behavior. This slide is intended to prep students for the Zebra videos. Be sure to discuss a bystander and upstander.
Video of Zebra Make sure your volume is up. Show Video #1, discuss Show Video #2, discuss
Always a Panther!!! Never a Zebra!
Bullying is NOT a Laughing Matter
Show your school PRIDE by demonstrating respect for the “Stop, Walk and Talk” Bully Prevention plan.
When should you talk to an adult?
Even when you use Steps 1 and 2 (STOP and WALK),, to prevent students will continue to behave inappropriately toward you or someone else. When that happens, you should use Step 3, (TALK to an adult), for additional support in stopping the bullying behavior. Important Note: If any student is in danger, Steps 1 and 2, STOP and WALK, should be skipped, and the incident should be reported immediately to an adult.
What’s the difference? “I’m not going to snitch on someone.”
“I don’t want to feel like I’m tattling on someone.” What is the difference between “talking” vs. “tattling”?
Wh0 can you “Talk” to? Administrator Librarian Bus Driver
Club Advisor Coach Counselor Custodian Librarian Lunch Service Worker Other Safe Adult Teacher Security
responses you may expect:
The adult will listen. The adult will ask if you said “Stop”. The adult will ask if you "walked away" calmly. The adult will ask you how long this bullying behavior has been going on. The adult will give you guidance and support in resolving the bullying situation.
Thank you for showing PRIDE!
This concludes our second hour presentation. You may now return to your regularly scheduled second hour activities. Feel free to tweet your take away from this lesson to @WORenaissance about how you won’t be a zebra. #GoWO, #wearepanthers Note to teachers- Blue slides are last slides
3rd hour lesson- Gossiping and Rumors
Where is our focus? On our actions or what others say? Gossiping tears down, let’s spend our time building West Ottawa UP! Please watch this:
Discuss what school-wide expectations have to do with gossip or rumors
Being Respectful means saying only nice things about others. Being kind means using encouraging, positive, and kind words towards others even when they are not present. Think before you REPEAT. Being aware of and using the “Triple Filter Test”
Triple Filter Test Is the information completely TRUE ?
Is the information GOOD/KIND? Is the information USEFUL?
Thank you for showing PRIDE!
This concludes our third hour presentation. You may now return to your regularly scheduled third hour activities. Feel free to tweet your take away from this lesson by naming someone who inspires you to make the world a better place. #GoWO
4th hour lesson – inappropriate language
Discussion questions are included in this link: bf_next&list=WL2zuIzdcy1Dsro16Uk6p_N7NbatLd0WHi
#GoWO Thank you for showing PRIDE!
This concludes our fourth hour presentation. You may now return to your regularly scheduled fourth hour activities. Feel free to tweet your take away from this lesson to @WORenaissance by tweeting a caring message for West Ottawa students (You are awesome!) #GoWO
5th hour lesson – cyberbullying
There are herds of zebras online… Every time you “like” a mean or demeaning remark about someone else you are being a zebra.
What might CyberBullying look like?
Repeatedly sending offensive, rude, or insulting s and/or text messages. Posting cruel gossip or rumors about a person to damage his or her reputation or friendships. Sharing someone’s secrets online or by text.
Be an UPstander Help keep WO a great place to be. Don’t be a zebra - Be an UPstander by telling others to STOP when you see cyber bullying online.
Before you post… THINK T Is it true? H Is it hurtful? I Is it illegal? N Is it necessary? K Is it kind?
Thank you for showing PRIDE!
This concludes our fifth hour presentation. You may now return to your regularly scheduled fifth hour activities. Feel free to tweet your take away from this lesson by sharing your own anti cyber-bullying acrostic poem for POST. #GoWO
6th hour lesson – Think about the impact
After viewing this video and everything we talked about today; What thoughts do you have about the long term effects that bullying has on individuals?
Words hurt everyone around.
Today’s Exit Slip Create a haiku that reflects your thoughts or feelings about today’s messages, discussions, and opinions you have heard. Remember a haiku is a three line poem – 5 syllables, 7 syllables, 5 syllables. Don’t be a zebra. Words hurt everyone around. Be a WO panther. Make sure your name is on it and hand this paper in to your 6th hour teacher. Choose top 4 haikus to turn in to the office.
Thank you for showing PRIDE!
This concludes our sixth hour presentation. You may now return to your regularly scheduled sixth hour activities. Feel free to tweet a picture of your class writing haikus #GoWO
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