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Body Paragraphs Population Project Research Paper.

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1 Body Paragraphs Population Project Research Paper

2 BODY PARAGRAPHS Clear topic sentence Three pieces of evidence that demonstrate the causes Each cause uses a citation of interesting or relevant statistics Each cause is cited properly Transitional words are used between each cause Concluding sentence wraps up the ideas and/or provides a bridge to the next paragraph

3 Remember! Color code your evidence properly Paraphrased information will be in black (should be cited) Direct quotations will be in red with quotation marks (should be cited) or referenced. Your original ideas will be in blue.

4 “The Indian bias against women’s education dates back to the colonial period, when only a minority of upper caste and middle class women were allowed access to formal education, and even then, they were confined to separate curricula, often focused on domestic skills and moral and religious education (Rawat).” Since girls are not preferred culturally in India, they are not the priority to educate, which makes and keeps their literacy levels low. In addition to cultural reasons there is also a huge economic factor that keeps women from becoming literate. People in poverty do not earn sufficient money to feed the whole family as well as send all of the kids to school. Not only is schooling in India expensive for poor people the transportation to get them to school costs too much for them to pay for school (National Family Health Survey 35). In the years 2005 and 2006, 21.2% of the females dropped out of school because it costs too much for the parents (National Family Health Survey). Illiteracy among women remains a problem because when they can not afford an education they end up becoming ayahs or maids at a very young age (Singh). Once they start working they can not get an education because they are tending to household things or taking care of little children (Singh). Since the poor sometimes earn less than one US dollar a day (UNICEF) there were 12.5 million children under fourteen working in 2004 (Singh). It is likely that these 12.5 million children remain illiterate as they grow. Thus, economics plays a huge role in female illiteracy in India. Therefore, by understanding what is causing these problems revolving the economy and culture we can look at the effects of the low level of female literacy.

5 Basic Mistakes to Avoid No use of first person, no I statements, no reference to yourself! Spell out number that are less than 100. Seventy-five percent Do not use contractions, no can’t, don’t, won’t etc. Spell it out

6 Your Paper and the Paragraphs Vary sentence length Order your arguments, use your strongest first, weakest second, and second strongest last. Do the same with the order of your paragraphs, start with your strongest reason first, weakest second, and second strongest last

7 Basic Revision of Internal Citation Internal citation comes at the end of the sentence with the citable information You cannot use one citation for two sentences, either combine them or cite both You cite in parenthesis then add the period You cite author page number (Smith 24). For books. You cite website title if no author (Sex Ratio-CIA World Factbook).

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