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Published byMervyn Hines Modified over 8 years ago
1 st Consortium Management Team Meeting University of Belgrade 27 th -28 th November 2014 OVERALL PROJECT PROGRESS Prof. dr BILJANA MIŠIĆ ILIĆ University of Niš, Serbia
FUSE OBJECTIVES General objective: o Develop capacity of Serbian HEIs to establish and improve support services and procedures dealing with international cooperation and mobility in line with advanced EU practices Specific objectives: o Provide legal and administrative conditions and working protocols o Establish and improve integrated university support services for academic mobility and international cooperation o Build capacities of teaching and non-teaching staff for full participation in EHEA
FUSE WORKPACKAGES DEV WP1: Developing administrative and legal conditions for improved university support services and procedures DEV WP2: Fostering various support services (academic mobility support, IT support, marketing and information activities) DEV WP3: Capacity building of the teaching and non- teaching staff for better participation in EHEA DEV WP4: Providing language support for full participation in EHEA DISS WP 5: Dissemination QPLN WP 6: Quality Plan EXP WP7: Exploitation MNGT WP8: Management
FUSE WORKPLAN (Application form) WP Type Deliverabl e / Activity Ref. N° Activities (as indicated in the LFM) Dura- tion (weeks) Month 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 DEV1.1 Analysing the current situation in Serbia regarding institutional legislative and administrative framework 7 xxxxxxx DEV1.2 Reviewing the models of EU partners’ relevant legal and administrative framework 23 xo DEV1.3 Analysing target areas and the ways of their improvement; developing and adopting action plans and procedures for enhancing information channels among all stakeholders 12 xxxxxxo DEV1.4 Developing and adopting university protocols and manuals for the staff dealing with international students and affairs 10 xxo xxxxxxxxxxxx xx DEV1.5 Developing and adopting standardized documents to be issued to foreign students 5 xxxxxxxxxxx DEV2.1 Analysing current practices in academic mobility services, and establishing / enhancing them 30 xxo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEV2.2 Updating university / faculty websites to better present institutional opportunities 29 xxoxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx xx DEV2.3 Upgrading technical equipment and support at universities 19 xxxxxxxxxxxxx DEV2.4 Forming and updating databases of available courses and programs in foreign languages; creating tailor-made materials (guides, booklets) for foreign students and increasing their visibility 52 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEV2.5 Intensifying institutional advertising activities 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEV3.1 Making study visits to EU partners 7 xo DEV3.2 Training in Serbia for knowledge, skills and procedures at all institutional levels 15 xxxoxxxxxxx xxxxxxx DEV3.3 Developing and updating foreign student hosting networks, model working protocols and databases of student hosts 24 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEV3.4 Introducing mapping mobility mechanisms at HEIs in Serbia; developing and updating databases of academic contact persons for foreign students 38 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DEV4.1 Establishing cooperation networks among all language professionals at partner Serbian universities so as to promote, enhance and organize various language support services 19 xxxxxxxxxx DEV4.2 Developing and adopting guidelines for providing language support to teaching staff (translation services and classes) 27 xxxxxxx DEV4.3 Developing model English-for-specific-purposes courses for university administrative staff 23 xxxxxxxxx DEV4.4 Developing guidelines for organizing language support (Serbian classes) for foreign students coming to Serbian universities 14 xoxxxxxxxx DISS5.1 Creating, maintaining and regular updating of the project web-site 10xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DISS5.2 Preparing annual joint reports on project achievements 13 xoxxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx x DISS5.3 Designing and distributing project promotional materials 15 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx DISS5.4 Giving information about the project at various dissemination gatherings 18 xoxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxx QPLN6.1 Establishing internal work quality standards and procedures, esatblishing Quality Assurance Group to monitor project performance 6xxox x QPLN6.2 WP coordinators and the Core Group preparing quality reports; the QAG’s evaluating the reports 27 xxoxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx QPLN6.3Organizing interproject coaching2 xxxxx QPLN6.4 Arranging and establishing independent monitoring evaluations by expert(s) (mid-term and end) xo xxxxxxxxxxx EXP7.1Implementing the project results that are incorporated into legal documents4 xxxxxxxxxxxxx EXP7.2 Establishing mechanisms for keeping project outputs (databases, portals, networks etc.) regularly maintained / updated / sustainable 9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx EXP7.3 Organizing seminars for non-partner institutions for the multiplier effect 11 xxxxxxxxxxx MNGT8.1 Organizing kick-off project meeting, setting up project management bodies, signing partnership agreement 10xo MNGT8.2 Adopting relevant documents and passing relevant decisions passed at regular meetings of the project management bodies and at coordination meetings 40 xxxxo xxx xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xx MNGT8.3 Doing regular financial administration and bookkeeping 54xxxxxxoxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx MNGT8.4 Doing financial auditing (mid-term and end) 1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MNGT8.5 Doing day-to-day coordination activities 120xoxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx
FUSE Month 1-12 What have we done from 1 st Dec 2013 till end Nov 2014? WORKPLAN table: Per WP activities, detailed report will be given for WPs 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 (see following presentations) General overview: MAJORITY of the activities started as planned on time MOST of the activities completed as planned A few activities about to be completed soon or slightly delayed A few activities rescheduled for later, the performance is/will be speeded up A very small number of activities delayed
FUSE WORKPLAN (month 12) WP activities, per level of completion (see the Excel table): Completed, on time or earlier Partially completed In progress Delayed Pending Delayed because rescheduled
FUSE WORKPLAN (month 12)
RESULTS (month 12) WP1 DELIVERABLE D1: Developing administrative and legal conditions for improved service & procedures INDICATORSTATUS D1.1 The current situation in Serbia regarding institutional legislative and administrative framework analysed Institutional reports (WP1 Part A questionnaires) Joint report DONE IN PROGRESS D1.2. The models of EU partners’ relevant legal and administrative framework reviewed Individual reports (WP1 Part B) Joint reports for each visit DONE D1.3 Target areas and the ways of their improvement analysed; action plans and procedures for enhancing information channels among all stakeholders developed and adopted Individual reports (WP1 Part C) Institutional reports Joint report Action plans DONE IN PROGRESS DELAYED
RESULTS (month 12) WP2 DEL D2: Fostering various support services (academic mobility support, IT support, marketing and information activities) INDICATOR STATUS D 2.1 Current practices in academic mobility services at RS and EU partners analysed, and actual services established / enhanced Individual reports (WP2 Part A, B, C ) Joint report Services DONE IN PROGRESS ONGOING D 2.2 University / faculty websites updated to better present institutional opportunities Institutional reports Joint reports, action plan/recommendation Website improvements DONE ONGOING D 2.3 Technical equipment and support at universities upgraded Lists Tender procedure DONE IN PROGRESS D 2.4 Databases of courses in foreign languages formed and updated; tailor-made materials for foreign students created, visibility increased DELAYED ONGOING D 2.5 Appropriate institutional advertising activities intensified DELAYED ONGOING
RESULTS (month 12) WP5 DEL D5: Dissemination INDICATOR STATUS D 5.1 Project web-site created, maintained and regularly updated Project website DONE, ONGOING D 5.2 Annual joint reports on project achievements prepared REPORT Year 1 PENDING D 5.3 Project promotional materials designed and distributed Various materials DONE, ONGOING 5.4 Information about the project given at various dissemination gatherings Various events DONE ONGOING
RESULTS (month 12) WP6 DEL D6: Quality INDICATOR STATUS D 6.1 Internal work quality standards and procedures established; Quality Assurance Group established Project website, internal documents DONE D 6.2 Quality reports prepared by WP coordinators and the Core Group and evaluated by the QAG WP leaders reports Partner reports (by 30 Sept 2014) QAG evaluation DONE (almost all) DONE DONE D 6.4 Independent monitoring evaluations by expert(s) arranged and established (mid-term and end) arranged IN PROGRESS
RESULTS (month 12) WP8 DEL D8: Management INDICATOR STATUS D 8.1 Relevant project documents adopted, project management bodies set up, partnership agreement signed Reports on the website DONE D 8.2 Relevant documents adopted and decisions passed at regular meetings of the project management bodies and at coordination meetings 2 meetings so far, reports, documents, Guide, internal documents DONE D 8.3 Regular financial administration and bookkeeping done Institutional and project documents DONE DELAYED ONGOING D 8.5 Day-to-day coordination activities done Internal communication, correspondence, minutes DONE ONGOING
PERCEIVED PROBLEMS Activities-related: Range of activities in some WPs (e.g. WP2, now WP3) quite large and diverse, as well as interconnecting activities (e.g. WP1, 2), causing some delay in both the onset, performance and completion. Reschedule some activities, speed up some other
PERCEIVED PROBLEMS Staff-related: Staff involved at FUSE is involved at many other academic and non-academic activities, including EU projects, so there is sometimes work overload and problems in coordination. –Partners to assign more dedicated staff, if possible –Nominate task leaders for activities, responsible both to their institutions, WP leaders and Coordinator Lack of initiative and pro-active approach (except WP leaders) ??????
PERCEIVED PROBLEMS Communication-related: Weak, untimely or no response from some partners, causing delay in activities, increased time and effort on part of Coordinator and WP leaders, even non-participation of some partners in some planned activities. (more) Devoted contact persons and nominated deputies, clear communication channels and responsibility line
PERCEIVED PROBLEMS Financial management-related: Unclear and changing financial rules in RS (Tempus and RS rules non-coordinated) and various financial policies at various partner institutions caused a lot of delay and problems in financial management. Staff costs mostly not paid yet. Constant communication with NTO, meeting of Tempus project with NTO in July, consulting EACEA, consulting hired financial audit agency, adopting some internal documents at some RS partners, regarding the financial payments for staff and travel
PERCEIVED PROBLEMS Financial management-related - EQUIPMENT: Changed rules for equipment purchase caused a lot of additional work and coordination among partners. Also, some changes in the equipment types at all partner institutions (justified!) Additional and careful effort by UNI staff to comply with ALL the rules, tender pending
PERCEIVED PROBLEMS MNGT platform use-related: The project MNGT platform used much less than expected, partners hardly use info, materials, reports provided there in the implementation section, not enough uploading Financial documentation has not been uploaded by most partners yet. A user guide, made, a video guide made, and during the consortium management meeting in Belgrade in November, a small workshop for platform use will be offered to those contact persons who need it. FINANCIAL BOOKKEEPING ESSESNTIAL for financial audit and must be available to the Coordinator at all times, that’s why we need this tool!
FUSE TODAY What do we hope to have accomplished during this CMT meeting, QAG meeting and monitoring visit? o WP leaders have analyzed their WPs and proposed action plans We have discussed WPs and set up action plans for the next upcoming activities and the ones not completed as planned We have reached understanding regarding the procedures, tasks and amending perceived problems We’ve got to know and understand each other better and had some fun
EXCELLENCE EXCELLENCE IS NOT A SKILL, IT IS AN ATTITUDE But, the way to it in FUSE must also lead through updated and uploaded Excel tables at the MNGT platform
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