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Every other Friday, employees of Burger King get paid. They receiver their hourly wage for every hour they worked. Uncle Sam taxes their earnings taking.

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Presentation on theme: "Every other Friday, employees of Burger King get paid. They receiver their hourly wage for every hour they worked. Uncle Sam taxes their earnings taking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Every other Friday, employees of Burger King get paid. They receiver their hourly wage for every hour they worked. Uncle Sam taxes their earnings taking on average 20% of their money. Calculate the net paycheck that an employee can expect to receive if they give you the number of hours they worked and their hourly wage.

2 When the Mormon pioneers crossed the plains. They built a simple odometer to help them figure out how far they traveled each day. The idea is simple: just count the number of times the wheel rotates, and then given the diameter of the wheel you can determine how far you traveled. Your assignment is to write a program to calculate the distance travelled when the User inputs the diameter of the wheel and the number of revolutions the wheel turned. Hint: Circumference of Circle = PI (3.14) times the Diameter

3 Farmer John has four fields of soybeans planted. There are three months left until harvest time, and the almanac has forecast a very dry summer. Farmer John has decided to put in a new, more efficient irrigation system to water his soybean crops. He sketches a map of his soybean fields that shows how the irrigation system will cover the crops. This is shown on the left. The square ABCD has it's vertices located at the centers of four identical circles, which are the regions covered by the new circular irrigation system. Farmer John is intrigued by the pattern shown in the shaded region of the map, and wonders what the area of this shaded region is. The problem you have to solve is to compute the area of this shaded region. Note that the only data that you need to solve this problem is the radius of one of the crop circles. You can calculate everything else that you need, given the radius. Let the user enter a value for the radius when the program runs. Programming Exercise: Problem Solving with the Algorithm design Worksheet

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