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2016-7-1www.visualland.net1 RIP Split Horizon RIP tutorial with pictures -2 Watch animation to learn networking.

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Presentation on theme: "2016-7-1www.visualland.net1 RIP Split Horizon RIP tutorial with pictures -2 Watch animation to learn networking."— Presentation transcript:

1 2016-7-1www.visualland.net1 RIP Split Horizon RIP tutorial with pictures -2 Watch animation to learn networking. Observe RIP operations in details: Request and Response packet structure,split horizon, periodical flooding routing info. This pictured tutorial takes screenshots from RIP Split Horizon Animation.RIP Split Horizon Animation OK to republish this slide. Please use hyperlink to point to its source.source

2 2016-7-1www.visualland.net2 RIPRIP animations 1.RIP basic It shows how to configure RIP at two routers and the process of synchronizing routing information with Request, Response. 2.Split Horizon Observe RIP operations in details: Request and Response packet structure, split horizon, periodical flooding routing info.Split Horizon 3.Link Failover It animates the steps of finding new routes upon a link down event. 4.Router poison RIP routers floods Response every 30 seconds. If a router has not heard from a neighbor for 180 seconds, it thinks the nieghbor is unreachble. It floods a Response to announce (with route metric 16.) Neighbors propagate this Response to spread out through the RIP network. This is called route poisoning. 5.Equal cost - route poison When receivingg a route poison, a router does not re-flood route poison if it has other paths to reach the unreachable router. 6.Garbage Collection After 180 second of silence from a neighbor, the router declares the neighbor is unreachable and floods route poison. However, this obsolete route stays in RIP database for another 60 seconds (Garbage Collection Timer). When this timer expires, RIP removes the router from RIP datase. 7.Pinghole Congestion RIP uses hop count to calculate path cost, not bandwidth. If a router has two equal cost paths to reach a destination, it load balances traffic. However, if one path has a slower link, it is congested and becomes a bottleneck. This is called RIP pinhole congestion.

3 2016-7-1www.visualland.net3 Overview: RIP details Animation link Animation link Goal: Animate RIP packet structure, periodical flooding of routing info, and split horizon, no VLSM. Topology: R1, R2, R3 are RIP roouters connected linearly. R2 and R3 have started a while. R1 is just started.. Steps: 1) R1 started RIP. Flood Request to ask routing info from neighbors. Flood Response to tell its routes. 2) When receiving Request from R1, R2 returns a Response to R1. 3) When receiving Response from R1, R2 learns a new route (from R1) and floods a Response. 4) R3 receives R2's Response and learned R1's route.

4 2016-7-1www.visualland.net4 Init: R2, R3 have started RIP In this simulaton, R2 and R3 have started RIP and synchronzied their routing tables. Note: Classful. In R2's routing table, (R,, E0/1, 1) describes R3's subnet But the network address is shown as This is because RIP does not support VLSM. It uses classful IP address only.

5 2016-7-1www.visualland.net5 Init: Configure RIP at R1 Now configure R1 to run RIP. See RIP configuration commands in R1's Command Line window.

6 2016-7-1www.visualland.net6 R1 floods Request After start, R1 wants to know neighbors routing information. It floods a Request. Click Request to see its content. - Command=1. Packet type is Request. Version=1. RIP version 1. - Address Family Identifier=0 , IP Address= Metric=16 (See more details in FAQ)

7 2016-7-1www.visualland.net7 R2: Sends Response (Split Horizon ) Upon receiving Request from R1, R2 sends a Response back to R1 to tell R1 about routes R2 has. - Response contains 2 routes: a local route connected to R3, a remote route learned from R3. - RIP does not support VLSM (classless IP). R3's remote route is shown as - Response does not include the local route, E0/0 due to split horizon rule. This route is derived from R2's E0/0 interface at which R2 receives Request from R1. (See more in FAQ)

8 2016-7-1www.visualland.net8 R1: update routing table When R1 receives Response, it adds two new routes to its routing table.

9 2016-7-1www.visualland.net9 R1: flood Response R1's routing table is cahnged, it floods Response to its neighbors to annouce the good news. - R1's Response does not include,, due to split horizon rule. - Route is shown as (RIP 1 does not support classless IP addressing.

10 2016-7-1www.visualland.net10 R2: flood Response After receiving Response from R1, R2 does: - Add new route (, E0/0) to its routing table. - Flood a Response to announce this new route it just discovered. R2 won't send Repsonse from E0/0 due to split horizon rule ( is received from E0/0)

11 2016-7-1www.visualland.net11 R3: update routing table After receiving Response from R2, R3 adds the new route (, E0/0, 2) to its routing table. Now R1, R2, R3's routing tables are synchronized. We can see that it takes two hops for R3 to reach at R1. At R3, the cost for route is 2 in R3's routing table.

12 2016-7-1www.visualland.net12 FAQ 1.What are RIP packets? 2.What are the key parameters used in RIP packets? 3.What is split horizon? ( answers in the Comments box )

13 2016-7-1www.visualland.net13 What is Vlab VLAB: Virtual Lab –Theory: Visualize key points of network protocols to help beginners grasp the basic ideas quickly. –Lab: Visualize network activities with packets and router states captured from network simulators (dynamips, packet tracer, and ns2. –Interactively control animation: packet headers, protocol state tables. Vlab usage –Self learning, teaching aids, lab book.

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