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{ Why Bother with Formative Assessment? Robert Huxley, Graduate School of Education, Bishop’s University.

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Presentation on theme: "{ Why Bother with Formative Assessment? Robert Huxley, Graduate School of Education, Bishop’s University."— Presentation transcript:

1 { Why Bother with Formative Assessment? Robert Huxley, Graduate School of Education, Bishop’s University

2 Part One: Part One: Sharing success criteria with learners Five Parts of Formative Assessment

3  Do you know what you want from this lesson?  Do students?  How do you do this?  Write down some ideas in one minute. Sharing success criteria with learners

4 Part Two: Part Two: Classroom questioning Five Parts of Formative Assessment

5  Questioning for assessment…  …of what exactly?  …of whom? Thoughts? One minute, go! Classroom Questioning

6 Part Three: Part Three: Comment-only marking Five Parts of Formative Assessment

7 Feedback: Critical but Contradictory At the moment research believes:  Concentrate on the specifics task or process  Ignore the self How do you make a good comment? What does a bad one look like? One minute again… Comments-only marking

8 Part Four: Part Four: Peer- and self-assessment Five Parts of Formative Assessment

9 Can you learn from students? What would this look like? Ideas? Peer and Self Assessments

10 Part Five: Part Five: Formative use of summative tests Five Parts of Formative Assessment

11 We have to test. Can we learn something off of them even if they come at the end of a learning cycle? How could you do it? Formative use of Summative Assessments

12  Comments, peer feedback, student feedback, notes, marks… it doesn’t add up!  How do you keep this information in a form that you can use? Keeping it together

13  Your friends: Progression of Learning and the Curriculum guides Progression of Learning Curriculum guidesProgression of Learning Curriculum guides From these:  Course outlines  Word walls  Websites Websites HINT: Students will not look at these unless they are visible DAILY, change WEEKLY and are referred to OFTEN Sharing success criteria with learners

14 Start off with “Why am I doing it?” Good  Understanding prior learning  Linking between the old and new  Adaptation Be Careful  Praise  Verbal Feedback Classroom Questioning

15 M/V/DensityIV/DVLab 4 Student Meeting Concentration/Dilu tion Experimental design(order/co ntent) Peer FB presentation Fertilizer problem SC2 Gizmos: Phase change SC3 drawn out -E missing elements/redid/ barely ok OOO, too much work, partial conclusion no common molecules -E? drawn out -E +E missing elements/redid/ ok OOO, too much work, conclusions scattered no molecules, reading +E don't complete idea of T drawn out -E missing elements/redid/ ok OOO, too much work, partial conclusion talking louder, no common m.0 molecules but not T or P clear -E missing elements/redid/ excellent OOO, too much work, conclusions scattered missing common molecules +E Solid, T, P and phase drawn outCC +E missing elements/redid/ ok OOO, too much work, conclusions scattered moving a lot, reading0? drawn outCC +E/CC missing elements/redid/ excellent too much work, OOO, results good reading from paper +E molecules but not T or P clearCC +E/CC missing elements/redid/ ok OOO, too much work, conclusions scattered reading from paper +E Solid, T, P and phase Comments-Only Marking

16 Peer and Self Assessment Resources  Index Cards  Post it notes  Reflection Cards  Proof Cards

17 Formative use of Summative Assessments Percent1231456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 58%1101111010100001011111101100011 1101101110101101011110100101001 48%0010001010001101110001101110110 52%1101101111010101011110000100010 45%1001011010111100011110001100000 58%1111011110111101011110010001000 52%0000111110111001101101100000101 45%0000000010001101011111011111000 58%1001101011111101001111111100000 68%1101011111101111011110100101011 55%1111101011101101111100001100000 0100111101111100010011101100010 61%1111111011101111110011100000010 48%0100101011111101010100001100010 61%1101111011101110011101101100010 39%0100001000100011010101100101001 74%1111101110101110101111011101111 48%0100010010001111011101110100100 39%0100111010101000110010100000100 52%1101111000001100011110111101000 35%0110110010001000000110001110000 61%1111101101101100011110001101110 48%1111010010001101101000100111000 74%1101111111101111011110011100011 58%1001110101110110000111110100111 45%0000000110111110111110001100000 61%1011111111101110011110011100000 42%1101101000000010010101110100110 48%1001010110111010011110010000011 35%1001010011101000010001000001101 26%0010100000100010010010001100000 65 3265 5871427742743281714252268165776845523555811332294532 Math/Separationmmmsssm real- world ? m m Time  September to November ID tests (lab stations) Pressure problems

18 Keeping it all together  Excel or equivalent for you  Hanging File and subject folders for students  Plastic sheet protectors help too  Glue onto scrap paper/scrap book

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