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Update & Overview. August 12, 2014 2010: Assessment and Action Challenges: Understand RTD’s people, practices, projects, challenges Compare with others.

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Presentation on theme: "Update & Overview. August 12, 2014 2010: Assessment and Action Challenges: Understand RTD’s people, practices, projects, challenges Compare with others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update & Overview

2 August 12, 2014

3 2010: Assessment and Action Challenges: Understand RTD’s people, practices, projects, challenges Compare with others and perform needs assessment Rules update needed Wayside Worker Protection “Two reds” rule History of “lean operation” Address long-term fleet needs LTK report Gain funding commitment for midlife overhaul program

4 2010: Significant System Changes Seismic Intrusion Detection system installed, tested, functional Decision to make Automatic Train Stop (ATS) functional “E” Clip replacement downtown Installation of solar arrays for wayside power supply to signals and other wayside equipment Staff builds LRV Event Recorder using off-the-shelf equipment. Ongoing funding sought.

5 2011: People, Processes, Projects Commuter Rail and SCADA Managers hired Begin Annual Signals Safety recertification Begin process, review, and revision of Rules and Procedures Commence Mid-life Fleet Overhaul project and excellent maintenance of current fleet Inaugurate 4-Car operations Modify entire fleet to draw 900 amps Support Radio system fleet modification Downtown Denver Signal changes Deliver excellent Event Service to Broncos, Rockies, Avs, Parade of Lights, Race for the Cure, etc., etc. Continue work on ATS project

6 2012: Upgrade and Grow Successfully implement ATS – Wayside, fleet, staff training Complete new Operating Rulebook, institute process for revision Hire and train West Rail Line staff (+60 people)and 800+ First Responders Implementation of Annual Refresher training for Operations Upgrade the SCADA system hardware and fiber “backbone” for greater reliability. Continue to work with contractor to complete project. Traction Power system upgrades (still ongoing with contractor) Downtown Denver track replacement Perform field support work on West Rail Line during construction Continue Mid-life Fleet Overhaul project and excellent maintenance of current fleet

7 LRV 106 – Before Overhaul

8 LRV 106 – the work


10 LRV 106



13 The Crews

14 LRV 106

15 2013: Growth Continues On-time, on-budget, safe West Rail Line opening Deliver excellent event service to the Broncos, Rockies, Avs, Nuggets, Parade of Lights and more Increased staff size by 25% Issue RFP for Rail Simulator

16 2013: Growth Continues Continue fleet mid-life overhaul Identify and replace deteriorating track sections in Downtown Denver Work with Capital Programs on I-225 project to minimize designs and system flaws Delivery of redesigned, upgraded fiber optic network for SCADA system on time using certified SCADA team members

17 2013 – 2014: Rail Department Reorganization Address System Expansion Responsible Managers over Critical Areas Long-term Training and Staff Development Strategy Training Facilities – Transportation and Maintenance Partner with Schools, Industry, WIN, Union to develop skilled crafts persons Simulator in service in 2015

18 2014: Work on a Maturing System Award Simulator Project to OKTAL for mid-2015 delivery Participate in Commuter Rail Operations review and oversight planning for Eagle, North Metro, Gold, NW starter lines Identify need and begin acquisition of 12 new LRVs for service expansion Participate in ongoing meetings with Aurora staff on I-225 traffic and operational details Secure I-225 Overnight storage track Identify, protect for future Operational needs Budget for Wayside Worker Protection System

19 Commuter Rail Contract Management Division 2014- 2016: Staff up to oversee new service Build organizational depth Manage RTD-FRA Commuter Rail relations in coordination with Contractor and SSF

20 2015 and Beyond Stay Safe Support staff development and growth Maintain the Rail System – Infrastructure and Vehicles – in a State of Good Repair Support/facilitate the work of the Asset Management Group DELIVER SERVICE!

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