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Managing Microsoft SQL 2000 with MOM 2005. MOM Overview Why Monitor SMS 2003 with MOM 2005 The SMS 2003 Management Pack Inside The Management Pack Best.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Microsoft SQL 2000 with MOM 2005. MOM Overview Why Monitor SMS 2003 with MOM 2005 The SMS 2003 Management Pack Inside The Management Pack Best."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Microsoft SQL 2000 with MOM 2005

2 MOM Overview Why Monitor SMS 2003 with MOM 2005 The SMS 2003 Management Pack Inside The Management Pack Best Practices Demo Resources

3 Why Monitor SMS 2003? SMS availability affects SLA and your business processes You need to meet or exceed your current SLAs Hardware and software inventory must be reported from all sites in the hierarchy once per week and a reported by noon on Monday Software must be deliverable to all clients in the hierarchy with 24 hours Software usage metering reports must be 95% accurate within the past week Security patches must be distributable to all affected clients within one hour of posting Service Level Agreements (SLA)

4 Why Monitor SMS 2003? Provides very detailed status on – Sites – Components – Site Systems – Software Distribution – Advertisements – Packages Status Message Queries for – Sites – Site Systems – Components – Clients – Software Distribution SMS Status System

5 Why Monitor SMS 2003? SMS Status System Views

6 Why Monitor SMS 2003? SMS Status System Views

7 Why Monitor SMS 2003? Does not directly and easily integrate into data center monitoring and processes Requires an SMS specialist due to high volume and detail of status messages Monitoring is done in a reactive mode Latencies exist since most reporting is through status messages which must flow up the hierarchy and into the SMS database at the central site Status messages can be delayed should a sender have problems Scope is limited to a single SMS hierarchy SMS Status System can not do it all

8 Why Use the SMS 2003 Management Pack? Save the cost of building your own solution Monitors a wide range of health indicators Addresses major customer scenarios and pain points Minimal tuning required Less noise since it alerts only on the most critical events Provides online product knowledge for problem resolution An Out-of-the-Box Solution

9 Why Use the SMS 2003 Management Pack? Incorporates SMS product team knowledge Leverages monitoring enhancements to SMS Evaluated and tuned by Microsoft IT in their production environment prior to release Supported by the SMS product team Be More Productive

10 Why Use the SMS 2003 Management Pack? Integrate SMS monitoring into your data center processes Monitor through a single tool that allows correlation of problems on a Windows Server and within the managed server infrastructure Use more junior staff for monitoring and reallocate senior staff to more value added tasks Be More Productive

11 Why Use the SMS 2003 Management Pack? Proactively monitor and respond to health issues before they become problems Problems are often more easily fixed and have less impact if detected early Problems are less costly if they do not need to be escalated and are fixed quickly Be More Proactive

12 Inside the Management Pack Service Availability Critical SMS Status Messages Monitoring Site System Status Monitoring SMS Site Backup Monitoring SMS Patch Management Monitoring SMS Availability Measurements Performance Monitoring Backlog Monitoring General Health Monitoring Discovery State Monitoring Topology Tasks Software Distribution Program Execution Status Features

13 Inside the Management Pack The availability of SMS services and on all SMS site systems Generates alerts when services are stopped – Core SMS services – SMS Executive – SMS Site Component Manager – SMS SQL Monitor – SMS Site Backup – SMS Agent Host – SMS Reporting Point – SMS Server Locator Point – SMS Client Service – Dependent services – Windows Management Instrumentation – MS SQL Server – IIS Admin Service – World Wide Web Publishing Service – Background Intelligent Transfer Service Service Availability

14 Inside the Management Pack Generates alerts for SMS services and dependent services upon their startup for – Service hangs – Service account issues – Failure to restart Suppresses alerts during SMS Site Backup when core SMS services are stopped and later restarted Service Availability

15 Inside the Management Pack Generates an alert for critical server-related SMS Status Messages Monitors for problems with – Availability – Performance – Configuration Reflects general overall health of the SMS infrastructure such as – Component state – Database connectivity – Site-to-site communication – SMS Site Backup Critical SMS Status Messages Monitoring

16 Inside the Management Pack Generates an alert for a sub-set of “Critical” SMS Site System Summarizer status – Site system being down – SMS SQL Server site role running out of database/log space – SMS site roles running out of physical disk space Site System Status Monitoring

17 Inside the Management Pack Backup affects service availability since the SMS Site Backup service stops and starts SMS services – SMS Site Component Manager – SMS Executive – SMS SQL Monitor Alert suppression for the above SMS services stopping during backup SMS Site Backup Monitoring

18 Inside the Management Pack Monitoring SMS backup helps detect “known downtime” in service availability Generates an informational alert when SMS Site Backup service starts and stops Generates an alert when the SMS Site Backup service fails to start or terminates unexpectedly Generates an alert when SMS Site Backup fails because of – Access problems i.e. registry, file and DB – Low disk space – Failure to start/stop certain services – Failures in SQL operations Generates an alert when SMS Site Backup completes successfully SMS Site Backup Monitoring

19 Inside the Management Pack Presented in a simple report format – Start and end dates – Server name – Average unresolved alert time, in minutes – Availability percentage, up to five 9s (i.e., 99.999) of resolution Only servers with less than 100% availability are listed in the report SMS Availability Measurements

20 Inside the Management Pack SMS Patch Management keeps client and server computers in the enterprise current with the latest software updates so as to help prevent security vulnerabilities Generates an alert when the SMS Patch Management Synchronization Process fails Generates an alert when SMS Patch Management fails to request update SMS Distribution Points SMS Patch Management Monitoring

21 Inside the Management Pack SMS Availability Measurement Report

22 Inside the Management Pack Allows you to watch for performance trends in the SMS infrastructure in order to proactively resolve problems before they occur Contains both views and reports for administrators to graphically display data and quickly identify trends Backlogs relating to DDR, HINV, SINV, Status, etc. at – Inboxes on SMS Site Servers – CCM Queues on SMS Management Points Processing Rates and Totals of DDR, HINV, SINV, Status, etc. on – SMS Site Servers – SMS Management Points – SMS Device Management Points General performance – SMS Executive and SMS Agent Host CPU utilization – Number of SQL connections – ISAPI requests/sec – System CPU, Memory and Up Time Performance Monitoring

23 Inside the Management Pack Performance Monitoring Graph

24 Inside the Management Pack Performance Monitoring Report

25 Inside the Management Pack Backlogs create delays which affect customer SLAs in terms of time, performance and data accuracy Generates an alert when backlogs are above a threshold over a period of time i.e. 10,000 over three hours for – Messages in CCM Queues on SMS management points – Queued objects on SMS site servers – Files in inboxes on SMS site servers Backlog Monitoring

26 Inside the Management Pack Generates an alert when a machine-wide health metric on an SMS server is above a certain threshold over a period of time – Processor Time 95% over 3 hours – Smsexec – Ccmexec – Total – Paging File Usage 98% over 3 hours General Health Monitoring

27 Inside the Management Pack Service Discovery – SMS client and server data collection – State Monitoring – A computer’s role – SMS Client – SMS Server – The installed components that are defined for the role’s state view Topology Discovery – SMS Server to SMS Server connectors – SMS Server image annotations Name Site Code Version * Advanced Client only Discovery

28 Inside the Management Pack Name Site Code Version Database Server Type – Site Database Server Type – Central Site – Primary Site – Secondary Site – Site System Site System Type – Management Point Discovered SMS Server Data

29 Inside the Management Pack Components – CAP: Client Access Point – DB: Site Database Server – DP: Distribution Point – MP: Management Point – Performance: general performance health – Provider: SMS Provider – RP: Reporting Point – Sender: SMS Sender Server – SLP: Server Locator Point – SS: Site Server Discovered SMS Server Data

30 Inside the Management Pack Discovered SMS Data View

31 Inside the Management Pack Dynamic monitoring of SMS Client and SMS Server roles and their components – SMS Client (Advanced Client only) – Service – SMS Server – Same as the discovered component data for SMS Server i.e. CAP, DB, etc. Processing event rules control component state Presents consolidated role and component status from monitoring – Core SMS services i.e. SMS Executive – Dependent services i.e. SQL – Backlogs and general health i.e. CPU and Paging File – SMS Management Point health Scope of view adjustable to any SMS 2003 Computer Group by using the Group filter State Monitoring

32 Inside the Management Pack State Monitoring View

33 Inside the Management Pack Diagram of SMS servers in the SMS hierarchy Scope of view adjustable to any SMS 2003 Computer Group by using the Group filter Provides summary computer status Diagram can be exported to a Microsoft ® Visio ® file Only need SMS Provider computers to be managed, have an agent installed and have “agent proxying for other computers” enabled Discovery is performed on a per-site basis from primary sites – Secondary sites are discovered as part of parent primary discovery Discovery data is provided through annotations Topology

34 Inside the Management Pack Topology Diagram

35 Inside the Management Pack Topology Diagram Drilldown

36 Inside the Management Pack Launch against SMS site servers – SMS Administrator Console – SMS Status Viewer – SMS Resource Explorer – SMS Service Manager Facilitate drill down into alerts, especially for – SMS Status Messages – SMS Components Requires installation of SMS 2003 SP1 Administrator console along with the MOM 2005 Remote Console Tasks

37 Inside the Management Pack Tasks View

38 Inside the Management Pack SMS Advanced Client can report program failures through the management pack Administrators simply select the “Generate MOM alert if this program fails” check box on the MOM Program Properties page for a program Software Distribution Program Execution Status

39 Inside the Management Pack Software Distribution Program Execution Status

40 Best Practices Follow the instructions in the Configuration section of the online knowledge for the Systems Management Server (SMS) 2003 processing rule group Follow the deployment instructions in the SMS 2003 Management Pack Guide Deployment

41 Best Practices Use MOM for trend analysis Use Performance Monitor for detailed analysis so as not to impact performance Performance Monitoring

42 Best Practices Use the SQL Server Management Pack to expand monitoring of SMS site database servers and management points that have SQL Server dependencies Use the IIS Management Pack to monitor IIS on reporting points, management points, and server locator points Use the Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 Base Operating System Management Pack to monitor basic Windows components such as CPU, disk, and memory statistics Use the Windows Network Load Balancing Management Pack if you are using Network Load Balancing to support multiple management points in your SMS hierarchy for scalability reasons Use the Active Directory Management Pack to monitor the health of your Active Directory infrastructure Expanded Monitoring

43 Best Practices Tuning Only enable performance and backlog rules if and when required so as to minimize impact to performance Tune performance thresholds for your environment Periodically review your settings and make adjustments if required

44 Summary Use an out-of-the-box solution Monitor a wide range of availability and health indicators Be proactive and productive Maintain your SLAs MOM and the SMS Management Pack allows you to effectively manage your SMS hierarchy

45 Microsoft SMS 2003 Management Pack

46 For More SMS Information The public SMS Web site – – Lots of great information on SMS 2003 – Case studies, product overview, What’s New, demos, system requirements, FAQs – Evaluation version of SMS 2003 SMS 2003 product documentation – SMS 2003 online library with SMS 2003 – Also on the public SMS Web site SMS 2003 Administrator’s Companion – ISBN: 0-7356-1888-7

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