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1 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 PERFORMANCE MEASURES FOR ROAD WEATHER MANAGEMENT Roemer Alfelor FHWA Road Weather.

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Presentation on theme: "1 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 PERFORMANCE MEASURES FOR ROAD WEATHER MANAGEMENT Roemer Alfelor FHWA Road Weather."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 PERFORMANCE MEASURES FOR ROAD WEATHER MANAGEMENT Roemer Alfelor FHWA Road Weather Management Program

2 2 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 Performance Measures for RWM Objective: Develop performance measures for evaluating the success of the RWMP in achieving Section 5308 goals. –Maximize use of available road weather information and technologies –Expand Road Weather R&D efforts to enhance roadway safety, capacity, and efficiency while minimizing environmental impacts; and –Promote technology transfer of effective road weather scientific and technological advances. Completed: –Literature Review and Synthesis (135+ documents) –Hypotheses and Preliminary Measures (100+ measures) –Stakeholder Workshop (April 24, 2007) –Feedback from general weather/transportation community

3 3 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 Selected Performance Measures PROGRAM GOALSPERFORMANCE MEASURES Goal 1: Maximize use of available road weather information and technologies. Number or percentage of transportation agencies that use road weather information and decision support systems for making advisory, control and treatment decisions. Number or percentage of travelers who use road weather information for making travel decisions (both pre-trip and en-route). Number of weather/environmental sensor stations (ESS) deployed and used by transportation agencies to support decision-making (normalized by total road mileage) Goal 2: Expand road weather R&D efforts to enhance roadway safety, capacity and efficiency while minimizing environmental impacts Number of agencies participating in and benefiting from road weather R&D projects. Percentage of time roadway meets safety and capacity level of service (LOS) standards (i.e. V/C ratio, etc.) during and after weather events. Reduction in agency costs (i.e. labor, equipment, materials) due to adoption of maintenance and operations decision-support systems for road weather management. Reduction in user costs (i.e. delay, crashes, vehicle operating costs, emissions, salt damage) due to improved road weather advisory, control and treatment strategies. Goal 3: Promote technology transfer of effective road weather scientific and technological advances. Number of agencies/individuals visited or contacted through technology transfer, training and outreach efforts. Rate of adoption of RWM technologies (e.g., decision-support systems) by agencies that participated in workshop or training activities. Number of RWM technology development, testing and deployment activities initiated through public or private sector based on identified operational needs. Number of road weather technologies developed through public-private and/or public-public partnerships reaching operational deployment.

4 4 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 Performance Measures – Implementation Definition and scope of measures Data Sources and Quality Analysis and Measurement Procedures Evaluation and Monitoring Communications

5 5 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 ROAD WEATHER MANAGEMENT TRAINING and OUTREACH Roemer Alfelor FHWA Road Weather Management Program

6 6 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 Principles and Tools for RWM NHI Course Still Available (1-day course) –Delivered 3 times already Web-based, Blended Course –Based on NHI version –Developed and administered by Univ. of MD Center for ITS Training and Education (CITE) –Piloted April 2008 with 26 participants –Scheduled for delivery this Fall Also completed assessment of Wx elements in existing NHI OPS courses

7 7 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 RWIS Equipment and Operations Course Developed for ITS Rocky Mountain, partially funded by ITS JPO. 1½-day course focusing on RWIS devices including acquisition and maintenance Piloted in Denver and delivered at the NRITS meeting in Michigan (2007) Offered by ITS Rocky Mountain now, but plans are to develop a blended version.

8 8 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 Anti-Icing/RWIS Computer-Based Tool (CBT) Developed by AASHTO, FHWA and Aurora Pooled Fund Program Scenario-based training exercises for equipment operators, supervisors, and middle managers Includes winter roadway hazards and principles of overcoming them, weather basics, weather and roadway monitoring for anti-icing decisions, and computer access to road Wx information Recently updated to include guidance from NCHRP studies on anti-icing materials and methods.

9 9 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 MDSS Product Demonstration Showcases One day workshop on what MDSS is, what it does and how to deploy it. Several showcases have been conducted in the past, most recently in Pennsylvania and Idaho. Contact: Ray Murphy

10 10 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 Transportation/Meteorology Cross Training Goal – Educate each community about the other “Weather and Road Management” web-based course –Informs transportation agencies about National Weather Services (NWS) products and services –Developed by FHWA and the Cooperative Program for Operational Meteorology, Education and Training (COMET) –Completed in July, 2008. Available from the COMET web site at “Surface Transportation Weather” web-based course –Informs weather forecasters about transportation operations –Nearing completion

11 11 NTOC Talking Operations – Road Weather Management – September 30, 2008 Road Wx Resource Identification Tool Database and search engine for Road Weather publications Downloadable from FHWA RWMP website Version 2.0 has 650 documents Additional 250 documents will be added to the database, and links will be created.

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