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Birds and Beaks Scenario Review. 11. What caused the increase in the average beak size of the finch population after the 1977 drought? D – Finches with.

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Presentation on theme: "Birds and Beaks Scenario Review. 11. What caused the increase in the average beak size of the finch population after the 1977 drought? D – Finches with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Birds and Beaks Scenario Review

2 11. What caused the increase in the average beak size of the finch population after the 1977 drought? D – Finches with bigger beaks were able to survive and reproduce. Describe that some traits will improve an individual’s survival rates and subsequent reproduction in environments with a finite supply of resources.

3 12. Scientists must be careful that their activities in an ecosystem do not introduce any new organisms into that ecosystem. What might be an effect on the finch population of Daphne Major if a new bird species were brought to the island? C – The finch population would decline due to competition. Explain how a change to a factor (e.g., matter, energy, space, predatory, or competing organisms) would limit the population of a species.

4 13. Before the drought, Daphne Major had 720 finches living on 80 acres of land. What was the population density of finches on Daphne Major? Answer: 9 finches per acre Calculate population density given an area and the number of a given organism within the area.

5 14. Why are the offspring of flowering plants genetically different from the parent plants? Answer: A – Sexual reproduction produces offspring with new combinations of genes. Describe the relationship between the unique combination of genetic information in an egg or sperm cell and the differing characteristics in offspring from a single set of parents.

6 15. What part of the cell produces ATP for the blueberry plant to grow? Answer: A - Mitochondrion. Describe the essential function(s) of structures within cells (i.e., cellular membrane, cell wall, nucleus, chromosome, chloroplast, mitochondrion, ribosome, cytoplasm).

7 16. Blueberries contain sugars like glucose. What is the source of carbon for the glucose in blueberries? Answer: B – Carbon dioxide gas in air. Describe the cycle of carbon through ecosystems.

8 17. Research the Problem: Example: What kind of worms are in the soil? Collect worms and ask science teacher what nutrients they need. What is the best temperature? How much water is good for worms? Google worm environment.

9 17. Explore ideas: Example: Cover with black plastic to increase temperature. Count worms before and after putting down plastic. Add compost to the soil as food for worms.

10 Aquarium Systems Scenario Review

11 1.Which two variables were controlled in this investigation? Answer: D Item description: Identify two controlled variables in an investigation.

12 2. Which variable was the manipulated variable in this investigation? Answer: B Item description: Identify the manipulated variable in an investigation

13 3. Which variable was the responding variable in this investigation? Answer: A Item description: Identify the responding variable in an investigation

14 4. Write a conclusion for this investigation. Perfect example: As water temperature increased, the breathing rate of the goldfish increased. The lower water temperature tested was 10 degrees Celsius and the goldfish breathed only 49 times per minute. The highest water temperature tested was 30 degrees and goldfish increased their breathing to 78 times per minute. So changing the temperature by 20 degrees caused the breathing rate to increase by 29 breaths per minute.

15 5. How does a fish breathe? Answer: C Item description: Identify how organisms sustain life by obtaining matter.

16 6. The skin of goldfish is covered with a substance containing proteins which helps protect the fish from diseases. What provides the instructions for making these proteins? Answer: A Item description: Identify how genes provide instructions for assembling protein molecules in cells

17 7. Which of the following would provide the best evidence goldfish are more closely related to frogs than to dragonflies? Answer: D Item description: Analyze the relationship among organisms based on their shared physical characteristics and/or functional processes

18 9. A small lake near Eleana and Jason’s school has become covered with green algae. Dead fish are sometimes found on the shore of the lake. The city wants to solve the problem by installing a fountain that will spray the water straight up into the air. What would be the purpose of installing this fountain? Answer: C Item description: Identify the effectiveness of a solution to a problem or challenge using scientific concepts/principles

19 10. Hypothesis: Prediction: Manipulated variable (water temperature) on the responding variable (amount of oxygen in the water. Prediction reason: Cause-effect reason like… Because colder water has less energy to make things dissolve. If the water temp is decreased then the amount of oxygen in the water will decrease because colder water has less energy…

20 10 continued. Materials Minimum materials needed to perform the procedure (shopping list?) Examples: Container with water, water heater, thermometer, tool to measure oxygen in water

21 10 continued. Procedure. Check for these items. A.Is it a numbered list of steps that is logical? B.Can you identify at least 2 controlled variables in the procedure or material list (examples: identical fish tanks, same thermometer, same oxygen tool used) C.Is the only one manipulated variable? Are you only changing one item between each fish tank? D.Can we tell what you are measuring and when you are to do the measuring?

22 10 continued. Procedure. Check for these items. E. Do you tell them to RECORD the data and when to record the data? F. Do you mention to REPEAT TRIALS? G. Do you have a control group? (example: A separate aquarium system kept at a constant temperature/room temperature?

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