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A sequence What is the scientific method?.

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1 A sequence What is the scientific method?




5 Good observations: 1.) Meats on counter are uncovered. 2.) Flies swarming around and on the meat. 3.) Some maggots crawling on meat. 4.) Meats that have maggots look older/less fresh. 1. Observation

6 Possible Questions: 1.) Why does meat from the butcher shop become infested with maggots? 2.) Do maggots generate spontaneously in the meat after a certain amount of time? 3.) Do maggots come from flies? 4.) If I keep flies away from the meat by covering the meat, will maggots still appear? 1.Observation 2.Ask a question

7 Possible hypotheses: 1.) Flies produce the maggots. 2.) Maggots arise from decaying meat. 3.) The combination of fresh air and meat produce maggots. 1.Observation 2.Ask a question 3.Develop a hypothesis

8 Make a prediction: If maggots come from flies, then keeping flies off the meat will prevent the development of maggots. 1.Observation 2.Ask a question 3.Develop a hypothesis 4.Make a prediction

9 1.Observation 2.Ask a question 3.Develop a hypothesis 4.Make a prediction 5.Perform experiment.


11 1.Observation 2.Ask a question 3.Develop a hypothesis 4.Make a prediction 5.Perform experiment.


13 After Day 4



16 The Scientific Method

17 Steps of the scientific method: 1. Identify the problem or question – this where we pose a “testable question” 2. Form an educated guess (hypothesis) of the cause of the problem and make predictions based upon the hypothesis 3. Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment or study (with proper controls) 4. Check and interpret your results 5. Report your results to the scientific community

18 Observation Observation: A rooster crows at the same time that the sunrises.

19 The Scientific Method What is a “Testable Question”? A testable question is a query that is posed in a way that can be investigated to produce data (evidence). Testable questions are answered by collecting and analyzing evidence that is MEASURABLE. Testable questions often begin with: How, What, If, Does Testable Question: Does a crow from a rooster cause the sun to rise?

20 Hypothesis: I hypothesize that a crow from a rooster causes the sun to rise. If a rooster does not crow then the sun will not rise.

21 Template If I prevent the rooster from crowing then the sun will not rise.

22 The Scientific Method Experiment: Prevent the rooster from crowing in the morning and determine if the sun still rises. Results: The sun still rises whether or not the rooster crows. Interpret: A rooster crow does not cause the sun to rise. I must reexamine my hypothesis for what causes the sun to rise.

23 Any questions?

24 Unit 2 Project Review You will be acting as a community health department investigator who has been hired to look into a mysterious pattern of student absences at some local middle schools in your area. Although some town residents are attributing the absences to a local legend, it is your responsibility to conduct a scientific investigation and identify the most likely causes for the absences by using the evidence available from the school and the health department.

25 Unit 2 Project Review (cont’d) You will create a PowerPoint presentation fully outlining your investigation. A template for this presentation is available in Doc Sharing. You are welcome to modify this template to suit your needs, being sure to meet the assignment requirements. Start by reading a memo from your boss. This memo outlines the basics of the problem for you. To access all the information, click On Resource icon (pile of books). Click Here! Resources

26 Unit 2 Project Review (cont’d) Your first task for this assignment is to figure out when the unusual spike in absences took place, and in what class(es). You can access several charts that display all the student absences at four schools by clicking the resources icon below. Once you have isolated which schools experienced the unusual spike in absences, be sure to include specific data and an explanation within page 2 of your PowerPoint presentation. Now, you must determine what the likely causes for the spike in absences are. Use the Health Department’s website to explore all of the available data. You’ll find the school activity calendars, interviews with the parents of the absent students, and other local town information including restaurant inspection reports that will help you determine some potential causes for the absences.

27 Unit 2 Project Review (cont’d) Based on all of the information you collect, complete the remaining parts of the PowerPoint presentation: The specific circumstances/symptoms experienced by the students which prevented them from attending school. Two testable, clear hypotheses that state what caused the absences. Be sure to base your hypotheses on the evidence you obtained (e.g., Health Department Restaurant Inspections, details from school calendars) and include an explanation of who, what, why, when, and how as the evidence supporting your hypotheses. Come up with six follow-up questions that you could ask to help further your investigation and support or disprove each hypothesis.

28 Unit 2 Project Review (cont’d) According to an anonymous town resident, the spike in absences coincided with the annual anniversary of the death of the town’s founder, Jeremiah Potts. The founder died 150 years ago during the month of May following an unexplained illness, and ever since his death, he haunts the public buildings causing symptoms similar to the illness that he succumbed to. Provide an explanation for why the hypothesis of the anonymous resident is not an acceptable one for an investigation based in science. Include in your explanation a comparison of this hypothesis to the two that you created based upon the available evidence.

29 Unit 2 Project Rubric Performance Elements Points CategoryCriteriaExpectationAwardedPossible Content Requirements Data Analysis · Preliminary observations and hypothesis justifications utilize at least 4 areas of relevant data available through both the school department and health department (e.g. attendance data, interview results, health department memos and messages) 16 Hypotheses · 2 distinct, specific and testable hypotheses created to explain the student absences 14 Follow-Up Questions · 6 follow-up questions created for hypothesis 1 6 · 6 follow-up questions created for hypothesis 2 6 · Questions have the potential to advance the investigation beyond available data 3 Hypothesis analysis · Analysis of resident’s “Haunting Hypothesis” present 8 · Includes a comparison to scientifically acceptable hypotheses 2 Organization, logic, details · Communication shows order, logic, and unification. 6 · Specific supporting details included that demonstrate clear understanding of target concepts. 7 Writing Mechanics Spelling/ Grammar · Free of any spelling/grammatical/ word choice errors 5 APA style references* · Follows APA style for parenthetical/in- text citations and reference page. · Sources are scientifically valid (i.e., no Wikipedia). 2 APA format · The body of the paper follows APA formatting guidelines including title page, spacing, font size, paragraph style and margins. 5 TOTAL POINTS 80

30 Unit 2 Project Review Unit 2 Project is due next Tuesday Please be sure to use APA format. Also, it should be well written, clear, and error free. Cite any resources that are used in your project. Be sure to provide all of the information / answer all questions required in the assignment! Review the grading rubric in the syllabus Submit your assignment to the Dropbox. Title your document using the following: first name_Last Name_Project2.doc For example, Shawn_Edwards_Project2.doc

31 Any questions?

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