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The Reception  What are the duties of a receptionist?  What are the qualities of a receptionist?  Use your notes (pages 40 – 41) to complete Task 14.

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Presentation on theme: "The Reception  What are the duties of a receptionist?  What are the qualities of a receptionist?  Use your notes (pages 40 – 41) to complete Task 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Reception  What are the duties of a receptionist?  What are the qualities of a receptionist?  Use your notes (pages 40 – 41) to complete Task 14  If finished, read notes pages 42 -43 quietly

2 Organisation Charts Page 41

3 What does an organisation chart show? An organisation chart shows:  The management structure and main departments of an organisation i.e. Finance, Sales etc  The main posts within an organisation and in each department

4 What does an organisation chart show? An organisation chart shows:  The relationship between the various posts – posts which have the same level of authority or responsibility are shown on the same level  The reporting structure

5 Colour High School’s Organisation Chart Mrs Green Head Teacher Mr Orange Head of Maths Maths Teachers (10) Mr Yellow Head of English English Teachers (10) Mrs Lilac Head of Business Studies Business Studies Teachers (6) Mr Blue Deputy Head Miss Purple Deputy Head

6 Benefits of organisation charts! Customers and visitors can  Find out size of organisation  Find out what type of work is carried out by organisation  Find out who to contact within organisation  It is useful for an organisation chart to be placed at reception

7 Benefits of organisation charts! Employees of the organisation can  Find out size and structure of the organisation  See relationship between departments  Find out who the bosses are!!

8 Tasks  Complete tasks 15 and 16 in your jotter  Complete School Organisation Chart worksheet

9 Business Name + Logo Matt Le Blanc Managing Director Courtney Cox Finance Manager Jennifer Aniston Human Resources Manager Matthew Perry Marketing Manager David Schwimmer Sales Manager

10 Electronic Diaries  Advances in technology have led to people using electronic diaries instead of paper-based diaries  There are many advantages of using electronic diaries….

11 Electronic Diary Software include:  Appropriate slots for appointments are automatically found  Routine appointments can be programmed so that reminders/alarms are given  A number of diaries may be accessed and coordinated to schedule complex appointments and large meetings  Files can be directly linked to database files to provide more information, eg a receptionist can have access to visitor’s details at hand at the click of a button

12 Advantages of Electronic Diaries:  Receptionist can access others’ diaries to check for expected callers  If appointments overrun or appointments are changed, amendments can be easily made and receptionist informed automatically  Much quicker than manually skimming through pages of paper diary to find available appointment  There will be no double booking of appointments

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