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Breakdown the Scientific Method PPT Notes Please copy all that is BLUE on your notes.

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1 Breakdown the Scientific Method PPT Notes Please copy all that is BLUE on your notes

2 How would you find an answer to this question?? You are watching TV and the screen goes black. You try turning on the lights, but nothing happens. Even though it doesn’t involve chemicals or lab coats….This is when you apply the Scientific Method.

3 1. Ask a Question Something you don’t know but want to find out Ex: Why did the TV turn off?

4 2. Make Observations Research, prior knowledge, using senses Ex: What do you know about….the TV? power cord? remote? Last person using it?

5 3. Form a Hypothesis AKA the ARGUMENT (ACDC) Possible explanation or educated guess Ex: If the TV turned off, then it must because I have the wrong input.

6 4. How to Test the Hypothesis (Experiment) A. Materials List the materials you’ll use Ex: TV, remote, cables

7 4. How to Test the Hypothesis (Experiment) B. Procedure How will you test your hypothesis? 1. Press Power 2. Check for TV light 3. Press input button until HDMI 2 4. Wait for picture 5. Repeat steps 1-4 at least 2 more times VALID EXPERIMENTS CAN BE REPEATED

8 5. Analyze the Results What did you learn from your experiment? What is the data? Ex: RECORD YOUR DATA/NUMBERS HERE!! (data charts, graphs)

9 6. Draw Conclusions AKA Commentary (ACDC) Do you accept or reject your hypothesis? Based on the data chart, I accept/reject my hypothesis BECAUSE…..(give data here) Based on the graph, I accept/reject my hypothesis BECAUSE…..(give data here)

10 7. Communicate the Results Tell others what you have learned. Ex: Lab report, Mom and Dad, teacher

11 Scientific Method Breakdown Q ueen O livia H as M agically P roduced A lot of C hocolate C hip Cookies Q uestion O bservation H ypothesis - Argument M aterials P rocedure A nalyze Data – Concrete Details C onclusion - Commentary C ommunicate – Lab Report

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