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The Infinitive and The Gerund
تنفيذ واعداد: النارة العتيبي شيمه المطيري أ. محمد العليان
تعتبر Gerunds و Infinitives من القواعد الهامة في اللغة الانجليزية بل لا تكاد تخلو منهما اي جملة في الانجليزية, ولكن ما تعريف كل منهما ؟ ببساطة Gerunds هي أفعال تعمل عمل الاسم وتتميز باصافة ing لها , مثل : Speaking, listening, writing, reading, doing, starting حيث ان جميع الكلمات الماضية هي افعال ولكن لما اضفنا لها ing أصبحت تعمل عمل الاسم ولها استخدام خاص بهاوتسمى Gerunds . أما Infinitves فهي عبارة عن to اضافة للفعل وهي بذلك تعمل عمل الاسم, أمثلة على Inifinitives تشمل : to speak, to read, to write, to listen, to do, to act . ولكن, هل نستطيع استخدم كلام من الـ Gerund والـ Infinitive مع جميع الافعال ؟ الاجابة لا حيث ان لكل منهما افعال مختصة به دون الاخر وسابين هذه النقطة في الاسفل .
أولا : متى نستخدم Gerunds ؟
اذا جاءت في محل الفاعل مثل : Swimming is good exercise. Smoking is dangerous او اذا جاءت في محل شبه الجملة مثل : Doctors say that smoking is bad for your health نستخدم gerunds بعد حروف الجر مثل : He left without saying goodbye. He got money by selling his car, I'm sorry for being late ايضا نستخدم Gerund بعد افعال معينة مثل : avoid, dislike, enjoy, finish, give up, mind/not mind, practise : I dislike getting up early. Would you mind opening the window? I always enjoy meeting you .
طريقة اضافة (ing)للافعال الانجليزية
The Spelling of verbs English in -ing The sun is shining The woman is sitting on a chair by the beach She is typing on her laptop الطريقة الاولى: اذا كان الحرف الي قبل الاخير ليس حرف علة نضيفing ونحذف (e) . امثلة :- Consonant + e Drop the e, add - ing EX dance------>>dancing come >> coming
الطريقة الثانية اذا كان حرف متحرك يلية حرف ساكن يلية حرف متحرك ندبل الحرف الاخير ونضيف ing . One vowel + consonant Double the consonant, add –ing EX: sitting ملاحظة: اذا انتهاء الفعل بأحدى الحروف التالية نضيف ing بدون تغير وهي: (w,x,y) Exception : verbs that end in w,x,y EX: show---->showing fix----->fixing say---->saying
الطريقة الثالثة الطريقة الرابعة
اذا سبق الحرف الاخير حرفين علة نضيف ing- فقط بدون اي تغير . Two vowels + one consonant Do not double the consonant. add –ing Ex: eat----->eating sleep---->sleeping الطريقة الرابعة جميع الافعال غير المذكورة في السابق نضيف ing- بدون اي تعديل. All other verbs Add -ing Ex: talk-----> talking read----->reading
ملاحظة هامة حروف العلة في الغة الانجليزية Vowels)) a , e ,i ,o ,u
الحروف المتحركة في الغة الانجليزية Consonants)) b ,c ,d ,f ,g ,h ,j ,k ,l ,m ,n ,p ,q ,r ,s ,t ,v ,w ,x ,y , z
Recognize a gerund when you see one
Every gerund, without exception, ends in ing. Gerunds are not, however, all that easy to identify. The problem is that all present participles also end in ing. What is the difference? Gerunds function as nouns. Thus, gerunds will be subjects, subject complements, direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of prepositions. Present participles, on the other hand, complete progressive verbs or act as modifiers.
Read these examples of gerunds:
Since Francisco was five years old, swimming has been his passion. Swimming = subject of the verb has been. Francisco's first love is swimming. Swimming = subject complement of the verb is. Francisco enjoys swimming more than spending time with his girlfriend Diana. Swimming = direct object of the verb enjoys. Francisco gives swimming all of his energy and time. Swimming = indirect object of the verb gives. When Francisco wore dive fins to class, everyone knew that he was devoted to swimming. Swimming = object of the preposition to.
These ing words are examples of present participles:
One day last summer, Francisco and his coach were swimming at Daytona Beach. Swimming = present participle completing the past progressive verb were swimming. A Great White shark ate Francisco's swimming coach. Swimming = present participle modifying coach. Now Francisco practices his sport in safe swimming pools. Swimming = present participle modifying pools.
ثانيا : متى نستخدم Infinitives ؟
ايضا, الــ Infinitives يستخدم بعد افعال معينة مثل : forget, help, learn, teach, train choose, expect, hope, need, offer, want, would like, agree, encourage, pretend, promise, recommend , allow, can/can't afford, decide, manage, mean, refuse أمثلة عليهم تشمل : I forgot to close the window. Mary needs to leave early. Why are they encouraged to learn English? We can't afford to take a long holiday يستخدم infinitive دائما بعد الصفات مثل : I was happy to help them. She will be delighted to see you ويستخدم ايضا بعد الصفات المسبوقة بـ too مثل : The water was too cold to swim in. Is your coffee too hot to drink? - وبعد الصفات التي تاتي بعدها enough مثل : He was strong enough to lift it. She is rich enough to buy two.
المصدر infinitive ) ): هو عبارة عن الفعل مجردا بعد to.
مثل : to play – to read – to go ومعنى to إذا جاءت قبل الفعل = ( أن ) فمعنى الأمثلة السابقة : أن يلعب – أن يقرأ – أن يذهب ملاحظة المصدر لا يعتبر فعلا لذلك لا يضاف له ما يضاف للفعل. بل قد يأتي اسما أو صفة أو حالا ( حسب الجملة) المصدر يأتي غالبا بعد فعل قبله يسمى ( الفعل الأساسي ) مثال : I want to play football ملاحظة الفعل الأساسي يأتي بأزمان مختلفة فقد يكون ( فعل مضارع بسيط , فعل مضارع مستمر , ماضي ...)
و هذا هو ترتيب الصيغة الأولى :
للمصدر صيغتين هما : 1- قاعدة المصدر infinitive ) ) الصيغة الأولى: و تستخدم غالبا لتعبير عن طرح الأفكار و الآراء و النوايا و اقتراح الحلول. و تأتي هذه الصيغة غالبا بعد أفعال أساسية معينة من أشهرها : need agree plan decide promise و هذا هو ترتيب الصيغة الأولى : المصدر الفعل الأساسي الفاعل to + v main verb He She It I You We They
2- قاعدة المصدر infinitive ) ) الصيغة الثانية : و تستخدم غالبا لتوجيه و الإرشاد و الأمر و النهي . و تأتي هذه الصيغة غالبا بعد أفعال أساسية معينة من أشهرها : expect invite ask advise order like tell want نحتاج لشخصين في حال الأمر و النهي و الإرشاد. الشخص الذي يأمر و الشخص المأمور .. لذلك احتجنا مفعولا به يأتي بعد الفعل الأساسي . و هذا هو الفرق بين الصيغة الأولى و الصيغة الثانية. ملاحظة و هذا هو ترتيب الصيغة الثانية : المصدر المفعول به ( اسما أو ضميرا ) الفعل الأساسي الفاعل to + v object main verb He She It I You We They
infinitive + = Recognize an infinitive when you see one.
To sneeze, to smash, to cry, to shriek, to jump, to dunk, to read, to eat, to slurp—all of these are infinitives. An infinitive will almost always begin with to followed by the simple form of the verb, like this: to verb infinitive + = Important Note: Because an infinitive is not a verb, you cannot add s, es, ed, or ing to the end. Ever!
Infinitives can be used as nouns, adjectives, or :adverbs
Infinitives can be used as nouns, adjectives, or :adverbs. Look at these examples To sleep is the only thing Eli wants after his double shift waiting tables at the neighborhood café. To sleep functions as a noun because it is the subject of the sentence. No matter how fascinating the biology dissection is, Emanuel turns his head and refuses to look. To look functions as a noun because it is the direct object for the verb refuses. Wherever Melissa goes, she always brings a book to read in case conversation lags or she has a long wait. To read functions as an adjective because it modifies book. Richard braved the icy rain to throw the smelly squid eyeball stew into the apartment dumpster. To throw functions as an adverb because it explains why Richard braved the inclement weather.
Recognize an infinitive even when it is missing the to.
An infinitive will almost always begin with to. Exceptions do occur, however. An infinitive will lose its to when it follows certain verbs. These verbs are feel, hear, help, let, make, see, and watch. The pattern looks like this: special verb direct object infinitive - TO + +
Here are some examples:
As soon as Theodore felt the rain splatter on his hot, dusty skin, he knew that he had a good excuse to return the lawn mower to the garage. Felt = special verb; rain = direct object; splatter = infinitive minus the to. When Danny heard the alarm clock buzz, he slapped the snooze button and burrowed under the covers for ten more minutes of sleep. Heard = special verb; alarm clock = direct object; buzz = infinitive minus the to. Although Dr. Ribley spent an extra class period helping us understand logarithms, we still bombed the test. Helping = special verb; us = direct object; understand = infinitive minus the to. Because Freddie had never touched a snake, I removed the cover of the cage and let him pet Squeeze, my seven-foot python. Let = special verb; him = direct object; pet = infinitive minus the to. Since Jose had destroyed Sylvia's spotless kitchen while baking chocolate-broccoli muffins, she made him take her out for an expensive dinner. Made = special verb; him = direct object; take = infinitive minus the to. I said a prayer when I saw my friends mount the Kumba, a frightening roller coaster that twists and rolls like a giant sea serpent. Saw = special verb; my friends = direct object; mount = infinitive minus the to. Hoping to lose her fear of flying, Rachel went to the airport to watch passenger planes take off and land, but even this exercise did not convince her that jets were safe. Watch = special verb; passenger planes = direct object; take, land = infinitives minus the to.
To split or not to split? Wrong: Right:
The general rule is that no word should separate the to of an infinitive from the simple form of the verb that follows. If a word does come between these two components, a split infinitive results. Look at the example that follows: Sara hopes to quickly finish her chemistry homework so that she can return to the more interesting Stephen King novel she had to abandon. Wrong: Sara hopes to finish her chemistry homework quickly so that she can return to the more interesting Stephen King novel she had to abandon. Right:
Some English teachers believe that thou shall not split infinitives was written on the stone tablets that Moses carried down from the mountain. Breaking the rule, in their eyes, is equivalent to killing, stealing, coveting another man's wife, or dishonoring one's parents. If you have this type of English teacher, then don't split infinitives! Other folks, however, consider the split infinitive a construction, not an error. They believe that split infinitives are perfectly appropriate, especially in informal writing. In fact, an infinitive will occasionally require splitting, sometimes for meaning and sometimes for sentence cadence. One of the most celebrated split infinitives begins every episode of Star Trek: "To boldly go where no one has gone before ...." Boldly to go? To go boldly? Neither option is as effective as the original! When you are making the decision to split or not to split, consider your audience. If the piece of writing is very formal and you can maneuver the words to avoid splitting the infinitive, then do so. If you like the infinitive split and know that its presence will not hurt the effectiveness of your writing, leave it alone.
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