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The American Physiological Society Mel Limson, Ph.D., K-12 Education Programs Coordinator Marsha Lakes Matyas, Ph.D., Director of Education Programs Finding.

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Presentation on theme: "The American Physiological Society Mel Limson, Ph.D., K-12 Education Programs Coordinator Marsha Lakes Matyas, Ph.D., Director of Education Programs Finding."— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Physiological Society Mel Limson, Ph.D., K-12 Education Programs Coordinator Marsha Lakes Matyas, Ph.D., Director of Education Programs Finding Out What Works: Developing and Improving a New Outreach Program, Physiology Understanding Week

2  Membership ~11,000  Publications, Meetings, Science Policy  Communications: public outreach  Education: K-12 to Continuing Education  Commitment to diversity 2003 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring About the APS

3  Increase student interest in and understanding of physiology in their lives  Introduce students to physiology as a possible career  Increase teacher recognition of physiology in their science curriculum  Involve more physiologists in outreach to the students and teachers in their communities Physiology Understanding Week

4  Grassroots effort by individuals to reach out to local students and schools  Involves three key groups: biomedical researchers, teachers, and students  Engages students in relevant learning experiences Community Partnership

5 PhUn Week Models Basic Model: Designated week in November Researchers visit local schools  Talk about physiology/physiologists  Lead students in interactive learning activities Enhanced Model: Extended pre- and post-visit physiology activities, lessons, and/or field trips

6  Hands-on, interactive activities and demonstrations are most effective.  Presentations are respected, but not completely engaging.  A relevant and identifiable topic engages students in making connections for learning.  Organization, communication, and flexibility are key assets.  Preparation of students by teacher is important.  Enjoyment and satisfaction in working with children through outreach programs. What Works





11  Concept  Feasibility 2005

12  Developed and tested by teachers  NSES and state standards- based  Relevant and engaging content for students  Available at support website Resources and Materials

13 2006  Models  Processes

14 Website:  Basic program information  Promotional items order form  Downloadable resources PhUn Week Event Planner Promotional fliers and graphics Lesson plans and inquiry activities Career PowerPoint presentations Outreach techniques Boilerplate press release templates


16 2007  National Launch  Supports  Marketing

17 David Holtzclaw, UNE  “Classroom” Visit Find a school early! Find a teacher (rather than a principal) Distinguish between a gym class vs. a science class Be flexible in scheduling

18 Cathy Uyehara, TAMC  Classroom Visit Small group activities rotating through “centers.” Ask for graduate student help. Coordinate with host teacher’s lesson plans. Prepare sufficient materials. If possible, practice beforehand. Do...

19  Classroom Visit Lisa Harrison-Bernard and Kesia Mathis Williams, LSU-HSC Work with a graduate student Provide the students with information to take home Award prizes Ask plenty of questions Carefully schedule the time for each activity

20 Cathy Uyehara, TAMC  Classroom Visit Spend too much time on lecturing. Bother with taking blood pressures of children with adult cuffs. Fall behind schedule, and check to see that graduate assistants are keeping on track. Don’t...

21 Nildris Cruz, UPR-MSC  Larger Group Visit

22 Clintoria Richards-Williams, UAB-Birmingham  Larger Group Visit

23 Diane Munzenmaier, MCW Crowd management Engage students for demos Monitor time Try to understand how to connect with the teacher’s curricula  Large Assembly

24 PhUn Week Models Models for a PhUn Week Visit:  Classroom Visit  Large Assembly  Students Visit Campus  Working with a Sponsor

25 Find out if anyone is local Invite the rep to participate with you Invite the teacher and the vendor rep to coffee Prepare, prepare, prepare Do... Jessica Clark, WUSTL-SOM

26 Don’t jump right into the activity. Don’t be afraid of chaos in the classroom. Don’t try to cram too much into one period. Don’t worry if they don’t finish the whole activity. Don’t...


28 Highlights from PhUn Week 2007 On the aspects most valuable for the STUDENTS:  Perception of scientists changed with a “real-life” encounter, and a realization of self-potential to become a scientist.  Identifying and making connections with one’s health/body with physiological systems.  Learning different aspects of scientific research.

29 Highlights from PhUn Week 2007...for the TEACHERS:  Establishing a connection with local research scientists.  Providing enthusiasm for their students and for themselves.  Enriching the content of their curriculum and the application of scientific skills.

30 Highlights from PhUn Week 2007...for the APS MEMBERS:  Learning how to explain scientific concepts at the grade-appropriate level within the time limits.  Satisfaction of student responses, interaction, and feedback.  Collaborating with the teacher in preparing for the classroom visit.


32 2008  Growth  Impact  Targets

33 2008  Growth  Impact  Targets 2007  National Launch  Supports  Marketing 2006  Models  Processes  Concept  Feasibility 2005

34 APS at NABT 2008 Thursday, October 16 7:00 am - 8:30 amPoster: Convention Center, Room 203 10:45 am – 12 noonWorkshop: Convention Center, Hall/Room L-4 Celebrate PhUn Week for Physiology Understanding! 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Exhibition Grand Opening - Exhibit Booth #106/108 Friday, October 17 10:00 am - 5:00 pm: Exhibit Booth #106/108 Saturday, October 18 8:30 am - 12 noonExhibit Booth #106/108

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