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Sensible to Senses !, mind your Mind!! - Part 1. Overview  Recap of last session  Necessity of understanding the self  Understanding the hierarchy.

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Presentation on theme: "Sensible to Senses !, mind your Mind!! - Part 1. Overview  Recap of last session  Necessity of understanding the self  Understanding the hierarchy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sensible to Senses !, mind your Mind!! - Part 1

2 Overview  Recap of last session  Necessity of understanding the self  Understanding the hierarchy  Seeing the three layers in action  Senses explained  Sensible to senses  Regulating Senses through Bhakti Yoga

3 Recap of last session  Yoga – process of connecting the self with Supreme  Types of Yoga Yoga of physical self Yoga of physical self Yoga of intellect Yoga of intellect Yoga of action and reaction Yoga of action and reaction Yoga of devotion Yoga of devotion  Bhakti Yoga takes care of all layers

4 Necessity of understanding the self

5  Students – field of activity – University  Knowledge of gates, entry, exit, buildings  What are the benefits ?  Soul – field of activity – Subtle and Gross coverings  What are the benefits ?

6 What is the self ? Spiritual body - Soul : Eternal Bliss Knowledge Physical body : WaterFireAirEtherEarth Subtle body : Mind Mind Intelligence Intelligence False Ego False Ego

7 Senses explained  Senses explained Stimuli from outside or inside the body are felt and received Stimuli from outside or inside the body are felt and received Responses are transmitted to environment Responses are transmitted to environment Active symptoms of life Active symptoms of life Five knowledge acquiring, five working Five knowledge acquiring, five working Tongue is toughest to control Tongue is toughest to control Does not belong to us but to the Supreme Person Does not belong to us but to the Supreme Person

8 Sensible to Senses  Sensible means based on or acting on good judgement and practical ideas or understanding  Can never be satisfied  Cannot be totally ignored or nullified  Using is not bad, use when required  Train ourselves to be master of senses  Meant to be purified

9 Understanding the hierarchy Reins - Mind Horses - Senses Passenger - Soul Driver - Intelligence

10 Understanding the hierarchy 1. Soul is the passenger of material body 2. Intelligence is the driver 3. Mind is the driving instrument (reins) 4. Senses are the horses

11 Seeing the three layers in action  Ideal scenario Passenger is meant to direct Passenger is meant to direct Driver is meant to drive Driver is meant to drive Driving instrument is meant to move Driving instrument is meant to move

12 Seeing the three layers in action  Real scenario Mind focuses on one of roaming senses gets overpowered Mind focuses on one of roaming senses gets overpowered Intelligence is meant to direct mind but mind overpowers intelligence Intelligence is meant to direct mind but mind overpowers intelligence Acute infection surpasses efficacy of medicineAcute infection surpasses efficacy of medicine

13 Regulating senses through Bhakti Yoga  Does not put artificial restrictions  Gives better engagement to senses  Experience higher taste  Uses senses in the service of owner of senses  Engages senses in receiving knowledge  When senses are fully engaged in Bhakti they cannot be distracted

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