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Welcome! Year 4 Camp 2016. Why carry out residentials? –Is FUN! –Builds co-operative relationships between peers. –Offers those of a non academic nature.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Year 4 Camp 2016. Why carry out residentials? –Is FUN! –Builds co-operative relationships between peers. –Offers those of a non academic nature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Year 4 Camp 2016

2 Why carry out residentials? –Is FUN! –Builds co-operative relationships between peers. –Offers those of a non academic nature the opportunity to succeed. –Builds relationships between pupils and teachers. –Gives pupils the opportunity to spend time away from home thereby developing independence. –Prepares pupils for longer residentials in the future.

3 What is the accommodation like? Twenty 5 man tents purchased by the PTA specifically for the camp. Simple construction allowing for ease of assembly by the children

4 What are the sleeping arrangements? Children organised into single sex tents. Children will have the chance to chose the friends with whom they would like to share. Items not needed overnight can be stored in the school building giving extra space. Adult tents will be pitched around the outside of the pupil tents.

5 Staffing for the camp Mr Dawson* Mrs Ferguson* Mrs Cady Miss Whitehead Mrs Plumtree* Mr Drayton* Mrs Thomas* Miss Hayden* Mr Finklaire* Mr Tickle* Mrs Hagger* Miss Klinkosz Mrs Murphy Mrs O’Sullivan

6 What we are planning for the day / evening 9.00am –please drop off any medications into the office including inhalers 12.15 – Lunchtime as normal 1.15 – Children registered and then allowed to change into their non-school uniform clothing to begin ‘outdoor’ activities 1.20 – 3.30 A variety of outdoor games led by the year 4 staff 3.30 Drinks and snacks break 4.00 – 5.45 Scavenger Hunt / outdoor games / set up tents

7 What we are planning for the day / evening 5.45– Take bags to tents and set up beds Wash hands and prepare for dinner. 6.00- 7.00 - Dinner time in the hall / ouside if dry 7.00 – 9.00 Talent show / Camp singing 9.00 – Change for bed 9.15 – Story time and hot chocolate 9.30 –9.45 Clean teeth and to bed! 9.46 – all children fast asleep / staff on duty throughout the night

8 What we are planning for the day / evening 7.30– Rising bell – Wash and dress 7.45 – Breakfast- cereal and juice 8.00- Tents down (if dry) 8.30 – Games 9.00 – Parents to collect pupils!

9 What children will need to bring; Plastic bowl Plastic cup Toothbrush Toothpaste Flannel Soap Small towel Cuddly toy (essential!) Wellington boots (if wet) Suncream (if dry) Sleeping bag Sleeping mat Change of clothes (i.e. trainers, t-shirt, jumper, trousers, raincoat, etc) Water bottles Pyjamas –No electrical items are needed and should not be bought to camp!



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