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SOER 2010 – part C FRESHWATER CZ Edita Jungvirtová Czech Environmental Information Agency.

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1 SOER 2010 – part C FRESHWATER CZ Edita Jungvirtová Czech Environmental Information Agency

2 Freshwater – guidance Why should we care about this theme? What are the state (S) and impacts (I)? Water exploitation index Water quality – ecological/chemical classification or national classification scheme State and trends in nutrient concentration and pollution by oxygen-consuming substances What are the related key drivers (D) and pressures (P)? Water abstraction and water use Emissions of pollutants Which responses (R) have been put in place or are planned at national level? Implementation of directives Water saving and conservation, water pricing Financing of wastewater treatment plants Outlooks Recovery of waters polluted or threatened by nitrogen pollution from agricultural sources

3 State (S) and impacts (I) Water quality – national classification scheme A comparison of the maps from years 1991–1992 and 2007–2008 Shift in water quality in watercourses from categories IV and V to categories I to III Despite the rapid improvement still a few sections of watercources in category V of water quality exist 1991–19922007–2008 Source: T.G.Masaryk Water Research Institute The basic classification for the maps is the aggregate of the following indicators: BOD5, CODCr, N-NH4+, N-NO3-, Ptotal and the saprobic index of macroinvertebrate communities (the final class is the worst class of these indicators)

4 State (S) and impacts (I) Water quality – nutrient concentrations Phosphorus – moderate decrease in concentrations Nitrates – slightly decreasing trend overall since 1990 (except from the moderate increase of nitrates in the first half of 1990s). Stagnation in the period of last 10 years Average nitrate concentrations in rivers Average total phosphorus concentrations in rivers Source: Czech Hydrometeorological Institute Note: The annual mean concentrations for 65–73 (according to data availibility) CZ Waterbase-River stations were averaged.

5 State (S) and impacts (I) Nitrates in drinking water Mostly low wells exceed limits, usually because of agricultural activities In 2002 – huge floods affected the decline of groundwater quality Since 2003 – nitrogenous substances follow up to decrease Problems with nitrates in drinking water are casual in water wells Public water supply has good quality and no health impacts in most cases Bathing water quality The problem of eutrophication in bathing waters (under Directive 2006/7/ES) Practically every year – more or less problems with bathing water quality The main risk from bathing water quality – infections, cyanobacteria and dermatis 2004–2007 – slightly increasing proportion of localities over limits of cyanobacteria and microbiological indicators (because of nutrients inflow)

6 Drivers (D) and pressures (P) Decline in industry because of restructuring mainly during the first half of the 1990s The termination or reduction of some production activities, technological changes associated with reduced water consumption and wastewater discharge Council Directive 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste-water treatment The obligation of secondary treatment of all discharges from agglomerations of > 2000 p. e. by the end of 2010 (negotiated transitional period) The Czech Republic has designated the whole country as sensitive areas under this Directive (more advanced treatment for agglomerations > 10 000 p. e.) Construction and modernisation of sewer systems and waste water treatment plants The ban on phosphorus in detergents – since October 2006 Source: Czech Statistical Office Number of WWTPs

7 Drivers (D) and pressures (P) Emissions of nutrients from point sources to water Use of fertilisers After 1990, decrease in the consumption of fertilisers Nitrogen fertilisers – increase in the consumption since 1993 Phosphate fertilisers – stagnation since 1991 Source: T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, P.R.I. Source: Ministry of Agriculture Emissions from point sources Application of fertilisers in agriculture

8 Average nitrate concentrations in rivers Average total phosphorus concentrations in rivers Emissions from point sources Application of fertilisers in agriculture

9 Responses (R) Government Regulation No 229/2007 Coll. Specifies permissible surface and waste water pollution levels and the requirements for permits for discharging waste water into surface water and into sewer systems Designation of the whole country as sensitive areas under Council Directive 91/271/EEC Government Regulation No 103/2003 Coll. on stipulation of vulnerable zones and on the use and storage of fertilisers and livestock manure, rotation of crops and implementation of anti-erosion measures in these zones Implemented Council Directive 91/676/EEC concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources 1 st designation of vulnerable zones in the Czech Republic Application of action programmes of the Nitrates Directive The first action programme 2004–2007; the second action programme was established for the 2008–2011 period

10 Outlooks Forecast of future evaluation in water quality Report of the Czech Republic according to Council Directive 91/676/EEC Indicative estimate of the timetable for recovery of waters polluted or threatened by nitrogen pollution from agricultural sources Categorization of the profiles of surface waters and groundwater sites on the basis of the time required for overall reduction of the nitrate concentration below a level of 50 mg.l -1

11 Thank you for your attention! Edita Jungvirtová CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency Czech Republic – Prague E-mail: Tel.: +420 267 225 277

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