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1914-1918: The World at War 1914-1918: The World at War.

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Presentation on theme: "1914-1918: The World at War 1914-1918: The World at War."— Presentation transcript:


2 1914-1918: The World at War 1914-1918: The World at War

3 Causes of the War

4 The Major Players: 1914-17 Nicholas II [Rus] George V [Br] Pres. Poincare [Fr] Allied Powers: Franz Josef [A-H] Wilhelm II [Ger] Central Powers: Enver Pasha [Turkey] 1. Alliances

5 Europe in 1914

6 2. Militarism & Arms Race 187018801890190019101914 94130154268289398 Total Defense Expenditures for the Great Powers [Ger., A-H, It., Fr., Br., Rus.] in millions of £s. 1910-1914 Increase in Defense Expenditures France10% Britain13% Russia39% Germany73%

7 3. Economic & Imperial Rivalries

8 4. Aggressive Nationalism

9 The Balkans, 1914 The “Powder Keg” of Europe

10 The “ Spark ”

11 Archduke Franz Ferdinand & His Family

12 The Assassination: Sarajevo

13 The Assassin: Gavrilo Princip Gavrilo Princip

14 Mobilization It's a long way to Tipperary, It's a long way to go; It's a long way to go; It's a long way to Tipperary, It's a long way to Tipperary, To the sweetest girl I know! To the sweetest girl I know! Goodbye, Piccadilly, Goodbye, Piccadilly, Farewell, Leicester Square, Farewell, Leicester Square, It's a long, long way to Tipperary, It's a long, long way to Tipperary, But my heart's right there! But my heart's right there! It's a long way to Tipperary, It's a long way to go; It's a long way to Tipperary, To the sweetest girl I know! Goodbye, Piccadilly, Farewell, Leicester Square, It's a long, long way to Tipperary, But my heart's right there!  Home by Christmas!  No major war in 50 years!  Nationalism! HHHHome by Christmas! NNNNo major war in 50 years! NNNNationalism!

15 Recruitment Posters

16 Recruits of the Central Powers Austro- Hungarians A German Soldier Says Farewell to His Mother

17 New French Recruits

18 A German Boy Pretends to Be a Soldier


20 French Women Factory Workers

21 German Women Factory Workers

22 A Woman Ambulance Driver

23 Red Cross Nurses

24 Russian Women Soldiers

25 Spies e “Mata Hari” e Real Name: Margareetha Geertruide Zelle e German Spy! e “Mata Hari” e Real Name: Margareetha Geertruide Zelle e German Spy!

26 Posters: Wartime Propaganda

27 Australian Poster

28 American Poster

29 Financing the War

30 German Poster Think of Your Children!

31 The Western Front: A “ War of Attrition ”

32 A Multi-Front War

33 The Western Front

34 Trench Warfare

35 “No Man’s Land”

36 Verdun – February, 1916 e German offensive. e Each side had 500,000 casualties. e German offensive. e Each side had 500,000 casualties.

37 The Somme – July, 1916 e 60,000 British soldiers killed in one day. e Over 1,000,000 killed in 5 months. e 60,000 British soldiers killed in one day. e Over 1,000,000 killed in 5 months.

38 War Is HELL !!

39 Sacrifices in War

40 Krupp’s “Big Bertha” Gun

41 The War of the Industrial Revolution: New Technology

42 French Renault Tank

43 British Tank at Ypres

44 U-Boats

45 Allied Ships Sunk by U-Boats

46 The Airplane “Squadron Over the Brenta” Max Edler von Poosch, 1917

47 The Flying Aces of World War I Eddie Rickenbacher, US Francesco Barraco, It. Rene Pauk Fonck, Fr. Manfred von Richtoffen, Ger. [The “Red Baron”] Willy Coppens de Holthust, Belg. Eddie “Mick” Mannoch, Br.

48 Curtis-Martin U. S. Aircraft Plant

49 The Zeppelin

50 Flame Throwers Grenade Launchers

51 Poison Gas Machine Gun

52 1918 Flu Pandemic: Depletes All Armies 50,000,000 – 100,000,000 died 50,000,000 – 100,000,000 died

53 11 a.m., November 11, 1918 The Armistice is Signed!

54 9,000,000 Dead 9,000,000 Dead

55 The Somme American Cemetary, France 116,516 Americans Died

56 World War I Casualties

57 Turkish Genocide Against Armenians A Portent of Future Horrors to Come!

58 Turkish Genocide Against Armenians Districts & Vilayets of Western Armenia in Turkey 19141922 Erzerum215,0001,500 Van197,000500 Kharbert204,00035,000 Diarbekir124,0003,000 Bitlis220,00056,000 Sivas225,00016,800 Other Armenian-populated Sites in Turkey Western Anatolia371,80027,000 Cilicia and Northern Syria309,00070,000 European Turkey194,000163,000 Trapizond District73,39015,000 Total 2,133,190387,800

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