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Hello Classmates! My name is Shakita Simpson and I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in Elementary Education with a specialization in School Leadership.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello Classmates! My name is Shakita Simpson and I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in Elementary Education with a specialization in School Leadership."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello Classmates! My name is Shakita Simpson and I am currently pursuing my master’s degree in Elementary Education with a specialization in School Leadership in the 21 st Century. I have been teaching for a total of 6 (almost 7) years. I graduated from The University of South Alabama located in Mobile, Alabama. I am currently teaching at a Torchbearer School located in Evergreen, Alabama. Upon graduating from college, I was hired as a 7 th and 8 th grade distance learning History teacher. I was held responsible for teaching 4 schools in the county at one time through the use of a computer and huge projector screen. This was a little overwhelming at first especially since I was fresh out of college. My 2 nd year, I was hired as a Kindergarten teacher and I have been in that same position every since. I have spent 5, almost 6 years in Kindergarten and I absolutely love it!! My heart has always been with the smaller kids.

2 I am the proud mother of two beautiful children, a 13 year old daughter and a 5 year old son. My children are my inspiration which is the reason why I chose to better myself by working to obtain a higher degree. My goal is to become a principal and eventually move on into opening up my own daycare center which will be set up more as a classroom instead of the typical child care center. I have always had the desire to teach every since I was small and teaching to a room full of baby dolls and teddy bears. Personally, I think that teaching is in the heart. Teaching is not designed for everyone.

3 Identify one famous person and describe their leadership style. Discuss why you would like to emulate their leadership style. Identify one famous person and describe their leadership style. Discuss why you would like to emulate their leadership style. The first person that comes to my mind with this part of the assignment is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He is a very strong leader who pressed on even when the world was against him. He did what he felt was right and didn’t quit due to lack of approval or acceptance from others. He fought for equality and justice in spite of the pain and brutality that he suffered. As educators, we must do just that. We must do what we feel is right for our students regardless of their differences. We must accept others regardless of how they look, what color they are, what academic level they may be on, and/or what disabilities they may have. We must look at all of our students the same. All students should be treated the same and their educational career must be at the forefront of our instructional planning. We must too realize that all of our students learn differently and have very distinct and unique learning styles. We must be adaptive and cater to each and every one of our students. Even at times when we feel that we are alone and no one is there to support us (in education we know this occurs quite often), we must continue to do the job that we were called to do- educate our children and push them to their maximum potential.

4 Describe the type of position you hope to have in the future and/or as a result of you earning your advanced degree. What impact do you believe having your Master degree will have on your future endeavors? Describe the type of position you hope to have in the future and/or as a result of you earning your advanced degree. What impact do you believe having your Master degree will have on your future endeavors? My future plan is to become a principal of an elementary school and then move on to opening up my own daycare center. I know that with obtaining my Master’s degree, more doors will open for me and I won’t be limited in job opportunities. When obtaining a higher degree, there comes an increase in pay, more promotions, job security, as well as a better range of choices on which job I choose to take. or

5 Share one quote and its author, if known, that symbolizes your belief about leadership. Share one quote and its author, if known, that symbolizes your belief about leadership.

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