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World History Mid-Term Review. 1. This is an estate granted to a vassal by his lord. fief.

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Presentation on theme: "World History Mid-Term Review. 1. This is an estate granted to a vassal by his lord. fief."— Presentation transcript:

1 World History Mid-Term Review

2 1. This is an estate granted to a vassal by his lord. fief

3 2. This is a peasant bound to the land serf

4 3. This is a document that set out the rights a privileges of a town Charter

5 4. This is the founder of the first order of friars St. Francis of Assisi

6 5. This is the Frankish leader who conquered the former Roman province of Gaul. Clovis

7 6. This was a religious French king who improved royal government. King Louis IX

8 7. This was the Holy Roman Emperor who fought to control wealthy northern Italian cities. Frederick Barbarosa

9 8. This was the English king who signed the Magna Carta King John

10 9. This is the appointment and installation of bishops by non-clergy Lay investiture

11 10. This was the name of the campaign to drive Muslims from the Iberian peninsula Reconquista

12 11. This was the name of Mongol armies who ruled much of medieval Russia. Golden Horde

13 12. This was the Byzantine emperor determined to revive ancient Rome. Justinian

14 13. This was a document that limited the power of Magyar rulers. Golden Bull of 1222

15 14. This was a tsar who brought much of northern Russia under his rule. Ivan the Great

16 15. This tsar left Russia seething with rebellion at the time of his death. Ivan the Terrible

17 16. This is the art of beautiful handwriting calligraphy

18 17. This is the name of Islamic system of law Sharia

19 18. This is the name for a successor to Muhammad caliph

20 19. These are slender towers of mosques minarets

21 20. This is the sacred text of Islam Quran

22 21. Pope Leo III proclaimed him to be Emperor of the Romans because he crushed a rebellion in Rome. Charlemagne

23 22. This treaty in 843 split Charlemagne’s empire into three regions for his heirs. Treaty of Verdun

24 23. Under the feudal contract, one of this person’s (not specific) obligations was to serve in the military. vassal

25 24. When ownership of a manor was granted to a new lord, what happened to the serfs on that land? They remained on that land and served the new lord.

26 25. In order to achieve salvation, medieval Christians believed that they must: Receive the sacraments

27 26. In the three-field crop system, what crop helped to restore fertility of the soil? legumes

28 27. Who took the important steps of converting to Christianity in the late 400s? King Clovis

29 28. In the late 700s, which group attacked Western Europe from the sea? Vikings

30 29. This was a way for medieval societies to protect themselves. Feudalism

31 30. A vassal owed his first loyalty to his _________________. Lord

32 31. This was a code of conduct for knights. Chivalry

33 32. What group of people were required to stay on the land for life? peasants

34 33. This term claimed that the pope had authority over all kings and emperors. Papal supremacy

35 34. The new middle class in medieval society included which people? merchants

36 35. How did medieval cities expand when faced with overcrowding? They built upward

37 36. This treaty in 1122 gave the Church the sole power to elect and invest bishops with spiritual authority. Concordat of Worms.

38 37. This system established by English King Henry II applied to all of England, unlike local feudal laws. Common law

39 38. This king of England strengthened his power by requiring every vassal to swear first allegiance to him. William the Conqueror

40 39. This king signed the Magna Carta in England in 1215 to appease rebellious nobles angered over his abuse of power. King John

41 40. This leader was so concentrated on conquering Italy that it allowed German nobles to become independent. Frederick II

42 41. What was the result of the First Crusade? Christians captured Jerusalem

43 42. In his work Summa Theologica, he concluded that there is no conflict between faith and reason. Thomas Aquinas

44 43. This style of architecture is noted for its graceful spires and tall windows. Gothic

45 44. What was the basis of the debate between Henry II of England and the Church? Henry claimed the right to try clergy in royal courts

46 45. This city commanded key trade routes linking Europe and Asia. Constantinople

47 46. His “Body of Civil Law” was one of his most important achievements. Justinian

48 47. What region of Russia served as a highway for nomadic migration? Southern Steppe

49 48. The Magyars eventually settled in this country. Hungary

50 49. Under Justinian, this empire built the strongest military force in the world. Byzantine

51 50. After the Great Schism, the Byzantine church became known as this. Eastern Orthodox Church

52 51. Medieval Russian traders most often reached Byzantium by traveling via these. Rivers

53 52. Which two groups of people blended in the development of Kiev? Slavs and Vikings

54 53. These are Muslim mystics who sought communion with God through meditation and fasting. Sufis

55 54. What did Muslims do to non-Muslim when they conquered a territory? Taxed them.

56 Review sheet answers: Matching: Serf – d Fief – f Assisi – I Clovis – N Charter – G Reconquista – R King John – C Barbarosa – A Louis IX – K Lay investiture – P Golden Horde – H Justinian – B Ivan the Great – O Ivan the Terrible – T Golden Bull – E Minarets – S Sharia – L Calligraphy – J Quran – Q Caliph - M

57 Review sheet answers: 1.What helped the Umayyad caliphs expand their empire? - The fact that the Byzantine and Persian empires were weak. 2.How do the beliefs of Shiite and Sunni Muslims differ? -Shiites – followed Muhammad’s son-in-law -Sunnis – think anyone worthy could be a caliph 3.How did Muhammad become the prophet of Islam? - He heard the angel Gabriel calling him. 4.What was an effect of Mongol rule over medieval Russia? -They cut Russia off from western Europe -They ruled harshly 5.Where did Russia’s first civilization begin? - Farming region in Ukraine 6.How did medieval Russian reach the Byzantine world for trade? - Through the rivers running north and south.

58 7.What issue was the cause of the battle between eastern and western Christianity? - The Byzantine emperor banned religious icons. 8.What happened when the translations of Greek works reached Christian scholars in the 1100s? - It began a revolution in the world of learning. 9.What were some effects and results of the Hundred Years’ War? -French kings were able to expand their power -English rulers turned to new trading ventures overseas 10.Why did universities emerge in medieval Europe? - Better educated clergy were needed for church positions 11.Why did science make little progress in the Middle Ages? - Most scholars thought that all knowledge must fit with church teachings.

59 12.After the Reconquista, what did Queen Isabella do? - She launched a crusade against Jews and Muslims. 13.Why did Pope Urban II rally Christians to help Byzantine emperor Alexius I? - To help drive the Muslim Turks from the Holy Land. 14.What caused the dispute between Henry II and Thomas Beckett? - Henry claimed the right to try clergy in royal courts. 15.How did monarchs gain power during the High Middle Ages? - They strengthened ties with the middle class.

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