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Welcome to (Insert Course info) Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to (Insert Course info) Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to (Insert Course info) Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade

2 2 Calculus/6 th edition/James Stewart and Enhanced WebAssign are YOUR required course materials chosen by (Insert prof) 1.You can get a better grade by using these course materials. 2.You will be assigned reading and homework from these materials. 3.You will be tested on content from these materials. 4.Study tools designed to help you study smarter (not harder) are in: Enhanced WebAssign 5.James Stewart’s Calculus 6 th edition Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade

3 3 The Technology: Enhanced WebAssign 1.What You Get  Textbook Specific Pages  Homework assignments  Algorithmic Solutions 2.Log in at the following page, 3.How To Register Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade

4 4 How to Self-Enroll in WebAssign Your instructor has decided to allow students to self- enroll into this WebAssign course. Please go to the login page at Your Class Key is:

5 5 Click the I Have a Class Key button

6 6 Submit the Class Key

7 7 Verify Class Information If the correct course and section is not listed, check with your instructor.

8 8 Complete the Log In and Student Information

9 9 Be sure to remember your login! After clicking you will get a confirmation page. You will need to remember what you entered as your password. Click

10 10 How Do I Pay for WebAssign? After logging in you may see a notice that includes Grace Period information and payment options. You can  register an code number if you have an access code card -or-  you can buy an access code online with a credit card. After the Grace Period you will see the payment options and not be able to continue without entering an access code.

11 11 Payment/Code Registration Screen

12 12 What Does An Access Code Look Like? Your access code card will look like this or this

13 13 How Do I Reset My Password? If you are logged in, click the My Options link in the upper right corner.  Fill in your new Password then re-enter for confirmation  Fill in your old Password where requested in the lower left corner  Save  Be sure to add an email address if none is listed.

14 14 What If I Forget My Password? If you know your username, institution code and the email address on file for your account, you can request a reset password from the login page. Otherwise you will need to ask your instructor to reset your password.

15 15 Student Guide Links to the WebAssign Student Guide are available on your login page and after logging in. Please read over the guide so you are familiar with:  How to access and open assignments  How to submit answers to various types of questions  How to ask your teacher for help  How to view scores and grades  What additional resources are available

16 16 Need Additional Help ? Phone support: (800) 955-8275  8:00 am - 8:00 pm ET Mon-Fri  2:00 pm – 10:00 pm ET Sun E-mail support:  8:00 am - 11:00 pm ET Mon-Fri  12:00 pm – 4:00 pm ET Sat  12:00 pm – 10:00 pm ET Sun

17 17 WHERE TO BUY YOUR REQUIRED COURSE MATERIALS (MAKE APPROPRIATE EDITS BASED ON EACH ADOPTION) 1.Bookstore  Textbook/bundle title info  Bookstore’s price  If a bundle, show savings compared to the stand-alone items  Insert any other available ancillaries (Include the following if employing an strategy) 2.  eBook: 50%off the price of the textbook  eChapters: Buy individual chapters as you need them  Include print text/bundle info and price here if it is not available in the bookstore  Enter URL for microsite or store’s link to Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade

18 18 Purchase textbooks in the format and at the price that is right for you. Print Options NEW print textbooks at up to 15% off, + Free Shipping! Digital Options Electronic texts up to 50% off Individual chapters for as little as $1.99 Study Tools Study Guides, Online Homework Assistance, Audio Content, and more Visit to buy the way you want and SAVE ! Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade

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