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C YBERSECURITY P ROGRAMS Computer Science Department Boise State University By Jyh-haw Yeh.

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1 C YBERSECURITY P ROGRAMS Computer Science Department Boise State University By Jyh-haw Yeh

2 C YBERSECURITY J OB O PPORTUNITY Bureau of Labor Statistics: the employment for information security analysts is projected to grow 37 percent from 2012 to 2022, much faster than the average for all occupations. Careers in Cybersecurity Data Scientist Firewall Engineer Forensic Analyst Software Engineer Information Security Analyst Network Security Engineer Penetration Tester

3 C YBERSECURITY P ROGRAMS Fall 2105 Cybersecurity Minor for non-CS majors: for Math, ITM and others. Fall 2106 Cybersecurity Emphasis for CS majors Ph.D in Computing with three emphases Computer Science Emphasis Cybersecurity Emphasis Computational Science and Engineering

4 C YBERSECURITY E MPHASIS FOR CS MAJORS Curriculum requirement All CS major required courses CS 331 Computer Security and Information Assurance CS 332 Ethical Hacking CS 333 Network Security and Defense Two additional CS electives

5 C YBERSECURITY E MPHASIS FOR CS MAJORS Pre-requisite Structure CS 331: requires CS 117 or CS 121 CS 332: requires CS 252 or CS 253 CS 333: requires CS 252 or CS 253 Course offering CS 253: Fall & Spring CS 331 & 333: Fall CS 332: Spring Four years plan


7 C YBERSECURITY M INOR FOR N ON -CS MAJORS (6 credits) Choose two courses from the following (at least one CS course) CS 332 or CS 333 or MATH 307 or MATH 308 or MATH 408 (3 credits) Choose one course from the following CS 331 or ITM 455 (6-7 credits) Choose one course from each group CS 230 or ITM 315 or MATH 305CS 252 or CS 253 or ITM 305/L (6-8 credits) Choose one course from each group CS 121/L or ITM 225MATH 187 or MATH 189

8 C YBERSECURITY E MPHASIS IN P H.D OF C OMPUTING Doctor of Philosophy in Computing Cyber Security Emphasis Course Number and TitleCredits Choose 12 courses from the following Track Courses and Elective Courses. At least 6 courses must be chosen from the Track Courses 36 Track Courses CS 552 Operating Systems (3 cr) CS 546 Computer Security (3 cr) CS 575 Software Security (3 cr) CS 621 Digital Forensics (3 cr) CS 622 Advanced Network Security (3 cr) CS 623 Cyber Physical Systems (3 cr) CS 624 Cyber Security of Critical Infrastructures (3 cr) MATH 508 Advanced Public Key Cryptology (3 cr) MATH 509 Symmetric Key Cryptology (3 cr) MATH 585 Topics in Cryptology (3 cr)

9 Elective Courses CS 510 Databases (3 cr) CS 512 Advanced Topics In Databases (3 cr) CS 521 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3 cr) CS 525 Computer Networks (3 cr) CS 530 Parallel Computing (3 cr) CS 534 Data Science and Analytics (3 cr) CS 541 (ECE 532) Computer Architecture (3 cr) CS 550 Programming Language Translation (3 cr) CS 551 Advanced Topics in Compilation (3 cr) CS 554 Advanced Operating Systems (3 cr) CS 555 Distributed Systems (3 cr) CS 557 Artificial Intelligence (3 cr) CS 561 Theory of Computation (3 cr) CS 564 Visualization Techniques (3 cr) CS 572 Object-Oriented Design Patterns (3 cr) CS 574 Advanced Software Quality (3 cr) MATH 505 Abstract Algebra (3 cr) MATH 507 Number Theory (3 cr) Additional elective courses approved by the supervisory committee CS 691 Doctoral Comprehensive Examination1 CS 693 Dissertation30 Total67

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