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By: Jordyn Kunstman Brittany Reimer Abbey Mommaerts.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Jordyn Kunstman Brittany Reimer Abbey Mommaerts."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Jordyn Kunstman Brittany Reimer Abbey Mommaerts

2  Teenager’s solve there problems with violence.

3  “A dog of that house shall move me to stand. I will take the wall of any man or maid of the Montague’s.” ◦ Explanation: This proves that anger build’s up over time and when possible it discharges on the person who made you angry.

4  “This is that banished haughty Montague, murdered my love’s cousin, with which grief, It is supposed the fair creature died. And here is come to do some villainous shame. To the dead bodies. I will apprehend him. Stop thy unhallowed toil, vile Montague! Can vengeance be pursued further than death? Condemnèd villain, I do apprehend thee. Obey and go with me, for thou must die.” ◦ Explanation: This is saying that he would kill him in order to be happy with himself again, also to have revenge on the Montague side.

5  “ Romeo, the love I bear tee can afford no better term than this, thou art a villain.” ◦ Explanation: Tyblalt is egging on Romeo to fight him. He is pushing Romeo to get angry.

6  Topic: Violence/ Bullying  Research question: Violence has become very common. How does this effect the life’s of teen’s? ◦ Description: We chose this question because teenagers experience violence and bullying in there everyday lives.

7  " We want technologies that assist us in guiding our children as unique individuals, yet we risk inculcating in them a sense that others are sources of competition rather than members of a community in which, in an important sense, we will fail or thrive together," Ms. Clark writes.

8  Among 6-to-12-year-olds, the top wish in gifts is a mobile device--either a tablet computer or a smart phone. And the top two bestselling video games (names withheld on purpose) involve military shooting. Add these two together and parents may wonder how they can better safeguard their children from the head-spinning advances in digital devices and digital media.

9  The difficult part for regulators is to balance the protection of children against the risk of slowing innovation in digital media. The new FTC rules, for example, require the industry to make more efforts to avoid collecting a wider range of "personal information" about young children. The agency looked at 400 popular apps for children on the Apple and Google platforms and found only 20 percent disclose their policies on data collection. Yet the industry's response is to warn of a slowdown in developing new products.

10  Last year [2009] in Oklahoma, about two out of every 10 high school students felt so concerned about their safety they carried a weapon such as a gun, knife or club with them on at least one occasion. Last year, about 28 percent of Oklahoma high school students reported that they felt so sad or hopeless for two straight weeks they stopped some of their usual activities. About 11 percent of Oklahoma high school students said they had developed a plan within the last year for how they would attempt suicide." In this article, the author contends that more parental involvement is necessary to help teenagers "deal with such issues as depression, substance abuse, violence and suicide.

11  "Behaviors that contribute to unintentional injury and violence long have been a primary target of public health efforts because those are the primary cause of injury and death among young people."

12  For males, some trends involving violence and destructive behavior are showing downswings. For females, however, the trends are heading the opposite direction.

13  Ryan Halligan was taunted for months. Classmates spread rumors via instant messaging that the 13-year-old boy was gay. A popular female classmate pretended to like him and chatted with him online only to copy their personal exchanges and share them with her friends. Unable to cope, Halligan, of Essex Junction, Vermont, killed himself.

14  These are extreme but far from unique examples of the devastation wrought by cyber-bullying. Since Halligan died in 2003 and (ones in 2000, more and more children are logging onto the internet, so it's likely that online bullying, including sending threatening messages, displaying private messages and posting embarrassing video and photos online, is also increasing.

15  Research into the causes and effects of cyber-bullying is still in its infancy. But it is becoming clear that aspects of online communication encourage people to act aggressively, prompting them to do things they wouldn't dare to try in real life

16  All this shows is that teenagers can be effected by words and actions.  Short term affect: Suicide  Long term affect: Depression

17  Thesis: Teens can be affected by violence in many ways, in both short term and long term time periods.

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