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With Linda Grinthal, VP Marketing Welcome to your National Call.

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Presentation on theme: "With Linda Grinthal, VP Marketing Welcome to your National Call."— Presentation transcript:

1 With Linda Grinthal, VP Marketing Welcome to your National Call


3 WELCOME NEW REPS EAST Michael B., FL Jaime Z., FL Nancy C., PA Eli D., NJ Ciomara R., NY Rita J., FL Andrew M., FL Carlos M., NY WEST Mehrafshan R., CA


5 Team Call Free Card Winners Regina B., TN Steve M., CO Jaime Z., FL

6 Team Call Schedule the entire schedule is posted in the back office

7 And now we will announce Two potential 10,000 card winners!

8 If this number is yours, please contact Diane Burgos at 888-311-6224 x 119 or via email at to claim your cards by noon time EST tomorrow. 970192032 820194707

9 DECEMBER CALENDAR CONTEST 5 Lucky Reps won a $100 Gift Card. Congratulations to: Marcela C, NY Tim M, CA Ellen L, DE Cheryl D, GA Phillip T, NY

10 Get Ready for 2014!

11 Think of the next 6 months as a race. Have fun with it. But set goals, prepare, train, put out effort, consult with your team, listen to your coaches. Script success doesn’t come easy. You need endurance, discipline, direction and all this despite opposition. What is your motive for wanting to succeed? Are you fainting, floundering. Others are victorious at this, so you can be too. Are you even IN the race? Plans must be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Action-oriented, Realistic, Time frame to accomplish

12 Sneak Peek CAP Augmented Reality Mobile Application “CAP App” Coming to you in January 2014!

13 Who will use it? 1 in 4 US adults now use mobile apps - there are 165 million active smartphones in the US that will be able to access our app. Is there a cost? No - it is free to everyone What will it do for our cardholders? Basically everything they can do on our website, they will be able to do on their smartphones. Cardholders will be able to: Price Rx medications; the Catamaran adjudicated price comes up and can be shown to pharmacist. Customer knows what the price should be! Find participating pharmacies in their area with the added feature of a GPS locator will help them get to the pharmacy! If they don’t like what this pharmacy tells them, they can quickly find another one nearby. Order additional cards for friends, family, etc. Answer frequently asked questions. Remind pharmacists of their contractual agreement. A “blurb” will come up that can be shown to the pharmacist. How do reps and cardholders get it? The discount card is being redesigned to include instructions on how to download and use the free app. The redesigned card and app will be ready mid January.

14 What the app will look like/offer

15 Plaque and Cookie Time! Submissions due 12/30/13 Submissions can be sent to Claudia at Quarterly Cookie Appreciation Gift Rules Required information: Organization Name Contact Name Address (no P.O. Boxes please) Rep Name There is a limit of 3 nominations per Rep PER QUARTER Quarterly Plaque Gift Rules Complete the form which can be found in your back office under Announcements. You must fill out a form for each location that you are nominating. There is a limit of 10 nominations per Rep PER QUARTER WE HAVE AN OVERALL LIMIT OF 100 PLAQUES PER QUARTER - FIRST COME FIRST SERVE

16 Tell us if you want to know about a particular pharmacy and we will get script counts for you. See trends, up or down. Check an area to see if cards are in use there. All we need is the pharmacy name and zip code.

17 WANT TO INCREASE YOUR SCRIPT COUNTS IN 2014? 1.Don't send all your card-users to just one pharmacy chain. Be sure to diversify. 2.Send in Pharmacy Incident Reports immediately - so we can report it to Catamaran and you can retain your scripts from that pharmacy. 3.Keep supplying case workers, counselors, and social service workers with your cards so they can distribute them for you. 4.Diversify how you distribute cards. Field, phone, mail. 5.Most importantly, follow up and ask for referrals. 6.Try to qualify for the next Leaders' Conference. The reps who are numbers 20-25 are INCREDIBLY CLOSE in scripts. 7.Listen to your national and team calls so you can know how The ACA will impact us and how to take advantage of its directives and changes.

18 WANT TO INCREASE YOUR SCRIPT COUNTS IN 2014? continued… 7.Stay in touch with your Program Advisors. They sometimes have helpful info that I do not broadcast on the national calls due to the "spy" factor. 8.Don't fret over people who no longer need our cards because they got some help with ACA. Find the ones who didn't need us before ACA, but sure do now, and there are MANY. 9.Remember, it doesn't get much easier than this business if it is worked right. It is also satisfying. We are doing good things for people and making a living or supplementing our income at the same time. 10.Every time I do field training I see how appreciated and needed our cards still are. Make sure you get out in the field. Make 2014 a successful year for you. It is in your power.

19 Here’s how to qualify for next year’s Leaders’ Conference! To earn an all-expense paid, trip for two to the next Leader’s Conference, you will need to: Place in the top 25 personal production category in cumulative scripts from January 1 through June 30, 2014; or Place in the top 5 sponsor category in cumulative down line production from January 1 through June 30, 2014. In addition, 10 to 15 rising stars who are proving themselves to be on the way to the top, will be offered an opportunity to join our best of the best. These reps will include those who order cards regularly, showing regular script increases, attending their national and team calls, and stay in touch with their Program Advisors and/or Linda.






25 Tip from the field Here is a website which has great prices on the 6 x 9 Bubble Wrap envelopes. I was paying.50 per envelope and this company offers these envelopes for 72.00 for 400 which includes shipping: The cost is a little over.18 per envelope. Feel free to pass this along to other reps. Thanks, Michael H.

26 Tip from the field Additionally please join us via the web to view the presentation by clicking: Or if that does not work, add an “s” to http as below

27 Ways to Encourage More Reps to Join Your Team 1.Encourage your current team to sponsor 2.Contact independent contractors from other companies 3.Hold a Training Call on how to sponsor 4.Find the Seniors! 5.Don’t forget the Opportunity Call 800-579-0427 6.Share audio testimonials (contact Diane and she will send them to you!) (For a more detailed list, email Diane at

28 With a little encouragement there is no limit to what we can accomplish!

29 In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the King's' wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way. Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand! Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition. The Obstacle in Our Path, compliments of Dan Padgug, Program Advisor.

30 The Power of Residual Income and Running Your Own Business 1.Passive Income - do the work upfront and get paid over and over again. 2.Freeing up time through residual income. Passive income vs. traditional income models. 3.Running your own business - - Flexible time schedule - Being your own boss - No boundaries on income - Tax deductions

31 WHAT DOES NBBI OFFER THEIR REPS TO HELP BUILD THEIR BUSINESS? 1.Free monthly book club program 2.Free bi-annual brochure club program 3.Client quarterly appreciation gift (cookies) program 4.(2) free websites 5.Monthly training webinars - Team and National 6.Additional PA training support 7. - Individualized, telephone training 8. - Field Training: One-on-one 9.Custom-branding program; Place of Worship Branded Cards 10.Customer quarterly plaque program 11.Rep Awards program 12.DentaChoice (DAC) program (for reps reaching and maintaining minimum of 200 scripts personal production) 13.DVD training series 14.Sales training events 15.CAP quarterly newsletter 16.Annual CAP Convention (eligibility requirement) 17.New Rep Incentive Program 18.Rep Perks - offering discounts at various retailers 19.Free DAC for the employees of clinics that distribute our cards

32 If you would like the full article, please email


34 Card User Testimonial Thank you so much for all of the cards you sent! Our patients really appreciate it, as they see Dr. F. self-pay and most patients don’t have insurance. You’re doing a great deal of good for everyone in the community. Thanks again! Loren T. Assistant Office Manager

35 Rep Testimonial Our adult education teachers are going through a really rough time here, as are many teachers all over the state. I just had to share this email that I received from one of our best teachers that has been laid off due to cut-backs. It is wonderful to know that even when times are troubled, there are programs such as yours out there for everyone! It brings tears to my eyes to know that it helps not only our students, but us, too, when the chips are down. Thank you so much from all of the Adult Education Program!! Especially Linda T. for always sending more cards and being so helpful and reaching out to me at the ****** meetings in the first place. From: ***** Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 3:38 PM Subject: Community Prescription card I wanted to tell you that I was getting my prescriptions filled at Walgreens. I got tears in my eyes when they said I did not have insurance.(even though I paid $926 for one month on Cobra). I remembered the card from the Community Assistance plan out in my car which you give away to our students on a regular basis. I used that card and my $50 scrip was $15, my $47 scrip was $11 and another one was $4. Boy, did I appreciate that card!!! Just thought I would let you know that it does work. Love - ***

36 And now we will announce Two potential 10,000 card winners!

37 If this number is yours, please contact Diane Burgos at 888-311-6224 x 119 or via email at to claim your cards by noon time EST tomorrow. 820194838 820193594

38 December Challenge

39 From all of us at NBBI, we want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! Thank you for joining us tonight and I look forward to “seeing” you on the next call January 28, 2014! We love you! Linda & Diane

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