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Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) August, 2008.

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1 Oklahoma State Department of Health (OSDH) August, 2008

2 OSDH Messaging Group  Messaging Project Director  Peter Lemmon (50%)  Email  Message Coordinator /DBA  Allen A. Badgett Ph.D. (100%)  Email  Message Developer  Wendy Zhou (100%)  Email

3 Original Production  Messages from two sites.  LabCor and DLO (Quest)  Transmission  Sending PHINMS 2.1  Receiving PHINMS 2.1  Translators  eWebIT 3.0.5 two for LabCorp (CDC)  eWebIT 3.0.5 two for DLO (OSDH)  Database  SQL 2000 database

4 LabCorp Message Characteristics  LabCor  HL7 2.3.1 message sent using PHINMS 2.6  Message received using PHINMS 2.1 (OSDH)  Message sent as batch file usually in the evening  Message is translated using eWebIT 3.0.5  Two Translators created by CDC  Data inserted into SQL 2000 database

5 DLO Message Characteristics  DLO (Quest)  ASCII file inserted into directory by DLO  ASCII file translated to HL7 2.3z then HL7 2.3.1 eWebIT 3.05  Two translators created by OSDH  HL7 2.3.1 message sent using PHINMS 2.1  Batch file morning  Message received using PHINMS 2.1 (OSDH)  Message is translated eWebIT 3.0.5  Data inserted into SQL 2000 database

6 Original OSDH Production

7 Problems with Existing Messaging structure Messaging platform is fragile, requiring numerous reboots. Problems handling simultaneous messaging PHINMS/eWebIT components were no longer supported System had become “black box” Server contention with other large jobs, like EDI billing

8 Reasons to Update Existing Messaging Structure To move toward standard PHIN v2.5.1 ELR message To direct program-specific messages to individual programs instead of main surveillance system To move toward sending standard PHIN v2 messages Needed to move to at least PHINMS 2.6 to add messaging partners:  Receive Cancer Registry messaging  Exchange immunization messaging  Regional Oklahoma labs.

9 Messaging Project (1)  Develop overall messaging architecture for OSDH  Review domain structures involved in messaging  Upgrade all existing messaging software  PHINMS 2.1 to PHINMS 2.8  eWebIT 3.0.5 to eLink 4.6  Migrate to new messaging servers  Test

10 Messaging Project (2)  Migrate from using eLink Translators  Move to MSS (NBT & Rhapsody)  Review existing routes for Rhapsody (ARUP)  Develop mapping expertise  Move to production

11 Messaging Architecture for OSDH  Transmission  PHINMS (depends on sending facility)  Reception  PHINMS 2.8  Translation  eLink 4.6  Data Storage  SQL 2000 (moving to SQL 2005)

12 ELR Sending

13 OSDH Proposed Messaging Architecture

14 Message types  Immunization  Asynchronous batch file now, move to synchronous  In development (OK route)  Cancer Registry  Receive pathology reports  ARUP  HIV, STD, Hepatitis  Regional and Specialty Medical labs  In development  Current ELR messages (LabCorp and DLO) *HL7 2.3.1

15 OSDH Proposed Messaging Architecture

16 Software Upgrade  PHINMS 2.1 to 2.7 - Complete  PHIMS 2.7 to 2.8 - Complete  Install and configure Rhapsody 2.4.5 -Complete  Install and configure MSS 2.1 - Complete  Upgrade eWebIT 3.05 to eLink 4.6 -Complete

17 PHINMS Upgrade  PHINMS 2.1 to 2.7 - Complete  Personnel change from 2.1 installation  Poor documentation  Multiple copies of old files  PHIMS 2.7 to 2.8 - Complete  Relatively easy  PHINMS 2.8 fine tuning  Confusion with Database drivers

18 Rhapsody (ARUP)  Install Rhapsody 2.4.4  Successful  Database drivers and permissions  Upgrade to Rhapsody 2.4.5  Some port issues  Successful  Review and modify ARUP  Initial development complete  Modification for Oklahoma needs  A thank you to Rob Byers from Idaho

19 eLink 4.6 Upgrade  Upgrade eWebIT 3.05 to eLink 4.6 -Complete  Issue of backing up existing translators on eWebIT  Solved problems with source code  Installed eLink 4.6 on new production server  Used backup files to restore translators in 4.6  Modifications needed for new environment  Some directory confusion from eWebIT

20 MSS 2.1  Install and configure MSS 2.1  Some issues with ports and Permissions  Completed  Analyze Idaho route  Completed  Modify Idaho route to OK route  Thanks to Robbin, Trico, Sydney and Fred  Rhapsody OK route  ELR to PHINMS to MSS(NBT Rhapsody) to eLink to PHIDDO  Development  Use OK route for immunization information from IHS  Development

21 Current Challenges  Completion of OK route  Pass message to eLink translators  Pass message to local component  Minor adjustments to PHINMS/MSS/SQL  This is a moving target but we are making progress  Mapping local vocabulary  Next major challenge  Complete move of remaining elements to production

22 Thank You  OSDH and Keith Lindsay for ongoing support  The MSS support group of Robbin, Fred, Sydney, Liz and Gong  The PHINMS support group of Lawrence and others  Rob Byers of Idaho who saved us months of work we hope to reciprocate.  CDC for continued support  The messaging group at OSDH is willing to share what we have learned in the hopes it will save other states time and money.

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