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Published byTamsyn Dawson Modified over 8 years ago
Unit 7 Waiting for a Call Part I Listening and Speaking ActivitiesListening and Speaking Activities Part II Reading Comprehension andReading Comprehension and Language Activities Part III Extended ActivitiesExtended Activities
Part I Listening and Speaking Activities Introduction of functions Introduction of functions Listen and speak Listen and speak Try to speak more Try to speak more Make your own dialogue Make your own dialogue What are they for? What are they for?
Introduction of functions Good luck! / Good luck with! Have fun. / Enjoy yourself! All the best! / Every success with you. Please give my best wishes to John! I wish you success in the project. Please remember me to your family! Expressing Good wishes I’m terribly/awfully sorry. I regret my decision. I regret having done it. What a foolish thing I’ve done! How could I do such a silly thing! I wish I hadn’t done/said that. I should have thought twice. Expressing Regret
Listen and speak Listen to the conversation and tick the correct answer to each question. Turn to p. 1, and let’s listen. 1. Where is Sam when Jane phones him? Key: a 2. Which of the following sentences expresses Sam’s regret? Key: b 3. How did Jane feel last night? Key: b 4. Which of the following sentences expresses Sam’s regret? Key: c
Try to speak more Note: should have done sth: used to say that sth that was expected has not happened. e.g. The bus should have arrived ten minutes ago. 公共汽车十分钟以前就该到 了。 bother: v. to annoy someone, especially by interrupting them when they are trying to do something
Make your own dialogue 1. Betty is a young college student who has fallen in love with a man at a dancing party. Betty hopes to concentrate on her study when she is young. But the temptation is very strong. So she is torn between study and love. Now, she is talking to the youth counsellor of her school, Mrs. Hartley. Make a dialogue with the following cues. (Turn to page 93) 2. Study the following picture and work out the following questions: (Turn to page 93) What is she looking and what is she doing? How is she feeling? Prepare a short story of about one minute.
What are they for? Key: 1.f 2.d 3.e 4.a 5.b 6.c If you want to learn more Key: a.1 b.8 c.4 d.7 e.2 f.3 g.6 h.5
Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities Pre-reading Tasks Pre-reading Tasks Notes Notes Translation Translation Comprehension work Comprehension work Language work (A, B, C)ABC
Part II Reading Comprehension and Language Activities Pre-reading Tasks How would you feel if you fail to get a promised call from your friends? Which of the following words do you think best describe the feeling of a woman who waited a long time but failed to get a promised call from her lover? hopefulangryanxious desperaterestlessobsessive Text
Please, God, let him telephone me now. Dear God, let him call me now. I won’t ask anything else of You, truly I won’t. It isn’t very much to ask. It would be so little to You, God, such a little, little thing. Only let him telephone now. Please, God. Please, please, please. If I didn’t think about it, maybe the telephone might ring. Sometimes it does that. If I could think of something else. If I could think of something else. Maybe if I counted five hundred by fives, it might ring by that time. I’ll count slowly. I won’t cheat. And if it rings when I get to three hundred, I won’t stop; I won’t answer it until I get to five hundred. Five, ten, fifteen, twenty, twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five, forty, forty- five, fifty… Oh, please ring. Please. Waiting for a Call Turn to p.95, and listen to the text.
This is the last time I’ll look at the clock. I will not look at it again. It’s ten minutes past seven. He said he would telephone at five o’clock. “I’ll call you at five, darling.” I think that’s where he said “darling”. I’m almost sure he said it there. I know he called me “darling” twice, and the other time was when and he can’t say much in the office, but he called me “darling” twice. He couldn’t have minded my calling him up. I know you shouldn’t keep telephoning them---I know they don’t like that.keep telephoning I must stop this. I mustn’t be this way. Look. Suppose a young man says he’ll call a girl up, and then something happens, and he doesn’t, that isn’t so terrible, is it? Couldn’t you ring? Ah, please, couldn’t you? Waiting for a Call
You damned, ugly, shy thing. It would hurt you to ring, wouldn’t it? Oh, that would hurt you. Damn you, I’ll pull your filthy roots out of the wall, I’ll smash your smug black face into little bits. Damn you to hell.It would hurt you to smash No, no, no. I must stop. I must think about something else. This is what I’ll do. I’ll put the clock in the other room. Then I can’t look at it. If I do have to look at it, then I’ll have to walk into the bedroom, and that will be something to do. Maybe, before I look at it again, he will call me. I’ll be so sweet to him, if he calls me. If he says he can’t see me tonight, I’ll say, “Why, that’s all right, dear. Why, of course it’s all right.” I’ll be the way I was when I first met him. Then maybe he’ll like me again. I was always sweet, at first. Oh, it’s so easy to be sweet to people before you love them.
God, aren’t You really going to let him call me? Are You sure, God? Couldn’t You please relent? Couldn’t You? I don’t even ask You to let him telephone me this minute, God only let him do it in a little while. I’ll count five hundred by fives. I’ll do it so slowly and so fairly. If he hasn’t telephoned then, I’ll call him. I will. Oh, please, dear God, dear kind God, my blessed Father in Heaven, let him call before then. Please. God. Please.relent Five, ten, fifteen, twenty-five, thirty, thirty-five… Waiting for a Call
e.g. 1.She pretended not to hear, and kept on walking. 他继续走,假装没听见。 keep (on) doing sth. : to continue doing something or to do the same thing many times
e.g. 1.It won't hurt to postpone the matter for a few days. 把此事搁置几天并无妨碍。 2.It won’t hurt to postpone the meeting. 会议推迟些也无妨。 It won’t/wouldn’t hurt (sb./sth.) (to do sth): (esp ironic) it, etc will/would not cause harm or inconvenience
e.g. 1.Several windows had been smashed. 几扇窗户噼里啪啦打碎了。 2.The car smashed into a tree. 汽车猛地撞到了树上。 smash: v. a. to break sth, or to be broken, violently and noisily into many pieces; b. hit sth very hard
e.g. 1.At last her father relented and came to visit her. 最后还是父亲让了步,去看她。 2.The police will not relent in their fight against crime. 警方将继续严厉打击犯罪活动。 relent: vi. to change your attitude and become less strict or cruel towards someone
求求您了,上帝,让他现在给我打个电话吧。亲 爱的上帝,让他现在就打吧。我不会再向您要求别的 任何东西了,真的不会。这个要求并不过分。这对您 来说并不算什么,上帝啊,就这么一点点小事,就让 他现在给我打个电话。求您了,上帝,求您,求您了, 求求您了。 如果我不惦记着这事,也许电话会响。有时事情 就是这样。如果我能想点别的事情的话,如果我真的 能想点别的什么事情的话。或许如果我一五一五地数 到五百,电话就会响了。我会慢慢地数的,决不作弊。 而且如果我只数到三百电话就响了,我会继续数的; 我数到五百后才去接。一五,一十,十五,二十,二 十五,三十,三十五,四十,四十五,五十, … 哦, 电话你快响吧,快响吧。 等电话
这是我最后一次看钟了,再不看了。现在是 7 点 10 分。 他说他会在 5 点钟给我打电话的。 “ 亲爱的,我 5 点钟给你打 电话。 ” 我想他就在那会儿称呼我 “ 亲爱的 ” ,我几乎能肯定 他就是那会儿说的。我记得他叫过我两遍 “ 亲爱的 ” ,另一 遍是他与我告别时说的, “ 再见,亲爱的。 ” 他很忙,而且 在办公室里也不便多说,但他叫我 “ 亲爱的 ” 却叫了两遍。 他不可能是介意我打电话给他了。我知道女人不该总给男 人打电话 —— 他们不喜欢那样。 我得停下来,不能这么想。你想呵,假设一位男人说 他要给一位女士打电话,后来却因出了点事没打成,那有 什么呀,对不对?你就不能打电话给他吗?啊,求你了, 你真不能打吗?你这该死的,可恶的胆小鬼。打个电话会 伤着你吗?混帐东西,我要把你彻底忘掉,把你那张得意 的黑脸撕成碎片。下地狱去吧! 等电话
不,不,不。我必须停下来。我必须想点儿别的事情。这才是 我该做的。我得把钟放到另一个房间,那样我就看不到它了。如果 非看不可的话,那么我就得走进卧室,那不就有事可做了吗?也许 在我还没看时间之前,他就会来电话了。如果他来电话,我就甜甜 地对待他。如果他说他今晚不能见我,我就说, “ 噢,没关系,亲爱 的,噢,真的没关系。 ” 我会像第一次见他时一样表现,那样他就会 又喜欢我的。一开头与人交往我总是甜甜的。哦,在爱上一个人之 前,对他温柔是很容易的。 上帝啊,您真的不准备让他给我打电话了吗?您肯定吗,上帝? 您就不能发发慈悲?真的不能吗?我甚至不是求您让他这会儿就给 我打电话,而只是让他过一会儿打。我以五为单位数到五百,我会 慢慢地,清晰地数。如果到那时他还没有来电话的话,我就给他打。 我一定会的。哦,求您了,亲爱的上帝,亲爱的仁慈的上帝,我的 天堂圣父,让他在那之前给我打电话吧。求您了,上帝,求求您。 一五,一十,十五,二十,二十五,三十,三十五 … 等电话
Comprehension work (Questions for discussion ) 1.What was the girl doing? How did she feel? 2.What did she intend to do to distract herself? What did she hope would happen? 3.What did the man promise? How long had the girl been waiting for the call? 4.What excuse did the girl think up for the man? Why?
Comprehension work (Questions for discussion ) 5.At the end of the story, did the girl get the expected call? 6.Do you think the girl feels a love for the man which is unrequited? How do you know? 7.Do you think the man would call? Why or why not?
Language work (A, p. 98) 1. count 2. smash 3. hurt 4. going on 5. shiny 6. cared 7. relent
Language work (B, p.98) 1. You are asking too much of him if you expect him to work at weekends. 2. She looked smug when her son came out first in the race. 3. The unexpected news that his name was not on the promotion list crushed his hopes. 4. We don’t mind working in that garage because we can learn something about auto-repairs.
Language work (B, p.98) 5. Women didn’t gain the right to vote until the First World War. (Different in different countries.) 6. The company was caught up in some filthy business. 7. With the computer, you can solve the problem in a little while. 8. The students would keep making the same mistake if their teacher didn’t point it out.
Language work (C, p.99) 1.a. The little boy won’t go to bed alone until his mother comes back home. b. I won’t give him the check until he puts all the products into my warehouse. c. The teacher won’t let the students leave the classroom until he corrects all the mistakes on the examination paper.
Language work (C, p.99) 2.a. He couldn’t have minded my asking him one or two personal questions. b. She couldn’t have minded your comment on her personality because she was deaf. c. His friends couldn’t have minded Beethoven’s rude behavior since they knew how painful it was for him to become deaf.
Language work (C, p.9) 3.a. I don’t think it would hurt you to try on this thick coat. b. Wouldn’t it hurt you if you try to jump higher? (Or “would it hurt you to try to jump a little higher?” – This is quite rude.) c. It won’t hurt you to jump into the swimming pool.
Language work (C, p.99) 4.a. I tried to use the long knife to cut the watermelon into pieces instead of smashing it with my hands. b. He was so furious that he smashed the vase against the wall. c. Some naughty kids in my neighborhood smashed some bottles to pieces on the wall of my house.
Part III Extended Activities Dictation Dictation Read more Read more Grammar work Grammar work Word formation Word formation Vocabulary work Vocabulary work Translation Translation
Dictation Script of the Dictation A woman is waiting impatiently at home, wondering if the man she loves will phone her. She has been waiting a long time. She doesn’t call him first because she doesn’t like to disturb his work. She imagines what she will say when he finally rings, and decides to be sweet to him because she was nice to him at first. As time passes, she gets more and more impatient, until, by the end of the story, she is unable to wait any longer and starts to dial the number.
Read more True/False/Not Mentioned Answers: 1. NM 2. F 3. T 4. NM 5. T 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. NM Notes 1. head over heals in love with somebody: be madly in love with somebody 2. go on at somebody: to criticize somebody regularly or for a long time. 3. go off somebody: stop liking somebody. 4. feel out: to treat someone cautiously until you get to know their personality a little better. 5. have a row with somebody: have a quarrel with somebody
Grammar work 1.Original: --I saw Ann in the library yesterday. –You couldn’t see her. She is still abroad. Correct: -- I saw Ann in the library yesterday. – You couldn’t have seen her. She is still abroad. 2.Original: I left my bicycle here and it’s gone. It must be stolen. Correct: I left my bicycle here and it’s gone. It must have been stolen.
Grammar work 3.Original: -- How did he get out of the burning house? --He must get down from the window because that was the only way out. Correct: -- How did he get out of the burning house? -- He must have got down from the window because that was the only way out. 4. Original: Don’t remind me with that awful day. I made such a fool of myself when I called him up Correct: Don’t remind me of that awful day. I made such a fool of myself when I called him up. 5.Original: Divide 15 with 3. Tom, how much does it make? Correct: Divide 15 by 3. Tom, how much does it make? 6.Original: She asked me of a drink. Correct: She asked me for a drink.
Grammar work 7.Original: I could never forgive him because of his being so rude. Correct: I could never forgive him for his being so rude. 8.Original: The boy keeps troubling his mother by questions. Correct: The boy keeps troubling his mother with questions.
Word formation Answers: 1. countable 2. avoidable/unavoidable 3. valuable; valueless 4. unbelievable 5. sensible 6. unacceptable 7. changeable 8. agreeable
Vocabulary work (The milestones of life) Answers 1. crossed 2. changed 3. Bear 4. brought 5. take 6. set 7. speak 8. made up 9. put/set 10. keep
Translation 1. I’ll do it my own way if you don’t mind. 2. John couldn’t have been in the classroom. We were there just a few minutes ago. 3. Such rude behavior cannot be excused. 4. My salary went up by half when I changed companies. 5. The workers smashed the bottles with the hammer. 6. I don’t think it hurts (anybody) to get up earlier. 7. You are asking too much of me. 8. I keep making the same mistake. It’s really annoying.
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