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THE LOCATION OF SPAIN: The location of Spain consists of most of Iberian Peninsula the Balearic I slands, the Canary Islands and the autonomus cities.

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Presentation on theme: "THE LOCATION OF SPAIN: The location of Spain consists of most of Iberian Peninsula the Balearic I slands, the Canary Islands and the autonomus cities."— Presentation transcript:



3 THE LOCATION OF SPAIN: The location of Spain consists of most of Iberian Peninsula the Balearic I slands, the Canary Islands and the autonomus cities of Ceuta and Melilla.

4 THE LANDFORMS OF SPAIN: Six main landforms: The Inner Plateau two mountain chains; mountain ranges around the Plateau; five mountain ranges beyond the Plateau; two river basins beyond the Plateau and two archipelagos.

5 THE INNER PLATEAU: The Inner Plateau is an extensive plain that covers the center of the Iberian Peninsula.It extends throught: Castile and Leon, Castile-La Mancha, Madid and Extremadura. *The Central Mountain Chain: Includes mountain ranges for example, the Gata, Gredos and Guadarrama ranges, that dividesthe Inner Plateau in two parts :The Northern Sub-Plateau and the Southern Sub-Plateau. *The Mountains of Toledo: These are in the Southern Sub-Plateau. They are low mountains that separate the Tajo and Guadiana.

6 THE RELIF AND COASTS OF SPAIN THE MOUNTAINS OF THE INNER PLATEAU With mountains of 600m of average altitude. *The Central Mountain Chain. *The Mountains of Toledo. THE MOUNTAINS SORROUND THE INNER PLATEAU Is sorrunded by four groups of mountain: The Mountains of León, The Cantabrian Range, The Iberian Mountain Chain and The Sierra Morena.

7 THE MOUNTAINS BEYOND THE INEER PLATEAU Are five mountain ranges: the Glician Massif, the Basque Mountains, the Pyrennees, the Catalan Coastal Chain and the Betic Mountain Chain. RIVER BASINS BEYOND THE INNER PLATEAU There are two rivers: *The Ebro river basin: Flows from west to east. *The Guadalquivir river basin: Flows fom east to weast.

8 THE ARCHIPELAGOS Spain has two archipelagos: *The Balearic Islands:In the Mediterranean Sea, consists of: Mallorca,Menorca,Ibiza, Formentera and Cabrera. *The Canary Island: In the Atlantic Ocean, cosists of: Lanzarote,Fuerteventura,Gran Canaria,Tenerife,La Gomera,La Palma and El Hiero. THE COASTS Spain have 3 coasts: *The Cantabrian Coast:High and rocky. *The Atlantic Coast:High and rocky in Galicia, and low and sandy in Andalucia. *The Mediterranean Coast:Extensive beaches with rocky areas.

9 THE EUROPEAN COASTLINE Europe have a very extensive coastline, and the coasts are very irregular. Oceans: Consists of the Artic Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. Seas: Consists of North Sea,Baltic Sea,Mediterranaen Sea,Black Sea and Caspian Sea.

10 THE LOCATION AND RELIEF OF EUROPE THE MOUNTAINS *Mountains in northem Europe:This mountains have rounded peaks and are bellow the 2,500meters, like. Scandinavian Mountains and Ural Mountains. *Mountains in the southern Europe:This include the highest mountain ranges.Pyrenees,Alps… THE PLAINS *The Great European Plain:From the north and Baltic Seas, to Alps and Carpathians. *The Eastern European Plain:This extends from the White Sea and the Barents Sea, to Ural Mountains.

11 EUROPEAN PENINSULAS AND ISLANDS PENINSULAS The main European peninsulas are: *In the north:The Kola,Scandinavian, and Jutland Peninsulas. *In the south: The Italian,Iberian and Balkan Peninsulas. ISLANDS *In the north: Iceland,Great Britan and Ireland. *In the south: Balearic Islands, Malta…

12 OTHER EUROPEAN COASTAL LANDFORMS There are other coastal landfoms: *Gulfs: Large bays. *Capes: Are high points of land that stick out into a sea or an ocean.. *Fjords: Are valleys into sea water enters. (only in Scandinavian Peninsula.) *Straits: Are waterways that connect two bodies of water.



15 GAMES e-rivers.html coastal-relief-of-spain-game's_inl and_and_coastal_relief- CONTENIDOS/contenido/index.html

16 ACTIVITIES *What are the names of the two river basing beyond the plateau? Ebro and Guadalquivir *The two mountains of the inner plateau? The Central Mountain Chain and The Mountains of Toledo. *What are gulfs? Are large bays.


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