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 Discipleship Anytime. Anywhere..  The Ministry of D-Life Mark 6:7-13, 30-32 Part 3 / Lesson 6.

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Presentation on theme: " Discipleship Anytime. Anywhere..  The Ministry of D-Life Mark 6:7-13, 30-32 Part 3 / Lesson 6."— Presentation transcript:

1  Discipleship Anytime. Anywhere.

2  The Ministry of D-Life Mark 6:7-13, 30-32 Part 3 / Lesson 6

3 Introduction The next three practices of D-Life are the secret to true biblical discipleship.

4 Main Lesson Living the D-Life involves doing the work of ministry and evangelism outside the walls of the church.

5 1. D-Groups must obey the call to ministry and evangelism. Jesus called His disciples to do the work of ministry and evangelism they had observed Him doing.

6 2. D-Groups must share a commitment to ministry and evangelism. When Jesus called His disciples and sent them out to do ministry, not one of them objected.

7 2. D-Groups must share a commitment to ministry and evangelism.  Disciples must prepare for the work of ministry and evangelism.

8 2. D-Groups must share a commitment to ministry and evangelism.  Disciples must prepare for the work of ministry and evangelism.  Disciples must participate in the work of ministry and evangelism.

9 The Minimum Goal The minimum goal of every D-Group is to work together on one community ministry and evangelism project every two months.

10  Love  Listen  Discern  Respond D-Life Approach to Evangelism “Is there anything we can pray for you about?”

11 3. D-Groups must join in celebration of ministry and evangelism. Times of celebration and reflection after each ministry project are valuable opportunities for personal discipleship.

12 Take Aways  Living the D-Life requires a commitment to the work of ministry and evangelism.

13 Take Aways  Living the D-Life requires a commitment to the work of ministry and evangelism.  Living the D-Life involves on the job training in the work of ministry and evangelism.

14 Take Aways  Living the D-Life requires a commitment to the work of ministry and evangelism.  Living the D-Life involves on the job training in the work of ministry and evangelism.  Living the D-Life demands that we do the work of ministry and evangelism outside the walls of the church.

15 Take Aways  Living the D-Life requires a commitment to the work of ministry and evangelism.  Living the D-Life involves on the job training in the work of ministry and evangelism.  Living the D-Life demands that we do the work of ministry and evangelism outside the walls of the church.  The minimum goal of every D-Group is to work together on one community ministry and evangelism project every two months.

16  The Multiplication of D-Life 2 Timothy 2:1-7 Part 3 / Lesson 7

17 Introduction The Kingdom principle of multiplying disciples is one of the most necessary and neglected practices of discipleship.

18 Main Lesson Living the D-Life requires the multiplication of disciples; apart from multiplication there is no real discipleship.

19 1. The multiplication of D-Life is empowered. We can be filled with dynamite-like power for the purpose of multiplying disciples.

20 2. The multiplication of D-Life is explained. Multiplication is God’s secret principle of how the kingdom is to grow. God’s plan for discipleship in His kingdom is not addition, but multiplication.

21  Every D-Group multiplies yearly.  Every D-Group has at least three disciples. The Multiplication of D-Life The Plan :

22 D-GROUP Multiplication Exponential Kingdom Growth FAITHFUL MEN PAUL & TIMOTHY PAUL OTHERS

23 The Miracle of Multiplication  Year 4 = 8 D-Groups / 24 Others (minimum)

24 Miracle of Multiplication  Year 4 = 8 D-Groups / 24 Others  Year 10 = 512 D-Groups / 1,536 Others

25 Miracle of Multiplication  Year 4 = 8 D-Groups / 24 Others  Year 10 = 512 D-Groups / 1,536 Others  Year 20 = 524,288 D-Groups / 1,572,864 Others

26 Miracle of Multiplication  Year 4 = 8 D-Groups / 24 Others  Year 10 = 512 D-Groups / 1,536 Others  Year 20 = 524,288 D-Groups / 1,572,864 Others  Year 30 = 536,870,912 D-Groups / Over 1.5 Billion Others

27 3. The multiplication if D-Life is expected. We are called by God to make disciples who will make disciples.

28  We must have the dedication of a soldier. 3. The multiplication if D-Life is expected.

29  We must have the dedication of a soldier.  We must have the discipline of an athlete. 3. The multiplication if D-Life is expected.

30  We must have the dedication of a soldier.  We must have the discipline of an athlete.  We must have the diligence of a farmer. 3. The multiplication if D-Life is expected.

31  You can turn over your D-Group to a new leader and co-leader. Multiplying New D-Groups

32  You can turn over your D-Group to a new leader and co-leader.  You can divide the D-Group in half. Multiplying New D-Groups

33  You can turn over your D-Group to a new leader and co-leader.  You can divide the D-Group in half.  You can divide the D-Group in thirds. Multiplying New D-Groups

34  You can turn over your D-Group to a new leader and co-leader.  You can divide the D-Group in half.  You can divide the D-Group in thirds.  You can send out a new leader and co-leader. Multiplying New D-Groups

35  You can turn over your D-Group to a new leader and co-leader.  You can divide the D-Group in half.  You can divide the D-Group in thirds.  You can send out a new leader and co-leader.  New D-Groups can meet at the same place as before. Multiplying New D-Groups

36  You can turn over your D-Group to a new leader and co-leader.  You can divide the D-Group in half.  You can divide the D-Group in thirds.  You can send out a new leader and co-leader.  New D-Groups can meet at the same place as before.  New D-Groups may need to move to a new time and place. Multiplying New D-Groups

37  You can turn over your D-Group to a new leader and co-leader.  You can divide the D-Group in half.  You can divide the D-Group in thirds.  You can send out a new leader and co-leader.  New D-Groups can meet at the same place as before.  New D-Groups may need to move to a new time and place.  On-going training of new D-Group leaders is essential. Multiplying New D-Groups

38 4. The multiplication of D-Life is exciting. Few things are more exciting and fulfilling for a true follower of Christ than that of multiplying disciples.

39 The Ultimate D-Life Commitment A lifetime lifestyle of making disciples is the ultimate D-Life commitment.

40 The D-Life 4G Challenge 2 Timothy 2:1-2  Lead a D-Group of at least three people for four consecutive years.  Multiply one new D-Group each year for four consecutive years.  Coach each new D-Group leader that you send out for four consecutive years.  Oversee the continuing multiplication of every D-Group in your D- Life 4G Network for four consecutive years.

41 D-Life 4G Network  Year 1 (1 st Generation) – 1 D-Group / At least 3 Disciples  Year 2 (2 nd Generation) – 2 D-Group / At least 6 Disciples  Year 3 (3 rd Generation) – 4 D-Group / At least 12 Disciples  Year 4 (4 th Generation) – 8 D-Group / At least 24 Disciples

42 Take Aways  Multiplying disciples is what God has called you to do.

43 Take Aways  Multiplying disciples is what God has called you to do.  Multiplying disciples is what God will empower you to do.

44 Take Aways  Multiplying disciples is what God has called you to do.  Multiplying disciples is what God will empower you to do.  Multiplying disciples is what God will reward you to do.

45 Take Aways  Multiplying disciples is what God has called you to do.  Multiplying disciples is what God will empower you to do.  Multiplying disciples is what God will reward you to do.  Multiplying disciples results in exponential growth of God’s kingdom.

46  The Accountability of D-Life John 21:15-17 Part 3 / Lesson 8

47 Introduction Miraculous transformation can occur through loving spiritual accountability.

48 Main Lesson Living the D-Life involves loving spiritual accountability in the context of a caring relational environment.

49 1. Lives are changed by living the D-Life. In our D-Groups, we hold one another accountable in three important areas of spiritual commitment.

50  Commitment to the Word of God. 1. Lives are changed by living the D-Life.

51  Commitment to the Word of God.  Commitment to our walk with God. 1. Lives are changed by living the D-Life.

52  Commitment to the Word of God.  Commitment to our walk with God.  Commitment to our work and witness for God. 1. Lives are changed by living the D-Life.

53 2. Leaders are called to live the D-Life. In spite of our failures, insecurities, inadequacies, and shortcomings, we are all called to live the D-Life.

54 3. Let us commit to living the D-Life. There is no good excuse to not live the D-Life.

55  Living the D-Life is a priority commitment. 3. Let us commit to living the D-Life.

56  Living the D-Life is a priority commitment.  Living the D-Life is a personal commitment. 3. Let us commit to living the D-Life.

57 Take Aways  Jesus has called you to live the D-Life.

58 Take Aways  Jesus has called you to live the D-Life.  You are empowered to live the D-Life.

59 Take Aways  Jesus has called you to live the D-Life.  You are empowered to live the D-Life.  Will you commit to living the D-Life?

60  Fill out the D-Life commitment card.  Begin praying about who you will ask to join you in a D-Group.  Start meeting with those whom you want to ask and invite them to join your D-Group.  Begin meeting with your D-Group as soon as possible. Commitment to Live the D-Life

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